July 2020 (Part 2)

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June 02. Morning came, I felt so weak and restless because I slept only for about three hours. My normal sleep was about 6 to 9 hours. No matter how weak I was, I rushed to the kitchen to cook horse radish soup. We were blessed for there were many vegetables in our backyard. I felt relief when I ate my breakfast together with the hot soup. It was so refreshing.

Later, my younger brother and I started to do the household chores. As we walked along the path, we took off slippers because the land was really muddy. It was really new for me. When I was living in the city for how many years, I never experienced walking without slippers. My feet were really in pain and dirty but I sacrificed that.

I went to our farm to get grass for our cow. It was alright until that time that I needed to carry those. It was heavy and it was my first time to do that. Ever since, my parents didn't allow me to carry heavy things because I am so weak. I was always admitted to the hospital when I was still an infant and a baby that's why my health is not really good. But that time I needed to carry heavy things because my parents wasn't around anymore. It wasn't easy but I prayed to God for strength and good health. And God didn't fail us. He granted our favor. He gave us strength more than enough that's why we finished all the tasks.
I've realized  that we made the things possible no matter how impossible it may seem. We made it because there's God whose always by our side.

The night came at exactly 11:30. My body was shaking. Maybe it was because I was not used to do heavy and many tasks. I woke up my younger brother and asked him to prepare a glass of hot milk for me. I felt cold due to the cold weather. While waiting  to my younger brother, my older sister sent me a message via SMS. She told me to bring the medicine to my cousin early in the morning. The medicine she's talking about was the sleeping and antidepressive pills for my mother. According to her that my mother needed it because my mother couldn't sleep and she needed to walk how many kilometers from the hospital to the pharmacy. My father was admitted to Carcar City. As I read the text from my sister, my anxiety attacked again and my body was still shaking. I was so worried. I overthink about my mother would be depressed. Who would ake care of my father and who would take care of my mother? Due to COVID-19, the management of the hospital ordered that there's only one who will be allowed to look after the patient. Unlike before the pandemic, either two or three people were allowed to look after the patient. My older brother was the only one who was near from the hospital. But he cannot replace my mother even just how many hours. He couldn't enter the hospital.

Because of that thinking, I wasn't able to sleep anymore. But my anxiety and the shakiness of my body was alright. I was thinking about what my sister told me. She told me that we would go to our cousin's house and gave the medicine to them. Our cousin has motorcycle and we would ask them to give the medicine to the driver of the bus. After, my brother or my mother would wait for the bus in Carcar City so that they could get the medicine. The plan was okay for me but I was worried about the transportation through bus. I was worried if the buses were permitted to take passengers again.

Due to COVID-19, Cebu province was under in GCQ (General Community Quarantine) but I've heard that buses were not permitted to operate. My older brother wasn't able to go back to Toledo City supposedly because there's no public transport. Fortunately, her co-teachers went to our hometown and let my brother rode to their private car and went to Toledo City.

I was really worried and I just prayed and offered my worries to God. I have no power to let the mountains move except my faith to God.

The third of July 2020 came, we woke up and prepared ourselves. It was exactly five o'clock in the morning when I asked my brother to prepare two glasses of hot milk for us. I felt my head was very light for I slept only three to four hours but I got up. We needed to go to my cousin's house as early as possible so that we could meet him before he will go to his work. While waiting to my brother, I prayed to God that He would give us strength and good health. I knew my condition was not fine but I offer it to Him.

At 5:30, we went outside from our home. The cold air caressed our face. It was really cold and a little bit dark for the sun was not yet shining. As we walked the path going to our cousin's house, it was colder because the dew from the plants fell down to our bodies. We were soaking wet but we needed to endure it. Our slippers were wet and full of mud but still we continued walking. I really felt sad when I saw my feet which is now very dirty. I reminisced my city life. I was very comfortable that time. I didn't need to walk barefooted; I seldom walk for I always rode public transportations every weekdays and during weekend, I walked for only 10 meters when I needed to go to the market; most of the time, I usually ate in fast food chains or restaurants; my work which was ESL instructor was easy and comfortable for I just talked and laughed with my students face to face; and I slept longer hours. I miss everything. I miss my city life. I couldn't help myself but burst in tears.

When we were on the street, I received a message from my father. He told me to prepare the food and drink for our cows. It is because my uncle and a man will come to our house to buy the two cows. When I read that message, I didn't know what to do. We were in the middle of the way to reach my cousin's house. We stopped and I told my brother that he should continue to go to my cousin's house and I will go back to our house to do the task my father told me. But my brother pleaded me to go with him for he's afraid of dogs. So, we continued to walk. I was just hoping that my uncle and that man will come to our house late in the morning. We walked hurriedly. My brother was the one who carried the backpack. I know it was heavy but still he carried that because I was weak and my condition was not good. I just helped him a little.

As we nearly reached my cousin's house, unfortunately we saw my two uncles riding a motorcycle going to our home! We hurried as we could to go back to our home to meet them. I was worried to fail my father's order. We were running to meet and entertain them in our home. We could talk the deal and everything but sad to say we didn't meet them for when we reached our home, they just rode the motorcycle to go back to their home.

I was out of breath and really furious. I did everything but still I wasn't able to meet them. My brother and I continued to do the household chores and feed the the animals in our small farm. Suddenly, my uncle came back with another man. That's the time I've realized that my other uncle earlier was not the one who would buy our cow. We were just on time to meet the man whom my father talked about!

My uncle was the one who entertain and made the deal to that man because I have no power and knowledge to do that. They suddenly decided that the bull should be dealt because that's what the dealer wanted. Then they made the deal, my mother expected an exact amount because she she was aware that the bull was thinner than before. But to our shocked, the dealer said a lower amount. It was so sad to see. My mother was really disappointed and if she had a choice she would not deal the bull. Sad to say, she had nothing to do due to our situation. I was hurt because I know how they loved that bull but they needed to let go that bull for my father. The medicine cost more than Php 3,000 a day. It was very hard to feel that we were stuck in a difficult situation.

When the dealer got our bull, my mother instructed me to go to the town immediately because they didn't have money anymore to buy medicines. I was beyond grateful to my uncle and my cousin who offered a free ride for me inorder to go to the town immediately and to send the money to my mother.

To the people who served as the instruments especially during this day,

Thank you so much. I am so grateful to all of you. I won't ever forget your kindness and help for our family despite the trials we experienced.



1. Family is family. During dark or good times, they are also there for us. This is the reason why everybody has family. We are not born on this world without family. Family is the usual people whom God will use as an instrument in helping is to remind that we are not alone.

Glory to God!

Life in the Midst of COVID-19 (Published by Ukiyoto Publishing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon