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Hi! Hope you guys are doing great today! Here is my new chapter letter for today.⚠️Trigger Warnings Apply⚠️ *I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters*

Henry's POV
I love my job as Kid Danger. I feel like I actually have a place in this world. When I'm Henry Hart,I feel like I'm useless.Everyone says I never do anything and when I do,I mess it up. They say I'm useless. Honestly I have been telling myself that. I feel useless. I try so hard in everything but fail every time.I wish I could be better at everything,like Ray. He is awesome at being Captain Man. He never lets a criminal get away. And when he's Ray,he can always fix anything just like that. While I,am failing myself and everyone around me. I mess up in school,sometimes as Kid Danger,and because of my second life as Kid Danger,I'm failing my life as Henry Hart. It's like I'm always needed at the man cave. Then I'm slacking on being Henry Hart. But if I'm as Henry Hart,then I'm slacking as Kid Danger. And the worst part is,no one understands. I have been dealing with this alone for 3 years. I have been living 3 years of failure and disappointment.
Charlotte: Hey Henry!
Henry: Huh? Oh,hey Charlotte.
Charlotte: Is everything okay?
Henry: Yeah,let's just get to the man cave.
I started walking but then Charlotte grabbed me by the sleeve.
Charlotte: Henry if somethings wrong please tell me. I might be able to help you.
Henry: I seriously doubt that.
Charlotte: Henry it's not good to bottle up your feelings.
Henry: I have no feelings to bottle up. I'm fine Char.
Charlotte: Henry I know when you're lying.Please just tell me what's going on.
Henry: I'm fine Char let's just go to work. Please.
Charlotte's POV
I know something is wrong with Henry. I can see it on his face. I tried to get him to tell me what's wrong,but he just keeps,on hiding it.Then he looked at me with those pleading eyes that were begging me to just drop it. So I did.We walked into Junk n'Stuff and saw Jasper already behind the counter.
Charlotte: Hey Jasper!
Jasper: Oh hey guys!
I waved to Jasper to come over and talk with me in private. I told Henry he could go on down to the man cave. He just nodded and headed on back. Once I knew he was gone I started.
Charlotte: Okay,tell me you see it too.Right?
Jasper: You mean that something's wrong with Henry? Then yeah.
Charlotte: Do you have any idea what may be wrong?
Jasper: no,I tried to get him to talk about it earlier,but he just pushed it aside.
Charlotte: He did the same with me.
Jasper:So what do we do? Should we just leave him alone about it?
Charlotte: Honestly Jasper,I think that's the best thing to do. You know how Henry is when it comes to feelings.
Jasper:Yeah.Well,I gotta get back to work.
Charlotte: Yeah and I got to get to work.
Jasper: Bye Charlotte!
Charlotte: Bye Jasper!
I went down the elevator and saw Henry on the couch staring off into space. I wish he would just tell me what's wrong.
Ray's POV
When Henry came down the elevator I instantly knew something was wrong. I can see it in his eyes. But I also know that there is no point in asking him about it. Henry and feelings just don't mix.He came in and just sat on the couch without even looking up or saying hello. That's another tip off.
Ray: Hey kid.
Henry: Hey Ray.
Ray: How was school today?
Henry: Okay I guess.
I couldn't take the suspense.
Ray: Kid what's wrong? And don't even bother saying nothing because I can see it in your eyes.
Henry: I don't want to talk about it.
Ray: Come on. You'll feel better if you let it all out.
Henry: Ray I really don't wanna talk about it.
Ray: Henry,you can tell me anything. And I promise I won't tell anyone a word.
Henry: Ray,you wouldn't understand.
Ray: And I don't have to understand. Even if I don't understand I promise I won't make fun of you. Now please,tell me what's wrong.
Henry: I just can't.
I knew Henry wasn't ready to talk,so I guess I just have to wait until he is. If I know anything,the worst thing to do is pressure someone into talking about their feelings.Suddenly the crime alert went off.
I went over to check it.
Ray: There's a robbery at Glass From the Past. Let's blow and go kid.
Instead of making up a funny rhyme with me,he just got out his gum and transformed. I wish I knew what was wrong.
*time skip*
Ray: Freeze!
Robber 1: No!
Ray: I'm going to say this one more time.
Robber: Okay,have fun with that.
Ray: Ugh just freeze!
Robber 2: No!
I knew they weren't going to cooperate so I just charged.
Then a fight broke out. I was fighting the first robber while Henry was fighting the other. In about 5 minutes I had the first robber down, I handcuffed him and lasered him unconscious. I looked over and saw Henry was still fighting robber 2. I was about to go over and help but suddenly the robber I fought already started waking up. I was busy trying to take him down but then I heard Henry scream "No!" I looked over and saw the robber get away while Henry was trying to chase after him. I lasered robber 1 unconscious and ran after to help Henry. When I got there I saw Henry fighting robber 2. Suddenly the robber jumped on Henry and because of size difference,Henry fell over.I started over but the news team stopped me. I tried shooing them away but they just kept on. Then I saw the robber had gotten away and Henry was on the ground in unconscious. I finally  got the news team to go away so I ran over to Henry.
