ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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"No. But-" Taking a deep breath I blink, what they have just told me sinking in, "Why? And how? And how do you know?".

Gold seems to be the one who knows most about it, taking the lead as she explains for the second time what is going to happen to Ember - Amber - once she enters the police station, "They will take her to the underground prison because they can. Because those policemen think they have a right to test on us just because we don't show our true faces," she takes a breath, her golden eyes on fire as she stares at me, "and we know, because well, my mother is a politician,". I gasp, my mind instantly thinking she is in on the ruse, "No! No, she has been fighting against it. But... It's hard,".

This is the first time I have ever seen Gold so sad, so angry. Usually she gets worried, yes, but she keeps a smile in place, even if it is just to comfort the rest of us. But right now, she looks nothing like her usual self.

"We knew the risks," sniffs Vulcan, pulling away from Hemlock's shoulder, "We knew but- but we always thought it would never happen to us. We were so careful! I don't... How-" she sniffs again, a tear running down the face of the girl I have helped put into prison, kept underground for human testing. Vulcan looks exactly like her twin, exactly like the girl I have helped put behind bars forever-


They might be lying. Misinformed.

"We might have a mole," Hemlock whispers, her eyes staring into mine as if she could read my thoughts. I swallow, but don't look away.

Diamond slams her hand on the coffee table between the two couches, "Hemlock, this is not the time. We need to figure out how to get her out of there before they touch her brain, or kill her,".

Vulcan sobs harder.

Eagle isn't here, which is strange. I didn't ask in case she had told them about yesterday afternoon when both her and Amber had shown me their faces, told me their names. In a way, I am glad she isn't here because I have a feeling facing her would be the hardest out of all the girls here.

Gold moves forward, her arms weighing down on her knees as she focuses. She looks deadly, ready to do anything to get her friend back - and it is all my fault. Vulcan's cries, Diamond's anger, Gold's frustration... All my fault.

"I might be able to infiltrate the station and find out where the prison is, but Mother won't be happy," The golden-eyed girl says, her hands clasped together as she looks up and stares directly at Diamond.

I must be missing something again.

They can't go looking for Amber, not until I know for certain that what they are saying is true, that Amber really is being held hostage and used for experimenting.

The thought of so many Lorem - innocent or not - being held under the city is astounding, yet based on what some of my comrades have told me, it is not unexpected. There is a story that circulated around during my training claiming there were ghosts underground, haunting the old paths that connected all the buildings on one plot of land.

It would make sense for the prison to be kept underground, away from curious gazes - and what better place than underground, under level one. I mean this very room is evidence enough that it is possible to maintain the old passages, so who is to say there aren't similar places? And who is to say someone didn't convert them into a prison?

Taking a breath, I whisper, "I know someone in the police force... I might be able to learn the location without putting myself in too much danger,". It's not the truth, but it isn't a lie, either. I keep my eyes strained on Gold who seems to take my suggestion into consideration, both of us turning to DIamond as she looks at me skeptically.

The move I just made was risky, but I need to get to the bottom of this. But the move I will make once I leave this room, once I get home, will be even riskier.

"Do you trust this person?" Diamond asks. Hemlock leans forward, staring at me. I avert my eyes, looking at the leader of Lilac Royalty once again.

"Yes," No.

"Then go and talk to them,".

I nod, getting up.

This might be the last time I stand next to them, so before I go, I take them in, etching everything into my memory. Vulcan is still crying, but luckily she is now asleep, her head resting on Hemlock's legs as the latter slowly combs her fingers through her friend's brown hair. Hemlock has known for a while that I am up to something, but for some reason, she seems to have sadness in her eyes as she takes in the way I memorise them. Diamond, beside her, still has her head down, staring at the floor in deep thought. I haven't seen her face yet, but her black locks, the curly swirls that usually dance as she moves, are down, tired-looking. She looks defeated. Gold isn't faring much better.

"Goodbye," I whisper, turning around. Whether they know it or not, this might be the last time they see me.


This is the shortest chapter, but I don't think making it any longer will make sense. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what your thoughts are, it really helps when editing, that way I know what to change!

Question: What do you think Aithne is going to do now? What is her plan?

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