30: To Love Someone

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"What do you mean he left?", I questioned Lucy early in the morning, my eyes were wide in surprise.

"Yes, Your Highness. His Highness caught an early morning flight. He informed that he would be flying to Burundi today for an event. It was sudden."

"I see.", I muttered.

He left and he didn't even tell me...

It felt as if it was just some minutes ago, I was dancing in his arms and now he was gone and the emptiness that came along with it, made my heart heavy.

"What will you be doing now, Kiara? I would love it if you stayed here for some more days.", Grandma said smiling warmly.

"I would love to, grandma. But I have left my work for a while. I will have to get back to it. I am sorry.", I apologized.

"Don't apologize, dear. I wish you best of luck on your work."

"Thank you, grandma."

"Don't worry about him. I am sure he meant to inform you but he was in haste and you were exhausted from yesterday's ball. He mustn't have wanted to disturb you."

"Yes. . . .certainly.", I said with uncertainty. "I will start packing now. Please excuse me."

"Sure, honey."

After that, I left the dining hall and went to my bedroom. I packed my belongings in the suitcase. Then, I shifted towards the window and observed the green lawn, flowers and palaces all around the area. It was astonishing how much I felt at home here. I hadn't been here for many days but this place almost felt like a home to me and the thought of leaving left me in disappointment.

But the Pristine launch day was almost here and as much as I wanted to stay, I needed to go and get things done. I couldn't slack off.

Later that day, I exchanged my goodbyes with grandma, Lucy and the other maids and butler. I was escorted to the airport and the royal jet was prepared to take me back to Seoul.

As I settled myself in the comfortable seat, I stared out of the window to catch a last glimpse of the picturesque scenery of Busan. There was only one thought in my mind.

I will be back.


It has been the busiest two weeks I have ever experienced. The first week consisted of the launch of Pristine and the advertisement activities. Taehyung did a wonderful job as the brand ambassador.

I was really happy because of the success of the perfume. The perfume had  sold out just in a day after it was launched in all the major markets and had to be restocked shortly after. It was turning out to be a huge success and it's high demand was unlike any other product I had sold till now. It must have been because of Mr Kim's face. He could sell out a plastic bag with a face like that.

The challenge that had been given to me on the first day had been successfully completed, leaving those old shareholders baffled. They had no reason to not believe in me now and though they were keeping a cool and calm upfront, they were certainly not happy behind their smiling demeanor.

And Jungkook....

He hasn't talked to me.

Wait, he has. He called once saying why he had left early that day and another time, saying a formal congratulations on the success of Pristine. Other than that, he hasn't talked. The silence on his part was excruciating.

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