Ray: Henry!
No answer.I picked him up and carried him to the man van.
*time skip*
Charlotte: is he okay?!
Schwoz: Yeah,he just got hit in the head to hard which is why he passed out.
Charlotte: Oh.
Then Henry started waking up. He looked around and got this look of anger on his face.
Ray: Kid,you have some explaining to do.
Henry: I know I know. I let that dum criminal escape.
Ray: Well yeah. Henry he should have been an easy match!
Henry: I know and I'm sorry! I don't know what happened back there!
Ray: Henry,sidekicks are supposed to help fight crime. Not let criminals escape!
Henry: I know Ray! I really tried to take him down!
Ray: Henry I need to be able to trust that I can count on you to always be there to get the job done!
Henry: Ray I really did try! You just don't understand!
Ray: What do I not understand?! Clearly I see everything that's going on! That you are awesome at disappointing me!
Henry:Ugh! Why won't you listen to me?!
Ray: Because you should be listening to me!  Henry, just want you to do better. Could you please try harder?
Henry's POV
Ray called me a disappointment and asked me to try harder. If only he knew what I was going through. I just ran out. I went home and went straight to my room. I practically jumped on my bed and opened the drawer in my nightstand.I pulled out a bottle sleeping pills. I stared at it for a moment then poured out several in my hand and swallowed them. If I was useless and a disappointment to everyone then why do I even bother staying? It wasn't long before I fell asleep...forever.
(While at the man cave)
Ray's POV
Charlotte: Raymond Manchester!
Ray: What?
Charlotte: Uh,did you not notice how harsh you were on Henry?
Ray: Harsh?! I was not harsh!
Charlotte: Yeah you were! Think back to what you just said to him!
Ray: What did I say that was so harsh?
Charlotte: You said he was a disappointment and that he should just be better at fighting!
Ray: When you put it that way it does sound harsh!
Charlotte: It is!
Ray: Okay fine. You might have a point.
Charlotte: Yeah!
Ray: I should go apologize.
Charlotte: yes,you should.
I just gave her the side eye and ran out. I can't believe I said those things to Henry. Especially since there's obviously something wrong. I ran as fast as I could to the Hart's house and knocked on their door.
Mr.Hart: Hello Ray! Can I help you with anything?
Ray: Yes,is Henry here?
Mr.Hart: Yes but he seemed upset when he came in.
Ray: Is it okay if I speak with him for a minute?
Mr.Hart: Of course.
He let me in and I knocked on Henry's door.No answer.I knocked louder.No answer. I slowly opened the door only to see Henry passed out on his bed with,what is that next to him? I walked over and saw what I wish I hadn't. A bottle of sleeping pills. Henry is attempting suicide. I whipped out my phone and called 911. I quickly picked up Henry and rushed him to the hospital.
*time skip*
We were all at the hospital waiting for results. Me,Charlotte,Jasper,Schwoz,Mr. and Mrs.Hart,and Piper. None of us said a word while we were waiting. I think we are all too nervous to speak. This is all my fault. I wish i hadn't yelled at Henry like that.Why am I so clueless? Then the nurse walked in.
Nurse: Family and friends of Henry Hart?
Mrs.Hart: That's us.
Nurse: He'll live.He's awake right now so if one of you want to see him you can.
Mr.Hart: One of us?
Nurse: Yes,right now his mental state is kind of out of it so it would be better if only one of you came in at the time.
Ray: Is it okay if I go?
Mrs.Hart: Of course.
She lead me to his room and I walked in to see Henry eating lunch.
Ray: Hey buddy. How you doing?
Henry: Why do you care?
Ray: Henry I'm really sorry about what I said earlier.I didn't mean it.
Henry: But you were right. I am useless. I fail as Kid Danger and Henry Hart.I can't do anything right.
Ray: Henry you are not useless! I'm just too hard on you. I sometimes forget that you're only a kid.
Henry: I can't do anything right though!
Ray: Yes you can. Everyone including you,are just too hard on you. You don't deserve to be on as much pressure as everyone has been putting you on.
Henry: You mean that?
Ray: Absolutely. Now please,never do anything like this again.  I don't want to lose you.
Henry: I promise.
Ray: Thank you.
Henry: Ray?
Ray: Yeah Henry?
Henry: I'm pretty tired.Do you mind if I take a nap?
Ray:Not at all.
Henry's POV
It's been two weeks since i got out of the hospital. Ray helped me realize that I'm not useless. I'm so glad that I have Ray as a companion. What would I do without him?

Hi! So I'm not sure if I like this or not. Tomorrow's should be better. I have a question for you guys. Do u want me to start doing like previews of my stories? I have heard that it's something really popular to do on Wattpad. I don't know if it's true or not so let me know if you think I should or not. Anyways,hope you guys enjoyed and see you tomorrow. Bye and stay safe!

Henry Danger One Shots From A-Zحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن