V-Vendor Trouble

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Hey! Hope you guys are having a great day today! Here is my new chapter letter for today. Hope you enjoy!⚠️Trigger Warnings Apply⚠️*I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *
Season 4 ages
Henry's POV
It was a normal day for all of us. Charlotte was at the monitors researching criminals,Jasper was upstairs running Junk n' Stuff,and Ray was complaining on how bored he was.
Ray: I'm bored!
Charlotte: Well,all criminal cases are resolved so we could do something fun.
Ray: Do you guys have any ideas in store?
Charlotte: We could go to Swellview mall?
Henry:Ehh,shopping's not really my thing.
Ray: Yeah shopping is boring Charlotte.
Charlotte: *while sighing* They just opened up a food court there as well.
Ray: What are we even still doing here?!
Henry: Yeah I love shopping!
Ray: You couldn't have thought of this before Charlotte?
Henry: Yeah Charlotte.
Charlotte: But you guys just said-you know what? Let's just go.
Ray: Let's go have so fum!
Henry: I'll go get Jasper.
Ray: Aww do we have to bring him?
Charlotte: Yes Ray,we do.
Ray: Just this one trip without him? Please?
Charlotte: Let me think about it...no!
Ray: Ugh,go get Jasper.
Henry: I will!
Ray: Ok!
Henry: Ok!
*time skip*
We all arrived at Swellview mall and Charlotte went out to shop while me,Ray,and Jasper hit the food court.
Lady working the vendor: Hi my name is Lauren what can I get you guys?
Ray: I would like a steak burrito please.
Henry: I would like a low carb bacon cheeseburger please.
Jasper: And I wat the same thing as Henry here,but leave all carbs in it please.
Henry: Dude these things are packed with carbs.
Jasper: So? That's just what makes them better!
Henry: Whatever dude.
Lauren: Okay your food will be ready in just a minute.
Ray: Cool.
We sat down waiting for our food when Charlotte came up.
Charlotte: Guys they have puppies for sale!
Ray: Really?!
Henry: You better not be messing with us.
Jasper: Yeah no one likes it when you lie about puppies.
Charlotte: Come see for yourself!
We all started to run off when I remembered the food.
Henry: Wait,I need to stay here and wait for the food.
Ray: ok!
Jasper: See ya!
They ran off to go play with the puppies.
I just sat back down and waited for our food. Surprisingly it was fast when I heard my name called from the vendors.
Lauren: Henry?
I walked over and grabbed our food and texted Ray.
Henry: Ray,you guys need to come back our food is ready.
Ray: We'll be there in a sec.
Henry: k,just hurry.
*while Henry was waiting for food*
No one's POV
Ray: Aww these guys are so cute!
Charlotte: I know right!
Jasper: Guys there's a golden doodle!Henry said he has always wanted one!
Ray: Aww,he is pretty cute.
Charlotte: yeah.
Ray: guys I just got a text from Henry. Our food is ready.
Jasper: Kk.
Ray and Jasper went back to the food court area and saw Henry waiting for them.
Ray: Here we are!
Henry: bout time.
Jasper: Hey we weren't gone for that long!
Henry: *while laughing*I'm just messing with you guys.
Ray: Whatever let's just eat.
Henry's POV
We started eating but I noticed my burger tasted weird,but I stupidly ignored it and kept on eating because I was so hungry.
Jasper: Okay,this is REALLY good!
Ray: Same with my burrito!
Jasper: Is your gross low carb burger good Henry?
*Jasper and Ray fist bump*
Henry: Huh? Oh,yeah.
We finished up eating and Charlotte came back from shopping so we all went back to the man cave.
*time skip*
We were all sitting around talking but I had a few small aches in my stomach. I pushed it off because it didn't really hurt all that much. Then the crime alert went off.
Charlotte: There's a robbery at Nacho Ball.
Ray: The close one or the nice one?
Charlotte: The close one.
Ray: Alright kid you know what to do.
Henry: Let's blow some gum and fight some scum.
Ray: Nice one!
We transformed and headed for the tubes. On my way over the aches started to get worse,but crime needed to be fought. I still chose to ignore because it still wasn't that bad.
Ray: Call it!
Henry: Up The Tube!
*time skip*
Ray: Alright nobody move!
Robber: You mean don't do this?
He just moved his arm.
Ray: Yeah,don't do that.
