L- Loser

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Hi ! So I didn't have many ideas for this one so I hope this one isn't disappointing . Hope you enjoy ! ⚠️ Trigger Warnings Apply ⚠️ * I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters*

Henry's POV

I was in the middle of a battle with Swellview's worst criminal ,Drex . It was a long and hard battle but we finally got him in jail .
Ray : Nice work Kid Danger .
Henry : Same to you Captain Man .
* time skip 2 months later .*
Mary ( news reporter ) : We just received news that Swellview's worst criminal has escaped prison . Now ,Trent ,do we know if Drex has any evil plans in store ?
Trent ( other news reporter ) : Uh ,no Mary . We are still waiting to find out .
Mary : Well do we know if he has a list of demands ?
Trent : Mary all we know is that Drex escaped .
Mary : So his list of demands was to escape prison ?
Trent : You know what ? Sure .
Mary:You heard it for yourself folks.Drex has already started his list of demands by escaping prison .
* Trent sighs *

Henry : Ray ! Ray get down here now ?
Ray : What is it kid ?
Henry : Drex escaped from prison .
Ray : We have to find him now!  Suit up kid !
We transformed and ran for the tubes .
Ray : call it !
Henry : Up The Tube !
Just in case you're wondering , we found him without a problem . We just didn't know what bad things were coming our way .

