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This was a request from @1034421FD. I hope this is what you wanted and if it's not,I'm sorry I disappointed you. ⚠️Trigger Warnings Apply⚠️ *I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters*
Henry's POV
Valentines Day is going to arrive in two days and I bought two tickets for me and my awesome girlfriend Bianca to Club Soda.This time I asked her in advance.I love Bianca a lot,and she loves me. She has risked getting into a lot of trouble by sneaking out late at night,just so she can hang with me. I hate that I have to cancel on her a lot,but I can't just postpone fighting crime.
Bianca: Hey Henry!
Henry: Hey Bianca!
Bianca: I can't wait to go to Club Soda with you Friday! I'm going dress shopping right after school!
Henry: That's awesome Bianca.
I learned that when girls get excited,it's best to get excited with them. It doesn't make since but,whatever.Then the bell rung.
Henry: I gotta go to work. Love you!
Bianca: love you too!
I walked out feeling guilty. I love Bianca a lot,but there is a new girl at school. Her name is Audrey. She likes me a lot,and I don't know what to do. I really like her but,I still love Bianca.
I entered the man cave and say Ray watching Drake and Josh. Maybe I could talk to him about it.
Henry: Hey Ray.
Ray: Hey Henry!
Henry: What goes on?
Ray: Not much,you wanna watch Drake and Josh with me?
Henry: Actually I was wondering if I could talk to you.
He turned off the tv and set down the remote.
Ray: Sure. What is it kiddo?
I sat down next to Ray on the couch and began.
Henry: You know my girlfriend Bianca?
Ray: Sure,what about her?
Henry: Well,I really like her.And she really likes me. She's an awesome girlfriend and I don't even deserve such a great girlfriend like her but...
Ray: But what?
Henry: There is this new girl at my school,Audrey. And she is so cute.Audrey has all the dream girl qualities. She's kind,loyal,brave,caring,and SO pretty. Audrey likes me because she asked me out for Valentines Day. But,I don't want to just betray Bianca. I still love her a lot. What do I do?
Ray: Well kid,this is always the hard part of liking girls. I say ask your heart what you want.
Henry: What do you mean ask my heart?
Ray: Which one makes you happier to be around?
Henry: I don't know. Audrey just has this really kind and loving personality,but Bianca is someone I already know I can count on. She risks a lot just so she can hang with me.
Ray: When was the last time Bianca did something really kind to you?
Henry: I don't know,my birthday?
Ray: That was 8 months ago!
Henry: I know but,Bianca loves me,and I love her. But something about Audrey just attracts me to her. Like a magnet.
Ray: I think you should give Audrey a try.
Henry: But what about Bianca?
Ray: She'll be fine for one afternoon. Just don't tell her you're hanging with another girl.
Henry: But I don't want to cheat on her.
Ray: It'll be fine.
Henry: Okay then.
*time skip*
(At the movies)
Henry: Hey Audrey!
Audrey: Hey Henry!
Henry: I'll get us some snacks.
Audrey: Ok,I'll get us some seats.
Henry: Thanks Audrey!
I was waiting in line when I was finally able to get us popcorn. I went to go find Audrey in the seating when she waved me over. I sat down beside her excited until I looked a few rows below and saw Bianca. Oh no. What if she sees me?! I was nervous about it until I saw her feeding popcorn to another guy. It was Blake. She tried to hang with him before we became a thing. Was she cheating on me?! I started to get angry until I looked over and saw Audrey. Then my heart started to melt. She really was cute. With her perfectly long straight brown hair,and her hazel eyes,and that loving personality anyone could see just by looking at her. What should I do?
*time skip*
I had an amazing time with Audrey at the movies. Now I'm waiting to pick up Bianca to take her to Club Soda.
Bianca: Hey Henry!
Henry: Hey Bianca.
Bianca: You okay?
Henry: yeah I'm fine.
Bianca: okay then.
We arrived at Club Soda and I think Bianca was more excited then me. We walked in and I bought both of us some sodas and we sat down.
Henry:so,are you excited to be here?
Bianca: yeah,are you?
Henry: yeah
(simultaneously )
Henry and Bianca: I need to tell you something.
Henry: You first
Bianca: ok. Henry,I really like you.A lot. But,do you remember Blake?
Henry: Yeah.
Bianca: Well,theirs just something about him. I love you so much,but,I kinda wanna start going out with Blake. If that's okay.
Henry: Really? I was going to tell you that I really love you,but I wanted to be with Audrey!
Bianca: Wow. Well, I'm ok with you going out with Audrey as long as you are okay with me going out with Blake.
Henry: yeah,it's cool.
Bianca: Thanks. And who knows,maybe we'll end up back together.
Henry: Yeah.
Then awkward silence approached.I'm glad Bianca and I felt the same way. Then I saw Audrey come in.
Henry: Hey I just saw Audrey come in. Is it okay if I go see her?
Bianca: Yeah sure go ahead.
Henry: thanks.
I started walking over to Audrey when I stopped dead in my tracks. Another guy came up beside her. Then they kissed. My world just shattered. Audrey doesn't want me anymore. I guess there is no point in asking her out on a second date. I just stood there heartbroken. I didn't even notice Charlotte walking up behind me.
Charlotte: Hey Henry!
Henry: Huh? Oh,hey.
Charlotte: Are you okay? Where's Bianca?
Henry: We both decided to part ways because we both found someone else.
Charlotte: Oh! Well,where's your new girl?
Henry: Over there.
Charlotte: You mean Audrey? The one that's kissing the other dude over there?
Henry: Yes.
I couldn't take the pain anymore. I just ran out of Club Soda and ran home. When I got there I my mom tried to ask me why I was home so early but I didn't even bother stopping. I just ran to my room and cried myself to sleep.
*the next morning *
Ray's POV
It was 10:30 in the morning and Henry still wasn't here. I tried calling and triple-beeping him but no answer.
Ray: Charlotte do you know where Henry is?
Charlotte: He said he wasn't going to be able to make it to work today.
Ray: Why not?
Charlotte: He said he woke up feeling sick this morning.
Ray: oh.
Charlotte: Yeah,he said he felt pretty bad so he said he may need to take the next few days off.
Henry's POV
I woke up depressed. I was so excited to get to be with Audrey and then she just shows up last night kissing another guy. I called Charlotte and explained everything to her. I asked her to just tell Ray that I was sick and would need a few days off. I didn't want to do anything but be in my room alone and cry. Charlotte,being the great best friend that she is,just said ok. I really didn't want to tell anyone but Charlotte what happened. I was also embarrassed about it. I knew I could trust Charlotte to keep the secret.(P.S. I am not shipping anyone in this story besides Henry and Bianca) I didn't even go downstairs for breakfast. I was to depressed to eat. I just curled back up in bed,and cried myself to sleep.
Charlotte's POV
Henry called me this morning and told me all that happened yesterday. He asked me if I could just tell Ray that he was sick. I could hear it in his voice over the phone,that he was in a lot of emotional pain. I felt bad for him. I knew he really wanted to be with Audrey. She didn't even bother to tell him that she was going on a date with someone else! Anyways,I told Ray that Henry was really sick,and he said okay. I'm glad he didn't get suspicious as usual.
Ray's POV
I am totally suspicious,as usual.Henry always calls me when he's sick. Something's wrong. Then again,he could actually be sick. I'll just go over to his house and offer to take care of him. That way,I'll know if something's wrong,or if he's actually sick,I'll take care of him and keep him company.
Ray: Charlotte,I gotta run a few errands. Make sure to keep Jasper out of trouble while I'm gone.
Charlotte: Uh,okay.
*time skip*
I walked up to the Hart's house and knocked on the door.
Mrs.Hart: Hello Ray.
Ray: Hello Mrs.Hart,is Henry here?
Mrs.Hart: Uhh,yes. But he hasn't come out of his room since last night. We all tried to get him to come out, but he just won't.
Ray: Could I try to talk to him please?
Mrs.Hart: Of course!
I walked in and went up to Henry's room.I was going to knock but in case he actually is sick,I don't wanna risk waking him up. So I just quietly opened the door and saw Henry asleep in his bed.Maybe he actually was sick. But his cheeks are tear-stained. Has he been...crying?Then he started to stir.
Henry: Ray?
Ray: Yeah kid,I'm here.Are you feeling okay?
Henry: Oh,uhhh,I actually still feel pretty sick.
I don't know rather to believe him or not so I feel his forehead.
Ray: You don't have a fever.
Henry: Oh uhhhhh,that's because I just had a wet rag on my forehead.
Ray: Uh huh. Well,I came here to help take care of you.Do you need anything?
Henry: No.
Ray: okay,so...are you sick or are you lying.
Henry: I'm ly-hey!
Ray: Did you say you were lying?
Henry: No,I said I was actually sick.
Ray: Henry...
Henry: Fine! I'm lying!
Ray: Why?
Henry: look Ray,I need to take the next few days off.
Ray: Not unless you tell me the reason behind it.
Henry: I don't want to talk about it.
Ray: Henry is there something bothering you?
Then he broke down crying. He told me the whole story. From the movie theater to the end where he found out the truth about Audrey.
Ray: Henry I am so sorry. This is all my fault.
Henry: How is it your fault?
Ray: Because I'm the one who told you to go on a date with Audrey.
Henry: Ray,please don't blame yourself. I'm not the least bit mad at you.
Ray: I know,but it's still my fault.
Henry: Please please don't blame yourself.
Ray: Whatever you say. Listen,take off as much as you need.
Henry: Actually,I was wondering if we could have some bro time at the man cave?
Ray: That sounds awesome. I'll tell the mayor that Captain Man and Kid Danger will be taking the next few days off.
Henry: Thanks Ray.
Henry's POV
Well,Ray found out I wasn't actually sick. He found out about Audrey. He came over and he told me that Audrey was just a big jerk and I deserved better than her. Now Ray and I are sitting around in the man cave in our pjs eating junk food and binging Dog Judge. I have the best friends ever.

Hiiiii! Hope you guys enjoyed this one. I thought this would actually be a good Valentines Day drama. Again,@1034421FD I'm sorry if this isn't what you were wanting. I didn't know what exactly you wanted so I just hope that this isn't disappointing. Hope you guys likened it and requests are still open for the letters U,X,and Y. If you have any requests for these letters send them as soon as possible. Bye and stay safe!

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