He sounded annoyed at this robber. Although I kinda thought it was funny. I held out my blaster like Ray taught me to do,but my stomach started to hurt worse. I tried to ignore it again but it only got worse. Meanwhile Ray was now in an argument with the robber.
Ray: That's it! I can't take you anymore!
He pulled out his laser and zapped him unconscious.
Ray's POV
Man I can't stand people like that! I handcuffed the robber and looked over and saw Henry struggling to stand.
Ray: Kid Danger,are you okay?
He didn't respond. He just stood there with a look of pain on his face.
Ray: Kid? Kid are you alright?
Henry: No! My stomach hurts so bad!
Ray: Do you know why?
He didn't even answer. I think he was in too much pain to think about it.
The police arrived and took the robber to jail.Although I wasn't really paying attention. I was too concerned about Henry.
Ray: Do you think you can make it to the man van?
Henry: I can try.
He slowly walked to the man van. I stayed along his side just in case. Once he got in,I drove off. I would occasionally look back there and see him flinch every time I hit a bump on the road. I was trying to think on what could make his stomach hurt this much. He was fine before we left the for the mall. Was it the cheeseburger? He never said it tasted weird. I was thinking about this until we arrived at the man cave.
Though once he got out,he collapsed. I quickly caught  him and I went down the tubes.
Charlotte: Hey Ray how did the mission go?
Ray: Not great,something's wrong with Henry.
She then looked over to see Henry unconscious in my arms.
Charlotte: Oh my gosh what happened?!
Ray: I don't really know. Once I handcuffed the robber I looked over to see Henry struggling to stand and I asked him what was wrong,and he said his stomach hurt really bad.
I set Henry down on the couch and he started to stir.
Henry's POV
I woke up in the man cave. But I don't really care where I am right now. My stomach feels like knives are stabbing it.
Ray: Henry are you okay?
Ray: What's wrong?
Henry:I th-think I have food poisoning.
Ray: Was it the cheeseburger because you were fine before.
Henry: Yeah,I noticed it tasted weird but I was so hungry I didn't care.
Ray: I'm so sorry kid.Why don't you go lay down in the guest room?
Ray's POV
Ray: Henry why don't you go lay down in the guest bedroom?
He didn't move. Then his face started to turn green. I ran and got him a bucket. It only took a second before he started heaving.Poor kid. Once he was done he set the bucket down and fell asleep on the couch. I picked him up and carried him to the guest room. I pulled the covers over him and walked out. Then a hand grabbed me.
Henry: Could you stay please?
Ray: Sure kid.
I sat down in a chair beside his bed and scrolled through Twit-Flash for awhile. I soon got bored and turned off my phone. I looked over and saw Henry sound asleep. For someone who has food poisoning he looked so peaceful. I then noticed his cheeks were rosy so I grabbed a thermometer and checked his temperature. It beeped. 102.4. The poor kid has a fever as well. I pulled a few blankets off and put a damp rag on his head. He started to stir again.
Henry: R-Ray?
Ray: You have a fever so I'm just putting a rag on your head.
Henry: ok.
He looked like he was about to throw up again.
Ray: Henry are you okay?
Henry: Can you hand me the bucket please?
I quickly grabbed it as he heaved in it. I rubbed his back in a comforting way.(I'm not shipping anyone in this story)
Once he was done I set the bucket down by his bed. Then Henry started groaning.
Henry: My stomach hurts so bad!
Ray: Do you want a heating pad?
He thought about it for a second.
Henry: Yeah.
I went to go grab a heating pad and came back to find Henry vomiting again. I feel so bad for him right now.When he finished he set the bucket down and I handed him the heating pad. It wasn't long before he fell asleep again. I sat down by his bed and waited for him to wake up. Then Charlotte came in.
*while whispering *
Charlotte: How is he?
Ray: Still not in the best of shape.
Charlotte: Poor Hen.
Ray: Yeah.
Charlotte: Do you need me to bring anything before I go?
Ray: Some brown soup would be good.
Charlotte: You really think he's ready to eat yet?
Ray: Oh it's for me. Henry may have food poisoning but I am starving.
Charlotte: Ugh,fine.
Charlotte's POV
I walked out to go get Ray some brown soup. But once I stopped at the autosnacker I got a call from Jasper.
Charlotte: Yeah Jasp what's up?.
Jasper: How's Henry holding up?
Charlotte: Not great.
