X - X Marks The Spot

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Hi ! Here is my new chapter letter for today . Hope you guys like it .  ⚠️ Trigger Warnings Apply  ⚠️  *  I do not own Henry Danger Or Any Of The Characters  *
Season 3 ages

Henry's  POV

Today , we were all bored out of our minds . There was literally no crimes , no one is at
Junk n' Stuff , probably because it's two days before Christmas and everyone is out of town . No customers . No crime . Nothing to do .
Ray : come on guys ,there has to be something we can do !
Henry : Like what ?
Ray : I don't know ,  but there has to be something !
Ray got up and started walking around the room when suddenly he fell through the floor . It reminds me of the time when Ray and I got trapped at that old dvd store in Bata Maximus. Only this time , he fell all the way through . We all ran over to find him but he just popped back up in the hole .
Ray : Guys I found something !
Jasper : what ?
Ray : This old lunch bag !
Charlotte: Ewww , Ray!
Henry : Why would you pick that up ?
Jasper : Ohhh is there a sandwich in there ? !
Ray : I don't know , but there is definitely something in here .
Ray finished climbing out of the hole now covered in dust and cobwebs and opened the sandwich bag . Inside it was a rolled up piece of paper .
Ray : A piece of paper ?
Jasper : Awww , no sandwich .
We all cut him a weird look .
Ray: I think I know what this is .
Henry : What ?
Ray : When I was a kid , I used to bury my homework in a bag .
Charlotte : Really Ray ?
Ray: Yes ,who still does homework ?
Henry : Everybody .
Ray : Well you guys are no fun ! Although I remember I used to draw sad faces on my bag before I buried it , you know because it has homework in it , but this bag doesn't have a sad face on it .
Henry : we'll just unroll the paper and see what it is .
He unrolled the paper to see what looked like a treasure map .
Charlotte : It looks like a treasure map .
Ray : Yes thank you Charlotte we can see that .
Henry : Hey there's something else in the bag .
Ray pulled out the other thing from the bag,and it was a sticky note .
Ray: It looks like a note .
Charlotte : Yes,thank you Ray we can see that .
Ray : how dare you !
Henry : Come on just read the note Ray .
Ray : fine !
Ray: The note says ...
Ray , inclosed in the bag is a map to a treasure hunt to find a hidden truth . Please make sure a smart person is with you so I know you actually find what you are looking for .
Sincerely ,
When Ray finished we were all biting our tongues trying not to laugh . Except for Ray that is .
Henry : wait ,who's Maya ?
Ray : I don't know .
Jasper : Well , are we going to find the treasure or not ? !
Charlotte : Yeah let's go !
Ray : Well , since this Maya lady says that a smart person should lead I guess Charlotte should read the map .
There was annoyance in Ray's voice . I couldn't blame him either.
Charlotte : Okay , well the map has its starting point here and it leads to ... the elevator .
We all rushed to the elevator .
Charlotte : okay it should be in this wall .
Ray : pffft , yeah Charlotte . That's a wall in a elevator . How could any clues be in there ?
Henry : That's because it opens .
Ray : What ?!
Jasper : Yeah ,it's a secret tunnel .
Ray : And when did you guys figure that out ?
Henry : while you were making fun of Charlotte .
Ray : whatever let's just go .
We walked through the tunnel for what seemed like forever until we FINALLY came to a stop .
Charlotte : okay , so the next route is there .
She pointed to the ground .
Ray : let me guess . There is some kind of secret door in the ground as well ?
Jasper : Yup !
Ray : well I actually wasn't expecting that .
* while whispering *
Jasper : I can see why the note told Ray to bring a smart person with him .
Henry : Yeah me too .
We opened the next secret door which revealed stairs going down to a dark quiet room . We got out our phones and turned on the flashlights as we made our way down .
Charlotte : Stop !
We all immediately stopped almost falling into one another .
Ray : what , are you scared Charlotte ?
Charlotte : no , I mean the the treasure should be here .
Jasper : it must be in the step !
Ray : But how are we supposed to pry the step op-
Henry : got it !
Ray : okay well ... do you see anything ?
Henry : yeah ,this small box !
Ray : well come on ! Let's go back to the man cave and open it !
We all ran as fast as we could to the man cave and piled up on the couch .
Ray opened the box and it revealed pictures .
Ray : I'm confused . Why is there pictures in here ? The note said the treasure held a hidden truth . I already know pictures exist .
We each took out a picture and looked at it .
Henry : wait , this picture .
Charlotte : what about it ?
Henry : the baby in it . That's... me .
Jasper : what ?
We all stared at the picture but no matter how many times we tried to deny it ,that was a picture of me , as a baby with a woman .
Henry : wait there's something written on the back !
Ray,the truth is ... the pictures of me and the baby ,he's our son . His name is
Henry Prudence Manchester . The real reason I left you was because I was afraid you would hate me if you found out I was pregnant . So I left . I couldn't take care of him so I gave him to be adopted by a lovely family called the Harts . I hope our son grows up to be an amazing young boy and I'm sorry I left you because of my stupid fears . I realize now that you would never hate me . We are married for goodness sakes ! Or were . I just figured you had a right to know at sometime . That we have a son out there somewhere .

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