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They are all angry with me, but for the safety of their friend they agreed to work with me and act according to the plan I had made a few hours ago

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They are all angry with me, but for the safety of their friend they agreed to work with me and act according to the plan I had made a few hours ago. The strategy is simple; Hemlock takes out the current guards around the perimeter, Diamond and Eagle make sure backup doesn't come while Vulcan and I infiltrate the prison and find Amber. Of course, we won't be able to get her out of there unless Eagle manages to enter the digital compound containing all the data from every subject in the lab, along with access to all the doors and hopefully a map of the underground labyrinth.

My original plan was to go down there with Diamond since she can manipulate the rocks and if anything went wrong it would give us a better shot at surviving, but Vulcan had been dead set against it. She said she was the one who wanted to save her sister, even if it meant she had to suffer next to me, the traitor.

I understand why they act like that, and I know that they will probably never accept my apology and that this is all my fault, but the misery doesn't leave me. In fact, the longer I stay with them, the sadder I get, tears prickling behind my eyes almost constantly.

I need to get a hold of myself.

"Don't," I interrupt Gold, reaching out to stop her. Realising my action, I pull my hand back, bringing it to my chest as I continue, the distrust in her eyes only igniting my grief, "Don't put on your suits. It will give you away,".

Vulcan steps in the direction Gold was going towards before I had stopped her, opening the wardrobe next to the bathroom where we usually stored our - their - spandex suits. "We know, that's why we are going to wear our capes," She spits.

I nod.

Speaking right now would be hard, my voice breaking from the emotions I am trying to keep in check behind my mask. So I stay quiet while we leave the underground bunker and don't utter another word until we have nearly reached Ca' Pesaro.

"We should spread out. Eagle, climb up on the roof and stay hidden. The rest of you, come with me. Diamond, once we get near you stay outside and keep watch, Hemlock, Vulcan, Gold and I will go through the main entrance and let you know what we find. Hemlock, once we are inside you need to get into the mind of the guards we spot and make them forget the next few minutes. Can you do that?". I feel like I am back in training, when I was put as chief to test my leadership over the rest of the trainees. Back then I hadn't known how to do it, and after failing the first test I was never given a second chance - but this time I am going to do it right, and we are all going to get out of here.

The girls nod, Hemlock silently trailing behind us like a shadow as we stop in the queue. All these people coming to view the art from the past centuries have no clue what lies under this building.

"How are we going to get in?" Gold whispers, "Do we have to buy tickets? Because then they will know our identities,".

I know that, but I also know that if I show them my police badge I am carrying more for emotional support than necessity and Hemlock uses a bit of her persuasion we should be fine.

"Hemlock is going to help me persuade them," I answer simply, looking up at the majestic ceiling. If everything goes right, this historical building will still be standing - but if things go bad, there might not be an Art Museum to visit, and all the people walking in with us might be in danger. Turning to the girl who seems to have seen right through me from the start, I whisper low enough for only her ears to pick up my voice, "Do you think you can also persuade all these people to get out? Just in case?".

She must believe I have their best interests in mind, I mean she was reading my thoughts not long ago, so she must have seen I hold no grudge towards them and in fact want the best for them.

A few silent seconds follow my question before she replies just as low as me, "Yes, I can. Take care of the girls for me. They might seem like they won't forgive you, but they will come around. I've seen your intentions, and they were always good - they see it too, even if they are disappointed in you,".

Disappointed. I had made them disappointed. They had believed in me, treated me like a friend, let me become a member of Lilac Royalty, and I had disappointed them by letting Amber get caught, helping the tormentors underneath us capture her.

Before I can answer, Hemlock moves forward, the hood covering her head making her eyes disappear behind a mass of darkness. She walks ahead, passing the few people in front of us. Unless you are looking carefully - which I am because I am curious to know how she uses the combination of both Plantae Flexuram and Animo Flexuram - you can't see the way her hands near each person's skin, small stems growing out of her fingers, spreading all the way to the other visitors and latching onto them.

If it is so easy for her to use her powers, I wonder why she has never used it during any of our missions with Lilac Royalty? She always seems to hold back, never letting her powers shine and instead standing guard, intimidating the enemy.

Gold and Vulcan stay beside me, both silent as we step forward, nearing the officer who is letting the new visitors who have bought tickets. People are starting to give us strange looks, our hoods standing out like a sore thumb in this bright and colourful part of level one. We don't take any notice of them, instead walking forward, catching up with Hemlock who is leaning against a pillar just outside the entrance.

"Ready?" Vulcan asks once we reach the silent member of Lilac Royalty.

Hemlock nods, keeping her head low as the four of us step in front of the officer.

"Tickets," He says, not looking up from his mobile phone.

Taking a deep breath, I take out my police badge, showing it to him, "I'm here with my team to check something out," leaning forward, I whisper, "down low,". Stepping back, I continue, "Could we go in, please?".

He seems taken aback, but once Hemlock touches his arm and whispers something in his ear, he nods, stepping aside, "Of course,".

I cringe, his voice so robotic it makes me wonder just what Hem has done in his brain, but instead of saying something I quickly thank him and step inside, the girls following close behind. The interior of the building is exactly the same as this morning, the paintings hanging from the ceiling unmoved, the stones beneath our feet just as clean as earlier. Time seems to have gone so slow, the few hours that have passed since finding out about the prison, about what happens to all the Lorem who I have put away, feeling like days, maybe even weeks.

I need to stay calm and keep my head in the game, focus on the task at hand.

"This way," I whisper to Gold and Vulcan, Hemlock already walking off to find the rest of the guards standing in each hallway of the museum.

Once we get to the painting with the golden frame we will have to act quick, each of us going in a different direction.

We will be alone, but it's the only way to find Amber.


I can't seem to end this story! Going to have to do another chapter. I think it will be the last one, but taking into account this is the third time I am saying this, I ain't gonna promise anything! Hope you are enjoying the story so far, please leave a vote and comment your favourite part!

Question: Am I the only one who doesn't seem to know how long their book is going to be? Please tell me I am not...

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