Chapter 17: I'm So Tired

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"Oh there you are, (l/n)-san... I was expecting you."


Third Person POV


'No... why...' (y/n) cautiously watched as a man with long, black hair and a dark blue yukata approached her from the shadows of the forest, 'Why... do you look so much like him...?'


"It's good to see you here rather than inside the school buildings. Mahito messed up the first time around so I'll be doing most of the talking instead," the unknown male sent her an unsettling, closed-eye smile as (y/n) shivered, a frigid chill running down her spine, "Let's have a chat."


"W-Who are you?" The (h/c)-nette flinched at her stuttering but maintained her authoritative tone nonetheless. She wasted no time activating her jujutsu and watched the man freeze on spot with a calm smile.

"My name is not important right now, (l/n)-san," the dark-haired man simply said, not a single indication of worry with each utterance.

"You know my name so do me the courtesy of introducing yourself," (y/n) glared at him and inspected any suspicious motives that he could be exuding.

"I don't think that's a smart move on our behalf," he stated with a seemingly knowing tone laced into it.

"Otherwise, you might lose the comfort of using your own ability."

With that warning, (y/n) hastily tightened her control on this person's curse energy and felt him stiffen under her control. She knew better than to take the risk of letting this presumable attacker be comfortable under her watch, and now knowing that this person knew the patchwork curse she encountered earlier, it was almost certain that they were after her.

"Nevermind, don't tell me then," she snarled bitterly and concentrated her curse energy tenfold to force him to walk back to the school with her.

"Ah, I see you were much more powerful than I expected," the unidentifiable man commented as (y/n) simply glanced at him with an uninterested expression adorning her features, "Then maybe I should tell you my name, (l/n)-san."

"Like I said, tell that to the higher ups because I don't want to hear your bull-"

"My name is Suguru Geto."

Fear. Was that what it was? Or was it dread? Maybe it was both... Was that the reason her cursed heart was running adrenaline through her body like it was time for fight or flight?

Or was it something else entirely? Was it the trauma she had gain so long ago that anything remotely similar to him gave her stress-inducing anxiety? Whatever it was, she just wanted to breathe.

Ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum

'No, not now,' (y/n) clenched her heart and for that split-second she wasn't concentrating, she almost undid her jujutsu entirely- only for her to activate it again twice as strong, 'Whoever they are is not him. This is an attack- they want you to have your guard down- you have to focus.'

"Oh so the stories were true then," the male, supposedly named Geto, remarked as if he had just confirmed something. (Y/n) did not even turn back to face him in fear that her terrified expression will only fuel his unknown motives, "My ancestor really messed it up back then, but I swear that I'm not the same person, (l/n)-san. I'm here to discuss something for your benefit."

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