R- Running Away

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Hiiii! Hope you guys are having a great day so far. Here is my new chapter letter for today. Hope you guys like it! ⚠️Trigger Warnings Apply⚠️ * I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters*

Henry's POV
I have just a had a wonderful day today.NOT! First,I fell down the stairs. Thankfully I wasn't injured. Then,I got beat up by Mitch Bilsky,and now Ms. Shapen is taping my test with an F on my locker to shame me! Could things get any worse?! Here's an answer. It did.
*time skip* at the man cave after a mission
Ray: I just don't understand! How could you let the Toddler escape?!
Henry: I'm sorry Ray! It was just an accident. I really did try to catch him.
Ray: Typically he shouldn't be hard to catch. I mean it's right there in the name! Toddler! Toddlers aren't very fast!
Henry: You know he's not an actual toddler!
Ray: I just can't believe you Henry. After 3 years of working with me you would think I could trust you enough to catch a criminal.
Henry: Well,maybe you shouldn't have wasted time on the news instead of helping me catch him!
Ray: So you're saying this is my fault?! Cause just let me say this is all on you! You're the reason a dangerous criminal is running around Swellview!
Charlotte: Ray calm down!
Jasper: Yeah everyone makes mistakes! I should know!
Ray: You two stay out of this!
Henry: Don't yell at them!
Ray: Or what. What you gonna do if I don't stop huh?! I bet if they ran away angry at me,you wouldn't be able to catch them! I'm SO disappointed in you Henry.I should have found a better sidekick than you.
That was the last straw. I ran out knowing Ray didn't care about me. I was going to go home but obviously no one there cares about me either! When I fell down the stairs,no one cared. Instead of asking if I was okay,mom asked me to check and make sure i hadn't broken the stair I tripped on! I can't believe they cared more about the step than me! Ray doesn't care about me,my family doesn't care about me,oh and when I was getting beat up by Mitch,everyone started laughing and filming it on their phones! I just ran as far away as I could. You know what?! If no one I know cares about me,then I'm running away! Permanently!
*right after Henry had left*
Charlotte: Ray!
Ray: What?
Jasper: What do you mean what?! You just yelled at Henry like he was nothing!
Ray: Well he's good for nothing apparently!
Charlotte: Ray! How could you say that!
Jasper: You know,you were always my idol. Even after I found out who you were. But after seeing what kind of person you really are,I just know that your a huge jerk!
Charlotte: Jerk would be a nice word to call Ray right now!
Ray: Guys chill!
Jasper: Not until you say a real apology to Henry!
Ray: What?! No!
Charlotte: Ray,did you not hear what you had said to him?!
Ray: Course I did! And he deserved all that! You can't just let the Toddler escape like that!
Jasper: Everyone makes mistakes Ray!
Charlotte: You make them all the time Ray!
Ray: Ugh you guys are being super buzzkill right now!
Charlotte: Raymond Preston Manchester!( I don't know what Ray's middle name is so I just came up with one.If you guys know let me know please)
Ray: How dare you use my full name!
Jasper: Ray,it's not all Henry's fault! Henry did have a point there when he said that you should have been helping him instead of being on the news!
Ray: No! No! Don't you guys start turning this around on me!
Charlotte: You better apologize to Henry right now!
Ray: Or what? What you gonna do?
Jasper: Or Charlotte and I quit!
Ray: Ughhhh fine! I'll apologize tomorrow!
Charlotte: Fine! But you better do it!
Ray: okay,whatever!
Ray's POV
I knew I was in the wrong to say those things to Henry. I regretted saying them as soon as I said it! I was so mad at myself,I just didn't want to to hear it from Charlotte and Jasper. I giving myself a hard enough time about it. I can't believe what I had said to Henry. That was just cruel. An apology isn't enough. What's something Henry really wants? I thought about as I got ready for bed. After screaming at me Charlotte and Jasper had gone home. You know what? I'm going to take Henry around town tomorrow and buy him whatever he wants. It still felt like that and an apology still wasn't enough. I'll ask him about something he REALLY wants and I'll give it to him along with the town thing.And of course an apology. I felt so guilty. I finally crawled in bed hoping he would forgive me tomorrow.
*time skip 3 weeks later*
Henry's POV
I didn't know where I was. As long as I'm away from the people who don't care about me. Especially Ray.I'm still hurt by what he said. I can't believe that all along he thought I was a terrible sidekick. I continued on with my thoughts as my stomach growled at me. I was in the middle of nowhere. To make sure no one found me,I went to the woods.Deep in the woods.
Well,it's not like I'm going to find a hotdog cart in the woods.I wish I knew which plants were safe to eat. I have like no weapons so I can't even hunt. I don't have any survival experience either. I should have thought this through. Oh well. I just continued on walking when I heard something. I couldn't quite make out what it was but it got louder every second. I started getting scared. I have no weapons. What am I gonna do? Then a HUGE mountain lion jumped at me. And he looked hungry.
Ray's POV
I'm getting worried. Henry has been gone for 3 weeks and still hasn't contacted us.I tried calling him and triple beeping him but no answer. I assumed he was just giving me silent treatment but he didn't answer Charlotte or Jasper either.
Charlotte: Great going Ray!
Ray: What?
Charlotte: Henry won't answer any of us!
Ray: So? What does that have to do with me?
Charlotte: Because you hurt his feelings!
Ray: Well I was going to apologize but how can I if he's not here or won't answer the phone!
Charlotte: ughhh!
More days had passed and Henry still hadn't come. Jasper even went to his house but Henry wasn't there. I'm beginning to get really worried.
Ray: Schwoz!
Schwoz: What?
Ray: It's been 3 weeks. How have you still not been able to track Henry?!
Schwoz: I'm sorry Ray but apparently he is where there is no signal. I can't activate his tracking device if there's no signal where he is!
Ray: Ugh!
Schwoz: Ray I'm just as worried as you. We all are. But I'm doing the best I can.
Ray: I know I'm just really freaked out. It's been 3 freaking weeks since Henry went missing! I'm surprised his parents aren't worried!
Then,Schwoz screamed.
Schwoz: I found him! He's in Swellview woods!
Ray: What?! Why would he be there?!
Jasper: He probably ran away.You know before you yelled at him he was already having a pretty bad day yesterday. You yelling him may have been the final straw.
Henry ran away. And I was to blame. I ran for the tubes. I HAD to fix this.

