20: Crashing and Club

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"No! No! No! We are not going there!", Jungkook said looking completely panicked. He had a horrified look on his face and I had to stop myself from laughing too hard.

"But I am hungry and I want to get some food.", I stated.

"We can go to a restaurant. Please. I will pay. You can order whatever you want. Even for your whole company, if you want.", He pleaded.

"No. We are going here.", I responded firmly.


"Shut up, you are going to listen to me today."

"But why do we have to crash the wedding?!", He looked so agitated as he observed the venue where the wedding was taking place. We were right outside the entrance and he was looking around us in an alarmed manner, hoping that we wouldn't get caught.

You might think that this is my mother's wedding place but I am smart enough not to attend that.

"But you are dumb enough to crash another person's wedding.", Jungkook deadpanned and I glared at him.

I didn't know whose wedding this was but we were going. It was in my bucket list to crash someone's wedding. So, here we go.

"Please rethink this.", He told, looking back and forth between me and the entrance.

"Cinderella crashed a ball. You are gonna crash a wedding.", I told.

"Cinderella didn't crash the ball. She was invited for god's sake. Everyone was invited.", He tried to reason.

"I am not listening.", I crossed my arms.

"No--No!", Jungkook protested but I dragged him inside along with me. There was no security outside. So, it made the things ten times more easier.

We slowly sneaked to the buffet area and began putting food on our plates. There were no people around the buffet area. So, we were safe from any interrogations. Jungkook relaxed a bit after knowing that no one was on our tail but he still couldn't help himself from looking around in suspicion.

We started chowing down the food. It was delicious, to say the least. There were food of various items and only Jungkook and I were eating hungrily at the side far from the couple whose wedding was taking place. We were sitting at the table which was closest to the buffet area. Some people would give weird looks to us which had "Why are you eating like pigs?" written all over on their faces. But we were too busy to care.

After having a great plate of food and a final bite of the dessert, I was full. Even Jungkook looked happy now, his initial worries all gone away.

I was about to steal a chicken piece from his plate when someone interrupted us.

"Hello everyone.", A man greeted us. Jungkook froze in his seat but I gave the man a warm smile. "Hello. May I help you?"

"I haven't seen you around before. Whose side are you from? The bride's or the groom's?"

"The bride's.", I replied. "She is so pretty, isn't she?", I put a hand on my heart. "God bless her and her husband's life."

Jungkook let out a quiet chuckle at that and I hit his leg  from under the table. He shut up immediately.

"Right, right, she is.", The man said. "I am from the groom's side. No wonder I don't remember you two at all."

Thank God, he is from the groom's side otherwise our cover would have been blown.

The man eyed the piles of plates on our table. "Is the food good?", He asked dubiously.

"The food is delicious. It's so good!", I told while Jungkook focused his attention on eating again.

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