Chapter 9: Rumors

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"Goddammit brat."


Third Person POV

And here we have the two strongest curses that were to ever exist: one being pelted with punches whilst the other wailed on him.

"Did you really think that it was okay to kill my students while I was dying just because I couldn't stop you? You're not slick! I'm your wife, not your mother! I shouldn't have to watch you 24/7 to make sure you don't rip someone's heart out-!"

Each word was met with one slap on Sukuna's arm to which he successfully blocked with his hand, to the point where (y/n) ended up punching his open palm instead. As for Sukuna, he wordlessly let his wife punch her feelings away while he used his other hand to lean his head against- finding the whole thing quite entertaining.

And then there's Yuuji who watched the whole thing in an awkward terror. Here he thought that the curse that resides in him was the strongest, most fearful there could be, but watching the wife of said curse made him doubt that rumor.

"Well, won't you look at that? I have some business to talk about with the brat down there so I'll talk to you later, princess," Sukuna simply stated, ruffled her (h/c) locks, and with a snap of his fingers, (y/n) was no longer in the Innate Domain but was met with a bright, white light that flooded her eyes.

Blinking a few times to adjust her vision, (y/n) groaned and slowly sat up to be met with four others. She rubbed her eyes with a frown before a realization had washed over her and she looked over at the unconscious, pink-haired boy on the table next to her.

"You better wake him up so I can murder my husband," (y/n) pointed an accusing finger at the poor boy with a gaping hole in the middle of his chest and glared at the other three people in the room. Ijichi trembled in his spot, Ieiri held a stoic expression, as Gojo grinned at her in amusement.

"But he's dead, (y/n)," Gojo said with a wide smile full of relief as to what she said and the (h/c)-nette rolled her eyes.

"Like hell he's dead! I was just with them beating into Sukuna's skull as to why it isn't okay to rip out the hearts of teenagers just a minute ago! I don't care what kind of black magic you pull, wake him up," she glared at them and crossed her arms, completely contemplating if she should just slap him awake but can't because it was still Yuuji's body.

"Well, we'll see what we can do-"

It wasn't even a second later when Yuuji slowly rose from the table like a zombie and the poor assistant, Ijichi, was about to pass out of pure terror that was held in this room for the past thirty minutes.

"G-G-Gojo-san!" Ijichi exclaimed and pointed at the once-dead student as Gojo placed a hand on his head and laughed, "H-H-He's alive!"

"Ijichi, be quiet," the blindfolded male playfully retorted and began to walk over to the pinkette as Ieri handed him clothes, "Welcome back."

"Yeah. Good to be back," Yuuji happily waved back until he felt an ominous presence behind him. The pinkette shivered in fear and slowly turned around to be faced with his other teacher with a dark aura falling over her.

For a moment, the intimidating presence (y/n) was exuding diminished and she gave the boy a bright smile, "It's good to see you alive, Yuuji."

The said male hesitantly nodded, "N-Nice to see you too, (l/n)-sensei... Why are you smiling like that? It's scaring me."

"I was just wondering if you could switch out with Sukuna for me," she sent the nicest smile she could muster but the evil mood around her said otherwise. Yuuji gulped nervously as Gojo sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "I wanted to continue the chat we had before he kicked me out."

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