* time skip *
We approached the bakery where we had last found him last time he escaped . We both hoped the evil villain would be here .
Ray : okay , stay quiet .
Henry : And here I was about to scream my way into the bakery .
Ray : You know what I mean !
I laughed at Ray in my head .
I walked in nervous of what may happen . Last time I came here for Drex he spanked me while everyone was filming it . I didn't even have to see it online to know that everyone had posted the video . If anyone was able to film a superhero's sidekick get spanked by the villain , you know their going to post it . I quietly entered trying not to make a sound meanwhile Ray was breathing loudly .
Henry : Do you have to breathe so loud ?
Ray : I'm not breathing loud !
Henry : Shhhhhh !
Ray : Ughh
Just then out of no where Drex jumped out .
Drex : Well hello Captain Man and Kid Danger !
Ray : Drex !
Henry : How did you escape prison ? !
Drex : Quite simple really . When Kid Danger closed me in the cell the keys fell out of his pocket . The guards didn't notice since they always have to sets of keys for each cell . So I gave it time for everyone to forget about it , and of course for me to make a plan to destroy , then , I took action .
Henry : Wait , so what your saying is , it's my fau-
Drex : Yes it's completely your fault .
Drex loves interrupting me for some reason .
Drex : Wow captain man . You must be pretty mad at your sidekick right now . He let the worst criminal escape from prison !
Ray : I'm sure it was accident .
Drex : oh so like the one time I made a mistake while I was your sidekick , I got fired , but when your precious kid makes a mistake , it's no big deal .
Ray : You never made a mistake . You killed that innocent civilian on purpose !
So that's how Drex turned evil ? He killed an innocent person ? !
Ray : You were never a great sidekick and even though Henry had made a HUGE mistake but dropping the keys , he never did it on purpose .
I'm really shocked at what he's saying . Ray would always get like REALLY mad if I put one shred of lettuce in his sandwiches , but he's being so cool about how I accidentally let out the worst person ever out of prison . Ray may not be mad , but I am hating myself right now . It's my fault . It's my fault . It's my fault . Those words just kept repeating in my head . I'm a terrible sidekick ! I'm such a loser ! I kept hearing like my name was being yelled but I couldn't concentrate . All I could think about how I failed captain man . All of a sudden something just tackled me to the ground . HARD . It was Drex . I couldn't get up . Drex was still on me . Even if he wasn't I still probably wouldn't have gotten up . I'm just a loser . I let out the worst person in the Swellview . It's my fault . It's my fault . It's my fault . I didn't even notice when Drex had been beating me and how blood was going everywhere . How I didn't notice ? I don't even know . I was just in shock . IT'S MY FAULT .
Ray's POV
I tried to help Henry but I got stuck again . I may have a nut cluster problem after all . I was pulling as hard as I could but it was no use . Why wasn't the kid fighting back ? He was just laying on the ground letting Drex beat him up . This isn't like Henry at all . Of course , usually no one would just sit there and let themselves get beat up . Something was going on in that kid's head . But what ?
Ray : Kid ! Come on just fight back !
Drex : Shut up !
He just sat there . He had this look of disappointment in his eyes . Does he seriously think it's his fault about Drex ? It was just an accident ! That can't be it . No something else has to be going on with him . I pulled and pulled but my hands just weren't coming lose .
Ray : Come on kid ! Fight back !
He was just letting Drex beat him to a bloody pulp .
Henry's POV
Finally Drex stopped beating me . But I barley noticed . I deserved to be beaten anyway . What kind of sidekick let's a villain like him escape from prison ? Or any villain for matter !I'm such a loser . I just laid there with blood all over me and the floor .
Drex : Ha ! You call that a sidekick ! I can't believe you still want him Captain Man !
Ray : Shut up and let me out of here !
Drex : Nah I think I'll just leave . Bye !
Then he left . Wow . Did I just let him escape twice ? I such a loser .
Ray's POV
Drex just left . He left me with my hands stuck in a box and he left Henry on the floor to bleed out . I was more confused than angry with Henry . While I  was mad he just let Drex leave without a fight , I was concerned for Henry . He wouldn't just sit there and let Drex do all of that unless there was something wrong . Then I saw Henry start to lose consciousness. What do I do ? ! I can't break my hands free so therefore I can't even call for help .
Ray : Hen- Kid Danger stay awake !
That was close . Although there isn't even anyone in the bakery so what does it matter ?
Henry : Wh- why do y- you ca- care ? I'm the whole re- reason we're in th- this mess .
He does think it's his fault . I mean , I guess it is but it was just an accident ! How was he supposed to know the keys fell out of his pocket ? !
Ray : Listen kid , I'm not mad at all ! You want to know a truth about me ? I once did the same ! Before I had Drex as my sidekick ! That caught his attention .
Henry : Wait what ? !
Ray : It's true ! I felt just as guilty as you did . But you know what ? We are all human . We all make mistakes . And no matter how bad the mistake was , we should always forgive each other . I'm not mad at you . Especially since the same thing happened to me !
Henry : You never told me this story before .
Ray : Well , I'm telling it to you now . But you can't be so hard on yourself . We'll get Drex back in prison and this time just double check that we have the keys in our hand .
He laughed at that . It feels good to know that I'm not the only person who let a villain escape now .
Ray : Kid , do you think you can get up ?
He just tried but failed . He tried again and made it , but I could tell that it hurt . He limped over to me .
Ray : Get my phone out my pocket and call Schwoz .
Henry : kk .
Schwoz ( on phone ) : Yeah ?
Henry and Ray ( it's on speaker ) Ray : Listen Henry got beat up pretty bad by Drex. Henry :And Ray fell for the nut cluster trick again and got his hands stuck .
Schwoz : Okay where are you ?
Henry : Swellview bakery .
Schwoz : Okay stay where you are . I'll bring everything I need to help both of you . Henry don't move at all . Just sit down if you're not already .
Henry : Okay .
* call ends *
Ray : You heard him kid , sit down .
Henry : Fine .
* schwoz arrives *
Schwoz okay Henry can you get to the man van ?
Henry : I think so .
He got up but immediately fell down .
Henry : Sorry , just got a little dizzy .
Schwoz : just stay there . I'm going to free Ray then we'll get you back to the man cave .
Henry : kk .
Schwoz got me free and I picked Henry up and carried him to the man van .
Henry's POV
It's kinda embarrassing being picked up and carried like that but at this point I didn't care . I felt like I was about to pass out . We were almost to the man van when something jumped out at us . Drex .
Drex : Awww does little Kid Danger need to be carried ?
Ray : Drex !
Ray hesitated but put me down . It was fine . I think I can walk since we're literally at the man van . I wanted to help fight but I was starting to lose consciousness again so I just got in the man van and let Ray fight this battle . In about half an hour Drex was defeated . Ray called the cops and they took him to jail . Only this time the cops put him in high security . It would extremely hard for Drex to escape again. We went back to the man cave and Schwoz scanned me . It actually wasn't bad . Just lost a lot of blood . Not enough to hurt me , but enough for me to pass out which I almost did . All would be okay .
* time skip *
It's been two weeks since our battle with Drex and I no longer feel as guilty as I did . Ray helped me realize that mistakes happen , and you can't let them control you . Part of me will always feel bad for letting Drex escape , but I no longer just spend every waking moment angry at myself like I did . Everything would be okay .

Sooo , I hope you like it . I didn't have many ideas for this so I hope it wasn't terrible . See you tomorrow for my next chapter letter !

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