Jasper: Well he's not alone. I got food poisoning too.
Charlotte: Oh my gosh are you okay?!
Jasper: Not really. My parents are out of town so I'm dealing with this misery on my own. Anyways,I just called to see how Henry was doing.
Charlotte: Well,since Ray is taking care of Henry do you want me to come help you?
Jasper: No,I don't want to keep you at my house in case Ray needs your help with Henry.
Charlotte: Ray can manage for a little while.
Jasper: Charlotte you really don't have too. I want you to stay and help Ray with Henry.
Charlotte: Jasp,Ray can make it a couple of hours without me. Besides right now Henry's asleep.I'll be right over.
Before he could protest anymore I hung up. I'm not going to let him deal with this by himself. If he's got it as bad as Henry he really needs someone over there taking care of him. I brought Ray his brown soup and told Ray the situation with Jasper.
Ray: It's okay. I can probably make it alone for a couple of hours. Go take care of Jasper.
Charlotte: Thanks Ray.
I ran out out of the man cave to go see Jasper. I hope Ray won't need my help while I'm gone.
Ray's POV
Well Charlotte's gonna be gone for a couple of hours.Poor Jasper got it too. Good thing I'm indestructible or else I would probably have it.Then Henry jolted up and grabbed the bucket. He started vomiting.Again. After this is over I'm gonna have a talk with this Lauren lady.
I checked Henry's temperature again and it was 103.1.I picked up the rag and realized it wasn't cold anymore. I went to the bathroom and got it wet again then brought it back to place on Henry's head. Hopefully I can manage on my own for awhile. I wonder how Jasper is doing.
Charlotte's POV
I was in Jasper's room and realized that he was pretty sick. Stupid food court. Did they even check the meat to make sure it was done?!I was in the middle of checking Jasper's temperature. The thermometer read 103.1. I placed a cold rag on his head and I grabbed him a heating pad. He said his stomach felt TERRIBLE right now. Before long Jasper fell asleep. I was thinking back at our trip at the mall and how fun it was at the time. Now I'm here taking care of Jasper while Ray is at the man cave taking care of Henry.Then Jasper woke up groaning which snapped me out of my thoughts.
Jasper: Charlotte can you hand me the bucket?
Charlotte: Sure thing Jasp. I rubbed his back as he heaved.(This also is NOT a ship. I don't really like to ship friends lol)I noticed his heating pad fell off so I picked it up and handed it back to him.
Charlotte: Here you go Jasp.
Jasper: Thanks Charlotte.
Charlotte: You're welcome Jasper.
I felt so bad for him. Just by the sound in his voice he sounded like he felt really bad. I gave him a sympathetic look and he fell fast asleep. I hope Henry is doing better than Jasper right now.
Ray's POV
I hope Jasper is doing better than Henry right now. Henry can't even sleep without having to stop to throw up. His fever won't go down and he overall just looks like he feels awful. Right now he has his face in the bucket as he's vomiting. When he finished I checked his temp again,and it was still 103.1. I replaced the old rag with a new one and turned the heat up a notch on his heating pad. Poor Henry is SO tired. I can see it in his eyes. But every time he slips his eyes closed he starts throwing up again. Then I got a call from Charlotte.
Ray: Hey Charlotte. How's Jasper doing?
Charlotte: Not great. How about Henry?
Ray: Terrible. He's tired but can't sleep because he can't stop vomiting. And his temperature won't go down.
Charlotte: It's the same with Jasper. It's a good thing you're indestructible. Or else you would probably be in the same position they are.
Ray: Yeah.
Charlotte: Well I gotta go. Jasper just woke up and now he's back to vomiting. Let me know if anything changes with Henry.
Ray: I will.
Charlotte's POV
Jasper had finally fallen asleep so I decided I would check up on Henry. Only he was about the same as Jasper. I saw Jasper starting to wake up so I had to go.
Jasper:Charlotte? he croaked.
Charlotte: Yeah Jasp what do you need?
Jasper: Can you get another blanket please?
Charlotte: Let me check your temperature first.
The thermometer beeped. 103.2.
Charlotte: Sorry Jasp but you still have a high fever. I'll go get another wet rag.
I left to go get him a wet rag but when I came back he was passed out on the floor.
Charlotte: Jasper! Jasper wake up!
Jasper: Huh? Oh.
I slowly helped him up and guided him back to bed.
Jasper: Charlotte can you turn up the heating pad please?
