April 2020

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After two weeks, my mother's condition got better. She went back to work on the farm together with my father and we were so for everything's alright.

The next day I talked with my older brother about Barrio Luz in Cebu City or Zapatera have had hundreds of confirmed cases! It was unbelievable for me because how could that happen when I just knew three weeks earlier about the two confirmed cases in Lapulapu? How could that happen so fast? But I saw the news on TV and it was true.

Three days later, I saw the message on GC about a person who has flu. Sadly, his only one brother didn't help him because his brother was afraid if that person would be positive in COVID-19. He was afraid that he would be infected of the said virus and his children and wife would be infected, too. Fortunately, there was a taxi driver who helped him. In this situation, I remembered the famous quote (when I was an elementary schooler) and it stated, "Blood is thicker than water." However due to the contagious virus, the quote was not applicable to some.

The next few days, people  began to feel the crisis. We were not allowed to go out. Only the government  provide canned goods and some kilos of rice. We were thankful because we feel the concern of the government but honestly speaking  those were not enough for us. Filipinos eat three times or more in a day. Aside from that, most of the Filipinos belong to a big family. Just like us, I have five siblings and my older brother has two children. I was aware that the government tried their best to help the Filipinos despite the threat of the pandemic. However, the lockdown made our lives harder. But we need to obey and cooperate the authorities in surviving the pandemic.

I saw the news on TV that the government was angry and furious because most of the Filipinos were very hardheaded. But somehow I understand the situation and of course the government as well. I couldn't blame between the two forces.The government tried their very best for the good of the Filipinos and to keep them safe from the COVID-19. However, people didn't have enough foods so they need to go out, too. If they would just stay the house as what the government told the people and they didn't have job, they would die of hunger!


1. In every situations, actions and the decisions that were made by the people and authorities, there were hidden meanings. So we didn't have the right to judge. Only God knows so just surrender everything to him.

Glory to God!

Life in the Midst of COVID-19 (Published by Ukiyoto Publishing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang