Y - You Are Amazing

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Hi ! I didn't have many ideas for this one so I hope it's not bad . Hope you enjoy ! ⚠️ Trigger Warnings Apply ⚠️ * I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *
Season 3 ages
Henry's POV
I was in class taking a test . Though I knew there was no point in me taking a test . The truth is , when I was younger I was diagnosed with a learning disability . I have trouble concentrating , memorizing any facts or how to do a math problem or something like that , basically any skills I would need for school . I have tried and tried so hard to learn , but I just can't . I have spent hours of studying for a test but no matter what , I just can't pass . My parents just say I'm not trying hard enough . They say my learning disability is no excuse . But they have no idea what it's like for me . For someone with a disability like mine . They don't realize how hard I try , how late I stay up studying , but it doesn't matter . Even the time where I spent the entire day studying and I still got a D on my test . My parents get so mad at me . Kids at my school laugh and tease me for not being as smart as them , it hurts knowing that I can't do things like them . Now , Ms . Shapen is grading our tests . I guess I'll be yelled at again tonight . The bell just rang so I got up and headed over to Junk n' Stuff .
Charlotte : Hey Henry !
Henry : Hey Char .
Charlotte : So how do you think you did on the test ?
Henry : okay , I guess .
The truth is no one knows about my learning disability . ESPECIALLY Charlotte . She's so smart that she would only laugh at how stupid I am . We walked into the elevator and soon entered the man cave .
Ray : Hey guys !
Charlotte : Hey Ray !
Henry : Hey Ray .
Ray : Everything okay kid ?
Henry : yeah , I'm fine .
I can't let Ray know either . He would just laugh like Charlotte would if they found out . I already give myself enough hate for not being smart like everyone else , I don't want it from anyone else .
Ray's POV
When the kids came in Charlotte seemed happy , but Henry just seemed kinda down . I assumed he just had a rough day at school so I just let it go .
Ray : You guys wanna play a game ?
Charlotte : I would but I have homework .
Ray : Pfft . " I'm Charlotte I have homework . "
Charlotte just rolled her eyes while Henry just had a sad look in his eyes . He always laughs when I mock Charlotte like that . Whatever happened at school must have been bad . Is he getting bullied again ? I hope not .
Ray : Henry is there anything you wanna do ?
Henry : No , not really .
Ray : Henry can I talk to you real quick ?
Henry : I guess .
We went behind the secret door and I began .
Ray : Henry , be honest , is something bothering you ?
Henry : no , why would you ask that ?
Ray : Because you have been acting down these past few weeks . Are you getting bullied again or something ?
Henry : What ? No ! Look Ray , I appreciate your concern but nothing's s wrong .
Ray : You know I can tell when your lying .
Henry : Well , I'm not . Everything's okay .
And with that , he got up and left .
Henry's POV
Ray is on to me . I have to at least start pretending everything is okay , or eventually everyone will know the truth . I just went back to the main area of the man cave and sat down next to Charlotte who was busy with her homework . Might as well start with mine . Not that it matters . I got out my homework from my bag and got to work . Unfortunately , I had a ton of homework , so this is going to take forever . I started with math , my least favorite subject . Might as well get it out of the way . When I opened the book it was as if I was reading a foreign language . I looked over at Charlotte who was flying through her homework . Show off. I tried to take it step by step but I just couldn't get it . I eventually decided to try science homework . But it was the same thing . I couldn't understand anything they were talking about . I moved on to Biology . Yes , they separated those classes at my school . I couldn't take it anymore . I just shut my book and put all of my homework away . This happens every day anyways . My parents won't even help me study anymore . They tried to , but eventually they gave up on trying to help me , and told me I was just going to have to do it on my own . I looked at my watch and realized how late it was . I gathered my things and went home .
* time skip *
Mr . Hart : Henry Hart what is this ? !
They showed me my test from earlier that had an F on it .
Mrs . Hart : I thought we told you to start studying harder in school .
Henry : I did . I studied for 5 hours straight for that test but my learning disability-
Mr . Hart : Enough with this learning disability Henry ! That is no excuse !
Henry : But dad -
Mr . Hart : Henry , I' m starting to think that you don't even care about school anymore . You say you study but then you come home with grades like these . You know what ? ! You're grounded ! I will take your phone , your pear pad , and your laptop . The only place you are allowed to go is school !
Henry : But dad you don't understand ! I really am trying ! And if you would just help me I could-
Mr . Hart : Help you ? I tried helping you , your mom has tried helping you . You ... you... you are helpless ! You obviously didn't care enough when you had our help and now you expect us to try to help again ? !
Henry : But dad -
Mr . Hart : No ! I don't want to hear it ! You are grounded until you start coming home with straight A's young man . Now up to your room ! I want you to study until it's time for dinner .
Tears sprung into my eyes as I ran to my room . Little did I know Charlotte had been watching the whole thing .
Charlotte's POV
I just saw a huge argument with Henry and his parents . Henry has a learning disability ? Why didn't he tell me he was having trouble in school ? I could have helped him ! I learned how to help others with learning disabilities in school . Now Henry is grounded because of a learning disability . How could anyone be so mean to him ? The truth is I have a learning disability . But instead of getting angry , my parents helped me by placing me in a special class when I was younger that helps kids like me and Henry . Now I'm the smartest kid in school and I used to tutor other kids with learning disabilities before I got a job for working with Ray . If only he had to me . I decided I wasn't going to let him do this on his on . He needs someone who cares . Someone who understands . I climbed up to the window in his bedroom and knocked . He came over and opened the window .
Henry : Charlotte ?
Charlotte : Henry I need to talk to you .
Henry : I can't . I'm grounded and I'm not allowed to have friends over right now .
Charlotte: I'll be quiet . But I really need to talk to you .
Henry : Okay , but stay as quiet as possible .
Charlotte : Henry , I heard the argument with your parents back there . Why didn't you tell me you had a learning disability ?
Henry : I was afraid you would laugh at me . Because you know ... you're smart and I'm dumb .
Charlotte : Henry I would never laugh at you for things like this ! Tell you what . I'll convince your parents to let me over and help you study .
Henry : Thanks Char but -
Charlotte : Henry I know what you're thinking . I know learned how to help people with disabilities like yours .
Henry : Really ?
Charlotte : Yes ! How about tomorrow after school .
Henry : That works . Not that it matters when . I'm grounded.
Charlotte : okay , well see you tomorrow !
Henry : See you tomorrow .
But he still had a frown on his face ?
Charlotte : what's wrong ?
Henry : I'm just scared it still won't work . Even with your help . My parents tried to , but they gave up on me . I'm just so stupid !
Charlotte : Henry you are not stupid . You are amazing .
Henry : Thanks Char .
Charlotte : you're welcome Hen .
Henry's POV
I didn't realize Charlotte knew how help people like me . At least now I have someone to talk to when I struggle . My parents agreed to let me stay in the school library after school so right now Charlotte is helping me in Math , my worst subject .
Henry : Okay , is this answer right ?
Charlotte : Yes !
We kept studying for 2 hours after school everyday and eventually I started coming home with straight A's . My parents finally ungrounded me which is great because I was sick of staying at home all the time . Ray eventually found out about my learning disability and even tried to help me as well . I'm so glad I have friends like mine . I can't believe I thought they would make fun of me . I have such great friends and don't know what I would do without them .

Hi ! So I know this was short but I just didn't have many ideas . Hope you enjoyed . Bye and stay safe !

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