Charlotte: Sure thing.
I turned it up just a little because I don't need his fever rising. I honestly didn't even know fevers came with food poisoning.
Charlotte: So Jasper why were you passed out in the floor?
Jasper: I needed to go to the bathroom but I got more nauseous than I already was and passed out.
Charlotte: Do you still need to go?
Jasper: Yeah.
Charlotte: Here I'll help you get there and back.
Jasper: thanks.
I helped him out of bed and guided him to the bathroom but then he said something.
Jasper: Charlotte I'm gonna throw up again. I quickly lead him to the bathroom and just barley,but we made it in time.I closed the door and waited until he was done. Soon he opened the door and I helped him back to bed. Once he was tucked back in he fell back asleep. Then I got a call from Ray.
Ray: Charlotte is Jasper doing any better because I need you to help me with Henry!
Charlotte: What's wrong?
Ray: His fever keeps rising and I can't get it down!Also he can't stop vomiting and he's SO tired. Do you think Jasper can make it without you for a few minutes?!
Charlotte: I don't know. I can ask him if he'll be fine for a bit,but I left for 5 seconds and came back to him passed out in the floor.
Ray: Well I like,REALLY need you here!
Charlotte: Isn't Schwoz with you?
Ray: No he's with his sister.
Charlotte: Ok,I'm on my way.
Ray: Thank you!
I hung up the phone and gently shook Jasper awake.
Charlotte: Jasper?
Jasper: Huh?
Charlotte: Ray really needs my help with Henry,is it okay if I leave for a few minutes?
Jasper: Henry's okay right?
Charlotte: Not exactly. Ray REALLY needs me.
Jasper: Then why are you still here?! Go help my best friend!
Charlotte: Ok,call me if you need ANYTHING.
Jasper: K.
I ran out and went as fast as I could to get to the man cave.
Ray's POV
I was freaking out. Henry's fever is to 105.2 and I can't get it to go down. He can't stop vomiting and he said his stomach feels terrible right now. I will never be going back to that food court! Soon Charlotte arrived and immediately got to work on getting the fever down.She placed some ice bags on his head and he winced at the coolness. After about 5 minutes she took them off and checked the temp.102.3.
Charlotte: That's better.
Ray: Thank you Char.
But poor Henry started vomiting.Again. Charlotte started to help with that but then she got a call from Jasper.
Charlotte: Jasper are you okay?
Jasper: Charlotte I really need you.
Charlotte: What's wrong?!
Jasper: Just get down here please.
Charlotte: Okay I'm on my way! Hold tight!Ray I gotta go,Jasper needs me.
Ray: Okay,I can take it from here.
Charlotte ran out to go help Jasper while I sat with Henry.
Henry: Ray,can you hand me the bucket please?
Ray: Yeah kid.
I gave it to him as he heaved. When he was done I set the bucket down.
Henry: I'm so tired!
Ray: You wanna try a sleeping pill?
Henry: Yes please.
I ran out to go get the pill and came back to Henry throwing up again. Poor Hen.
I gave the pill to him along with a glass of water and he swallowed the pill without a second thought. In about 2 minutes it was lights out for him. At least he can sleep for a bit now. I hope Jaspers doing okay.
Charlotte's POV
Jasper is not doing okay.When I came back he was passed out in the floor again. I put him back to bed but realized his fever was high like Henry's. It took awhile but I finally got it down.Now he's shivering like a leaf.  I handed him some blankets since his fever is now like 101.3. Then he started the stage Henry is in. Where he can't stop throwing up. He was really tired but couldn't sleep because he couldn't stop vomiting. I finally had to give him a sleeping pill because he was exhausted and couldn't sleep. In about 5 minutes Jasper was out like a light so I checked on Henry.
Charlotte: Hey Ray!How's Henry?
Ray: Well he's asleep right now. I finally had to just give him a sleeping pill because he was so tired but couldn't sleep because he couldn't stop vomiting.
Charlotte: Jasper got to that point. I gave him the pill as well.
Ray: I outta sue that place for doing this to them!
Charlotte: I would talk you out of it but after seeing Henry and Jasper this sick,I say go for it.
Ray: I'm actually thinking about it.Well,Henry's waking up,I gotta go.
Charlotte: okay bye.
Ray: Bye.