Henry's POV
I backed away slowly but the mountain lion just kept coming closer. Then he charged. I ran has fast as I could but it was not use. He leaped on me causing it me to fall. I felt pain everywhere. Just when he was about to ya know,kill me,something shot him off. I don't know what though. I was in so much pain I didn't care. His nails had dug into my skin as well so between falling really hard and that mountain lion's nails,I was in a lot of pain. What ever it was the mountain lion was dead.Then someone approached me. I saw who it was right before I blacked out. Ray. And he had said "I'm so sorry Henry". Then it was black.
Ray's POV
I searched every inch of the woods Schwoz said he was in until finally,I had found him. He looked scared though. Then he stared running. That was when I realized what was happening.I pulled out a blaster and set it on deadly level then just as the mountain lion was about to kill Henry,I shot him. The animal had immediately fallen dead. Henry still didn't get up though. I ran as fast as I could to him. Then I saw the state he was in.He looked terrible! To start things off his arm was bent in a weird way. That was probably the mountain lion's fault. His face was pale,he was way to skinny,seriously it's almost like looking at a skeleton! I gently scooped him up and carried him to the man van. I hope he'll be okay.
*time skip*
I got back to the man cave and Schwoz just finished scanning him.
Schwoz: Henry is severely malnourished,his right arm is broken,bruised ribs,ands he will need stitches in one of his cuts.
While Schwoz was bandaging up Henry,I was sitting on the U-shaped couch planning my big apology for Henry. Once Schwoz finished putting in the stitches and bandaging up Henry,I carried him to the guest room in the man cave. I laid him down on the bed and pulled the covers up on him. (I am NOT shipping anyone in this story.Just wanted to make that clear😜) Then Henry started waking up.
Henry: What's going on? Where am I?
Then he saw me and where he was. He just flipped over on the other side of the bed.
Ray: Kid,I know you're mad at me. Words can't even express how sorry I feel.
Henry: You know what? You're right. I am mad at you.
He tried getting up but yelped in pain. Then he noticed the bandages and the cast on his arm.
Ray: Schwoz had to fix you up.But kid,really,I regretted everything immediately after I said it that night. I truly am sorry. If I could turn back the clock and fix everything I would. If I could have been the one attacked by that mountain lion even if I wasn't indestructible,I would. You don't know how bad I have felt for the past three weeks. And to make it up to you I will buy you whatever you want.
Henry: Do you mean all of that? Honest?
Ray: Absolutely.
I smile had crept up on the kid's face.
Henry: I forgive you Ray.
Ray: thank you! Now,tell me what you want,and I'll buy it for you.
Henry: Anything?
Ray: Anything.
Henry: The new pear phone 12.
Ray: Anything else?
After about 10 minutes he finally finished. I may have to charge all this on the man card.
Then he got a weird look on his face.
Ray: What's wrong.
Henry: I'm just in a lot of pain from where I got hurt. Also I'm starving. My last "meal" was a week ago and it was only a few blueberries I found on a bush.
I had completely forgotten that he hadn't eaten in forever.
Ray: I'll go get you something from the autosnacker.
Henry: Thanks Ray.
* time skip*
Henry's POV
It's been a little over a month and I'm completely healed. I'm glad Ray and I made up. I hate it when I fight with him. Or anyone for that matter. While I was still healing,Ray caught the Toddler and took him to jail. At least everything's back to the way they were.

Hi! So what did you think? Requests are still open for the letters T,U,X,and Y. If you have a request in one of those letters send them as soon as possible. Bye and stay safe!

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