34: The mysterious strategist

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The tent was large with scrolls and papers scattered around the place. Only the light of candles illuminated the dark tent, casting a dim yellow glow.

I looked around the area with curiosity and found a large map spread on the table at one side. I checked the map to see if any places had been marked which could give away their next move but no, there wasn't a hint of ink on the paper.

There were also drink glasses. What I noticed was the variety of alcohols and wine bottles stocked up at the corner of the tent. The strategist clearly enjoyed his drinks.

My footsteps were silent on the ground. I was an expert in spying. So, I knew how to control my breath and pace whenever I sneaked to some place.

I noticed a figure sleeping on the bed with the back turned to me. Found the strategist.

I slowly walked closer to catch a glimpse of that person. I halted my steps as I finally reached closer to the bed.

I nearly stopped breathing.

The only thought on my head was, The strategist isn't a man but a woman! I had never been more shocked in my life.

From the gap on the roof of the tent, the moon light peaked inside. The moon cast it's silver glow on her face, illuminating her face. My breath got caught in my throat and I suddenly felt something stir inside me. Not just any woman. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life.

She was simply enchanting and I had never seen anyone look so peaceful in their sleep before. Utterly beautiful. It was as if the angels had taken an extra time to carve her face.

I had never been a man who was charmed by beauties. But even for me, this was entirely a different matter.

Her long hair framed her beautiful face and only the sound of her soft breathing was audible inside the tent.

Wait. This woman could be the wife or lover of the strategist for all I know.

It wasn't that I didn't believe in the capability of a woman to be a strategist. That also one, who was leading a war. If women wanted to, they could conquer the world and I knew that. My grandma raised me alone and I knew her to be the most powerful person. But everyone had assumed that the person was a man and I was naturally confused.

I took a sharp intake of breath as I finally snapped out of my reverie. Mistake!

That small sound didn't go unnoticed by the woman. Her eyes fluttered open. I was frozen in my tracks as I found myself staring back at the most intriguing pair of eyes I had ever seen in my entire life.

They were hazel coloured. A mixture of brown with amber and green. Usually, this type of colour radiated with the warmth of the golden glow in them. But no, not for her.

Instead, her eyes were the sharpest brown infused with green. And something about them was so intimidating. Like an eagle aiming at it's prey. They didn't radiate with warmth. Those eyes were rather filled with coldness, arctic coldness that could freeze hell.

And I was frozen by the sheer intensity of that gaze. She stared at me underneath her long eyelashes, assessing me. Her cold and calculating gaze said that I was in a lot of trouble and the thing was I didn't even mind. I was a goner.

With one swift motion, so fast and agile, she plucked out the dagger underneath her pillow and held it in front of my neck.

"Who are you?", She asked coldly as she held me hostage underneath the sharp blade.

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