I looked over at Jasper who was white as a sheet. Ray should sue that place. I mean,poor Jasper can't even get out of bed,and poor Henry can't sleep without a pill because he can't stop vomiting! Suddenly Jasper woke up and grabbed the bucket. I rubbed his back as he heaved.
Jasper:Well,it was at least a nice 15 minute nap.
Charlotte: I'm really sorry you're going through this Jasper.
Jasper: It's not your fault.
Charlotte: Yeah,it is. I never should have suggested going to the mall.
Jasper: Well who knew?
Charlotte: Thanks Jasp.
I sat on his bed beside him and rubbed his back until he fell asleep. I hate what they're going through.
Ray's POV
Henry stayed asleep for about 2 hours then woke up.
Ray: Hey kid. How are you feeling?
Henry: Like I'm gonna puke again.
Ray: Here's the bucket.
Henry: Thanks.
This is terrible. I wish I could snap my fingers and make things better for Henry and Jasper.
I checked his temp again and it was 102.4. Dang it his fever is rising again! I rushed to get new wet rag and placed it on his forehead.
Henry: Ray?
Ray: Yeah kid what do you need?
Henry: I need the bucket again.
I handed it to him and gave him a sympathetic look. No one deserves to go through this.
Charlotte's POV
Jasper is not doing well. He's sick at his stomach and can't sleep. He didn't really need another sleeping pill at the moment. Right now he's stuck in bed groaning. I sat beside him and rubbed his back. I remember when I was younger and got the stomach bug my mom did that and it always made me feel better. He stopped groaning and tried to relax. Keyword: Tried. After awhile he was able to go to sleep so I did the same. I was really tired. It wasn't long before I woke up and found Jasper hugging his stomach with a pained look on his face.
Charlotte: Jasper are you okay?
Jasper: Not really. My stomach feels like someone is stabbing it with knives.
Charlotte:You want me to turn the heating pad up?
Jasper: Yes please.
I got up and turned the heating pad up.
Jasper: Thank you. You know you don't have to do this.
Charlotte: I want to. Jasper seeing you go through this makes me wish I could take it for you so that you wouldn't have to.
Jasper: Thanks Char,that means a lot.
Charlotte: You're welcome. Do you feel any better?
Jasper: Not really.
Charlotte: You wanna try taking another nap?
Jasper: Can you check up on Henry first?
Charlotte: Sure.
In case Henry was asleep I texted Ray instead of calling him. I didn't want to risk waking him up.
Charlotte: ok Jasper,Ray said Henry isn't as bad as before,but still has a small fever,but is sleeping it off right now.
Jasper: At least we know Henry is getting better.
Ray's POV
Henry just woke up from a long nap and I checked his temp. It went down to about 100.1!
Then Henry asked me a shocking question.
Henry: Ray,can I have some brown soup please?
Ray: Of course kid!
I went to go get him the brown soup. I was shocked he was ready to eat. He must be feeling a lot better. I brought it back to him while he slowly ate on it.
Henry: Do you know how Jasper is doing?
Ray: No but I can call Charlotte and ask.
Henry: Okay.
Charlotte: Hey Ray!How's Henry?
Ray: Better actually. He's actually eating brown soup right now.
Charlotte: Wow that's good!Jasper just woke up and he's eating too. He said he was feeling a lot better,but I'm still gonna stay for a bit and make sure he's okay.
Ray:Well I'm glad he's doing better. Henry and I are still chilling around.
Charlotte:Nice,well I gotta go.Jasper needs me.Bye!
Ray: Bye!
Ray: So it sounds like Jasper is almost better too.
Henry: That's good.
Soon Henry fell asleep.And so did I. To be honest,I was exhausted.
Charlotte's POV
Jasper woke up and asked if I could bring him some crackers. So I hung up with Ray and headed for the kitchen. When I came back he was sitting up in bed on his own. I think Jasper really is doing better.
Henry's POV
The food poisoning is FINALLY over. That was really rough.Jasper is also back up and better too. Ray sued the place for doing that to us. I won't even mention how much he sued them for. I will NEVER go back to that food court again!
Jasper's POV
My food poisoning is finally over. I'm so glad because that was miserable. I hated I wasn't able to help take care of Henry but at least he had Ray and I had Charlotte. At least it's over,and that's all that matters.

WOW. That was long! I honestly wasn't expecting to make it this long but I had fun writing this story. Sorry it was so long. Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you tomorrow for the next chapter letter!Bye and stay safe!

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