42: Kissing a rose

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This took some time to write 


"I will."

"Are you crazy? What are you trying to do?!", The woman who was labelled as the worst blabbermouth in the entire Busan, stood gaping at me.

All the eyes were fixed on me, faces full of disbelief and utter shock.

"Preparing some spicy gossip for your next tea-party. Why? Won't you love it?", I gave a sardonic smile and exited the box, leaving baffled faces behind.

I got to the floor of the main hall. Grandma also followed me.

"Madam, ahem. . . .your identity?", The herald asked me as I stood in front of the grand door. He had  seen me up at the box.

What was I supposed to say?

I had never thought that I would see days where my name would create much trouble for me.

"She is with me.", Grandma's voice cut in.  "A relative of mine. Address her as Lady Kim."

The herald bowed his head and proceeded to announce.

"Lady Kim and Madam Jeon of the Jeon family is approaching!"

I strode inside the hall. The hall was filled with men only. They stared at me as if I were some foreign being that they had no clue about.

"Who are you?", The man who had created this whole ruckus asked, raising his eyebrow.

"The herald just announced.  Apart from lacking humanity, do you lack your hearing sense as well?", I asked, giving a smile.

The others laughed at that remark. The man immediately turned red. "I-I was merely going to ask your first name."

"What my first name is doesn't have any business with you. You asked for a lady and you got one. Proceed. ", I told.

He crossed his arms, trying to gain some confidence. "We can't let ladies of unknown identity participate."

"She belongs to my family, Lord Kang.", Grandma rescued me in time.

The man glanced at grandma haughtily.

"Madam Jeon, is she from Busan? I have never seen her around  before. She doesn't look like a citizen of Busan.", He said, scrutinizing my appearance.

"What does it matter? Didn't you just say any ladies can come here?", I asked, my voice becoming chilling cold.

"Well, this is a festival of Busan and we don't want any outsiders messing with our traditions. Unless, you have some real relation, don't bother to show up.", He glared at me.

He ignored me and ran his eyes across the crowd. "So, anyone?"

I was getting furious by the minute. I glanced at the poor boy who was tied up on the board. I couldn't have an innocent killed.

"Real relation you say?" , I raised my eyebrow, taking a step towards him.

The man turned towards me.

"Then, is the fiancée of the General of Busan good enough of a relation to you?", I asked.

"What?!", Everyone's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as they heard me. Immediately, people started whispering and murmuring to their companions.

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