2 | football

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ok i gave in and decided to post another chapter today sigh. _alicia-chan_ this is your fault

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who was that girl?

she was awesome!

so mystical!

we gonna call her mystique or sth?

i still can't believe she beat shadow.

Reki kept on scrolling through all the comments about the night before, each and every one of them saying how cool the new skater was. ''It's crazy, no one knows who she is and where she came from.''

''I mean, she did come covered up and everything,'' Langa pointed out. ''That was probably the whole point, don't you think?''

''Yeah,'' Reki nodded in agreement, finally turning his phone off and stuffing his hands in his jeans' pockets. ''Can't believe Shadow lost to a newbie again.''

''She didn't really seem like a newbie, though,'' Langa thought out-loud.

''Yeah. It was like she's seen Shadow skate multiple times before and knew what he was going to do, too,'' Reki analysed. ''Though, no one's seen her at 'S' before. Or maybe we have, but she's just pretending to be a newbie?''

''That could be the case, too,'' Langa agreed.

The two exited the school building, deciding to start making their way towards Dope Sketch, even if they were going to arrive earlier than usual. It wasn't like Manager Oka would be annoyed by their presence, right?

''Hey, Reki, Langa!'' the two boys turned towards the voice, seeing one of their classmates standing there, two other next to him. ''Come here, the girls' football practice is starting!''

Langa and Reki shared a look, shrugging as they decided that it wouldn't hurt to watch for a bit. It wasn't like they had anything better to do.

They made their way over, each of them leaning on the railing surrounding the football field as they watched the girls running laps and their coach yelling at them to go faster.

''Ah, Tanizaki's so cool,'' one of their classmates swooned as he watched the girls run.

''I like Minamoto, she's so hot!'' another one said.

''We all know the best one is L/n, though,'' their classmate that called them over said, as if it was the obvious answer. The other two boys agreed, but then again, so did Reki.

Langa looked at Reki in confusion. ''Who are they talking about?''

Reki straightened up, and started counting off his fingers. ''Tanizaki's an underclassman, she's in class 1-3, if I'm not wrong. She's number 12. Minamoto is a senior, in class 3-5, number 2. L/n's in our year, class 2-6, number 17.'' Of course, Reki knew all of that because everyone else did. The female football team was quite good, after all.

The two returned to watching, like all the other boys were. The team was split into two smaller teams, having a makeshift practice match. Red against blue. Tanizaki, with a red jersey, had the ball, but number 19, with a blue jersey, was approaching her quick.

''Tanizaki!" L/n called, putting her hand up to indicate she was free. Tanizaki kicked the ball towards L/n, who received it with her chest and red jersey. She quickly made her way back to the other side of the field, passing through all her teammates with ease.

It wasn't long before she'd scored a goal.

''Yeah, L/n!''

''Good job, L/n!''

''Go out with me, L/n!''

Y/n put her hands on her knees, leaning down to pant, ignoring all the comments - not like they were something new, anyway. It would've been nice if all those boys came to actually support them and not because all the girls on the team were good-looking.

She straightened up, wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. Her eyes fell on two boys in particular, two boys that she recognized.

Holy shit, they're those guys from 'S', aren't they, Y/n though, trying not to show her inner panic. They went to her school? Did they recognize her? Was her cover blown? Is that why they're here to watch? Were they going to corner her and question her?

''Oi, L/n, get back in position!'' Tanizaki yelled, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts.

''Yeah, sorry, Tanizaki!'' Y/n called and ran back and jogged back to her position, thankful her captain had snapped her out of her thoughts, as she'd started to stare at the two boys.

''No fair! Why was L/n looking at Reki and Langa?'' one of their classmates asked, all three of them turning to look at the two skaters, who shrugged in return.

''Why was L/n looking at us?'' asked Langa as Reki looked up at him. ''Do you know her?''

Reki shook his head. ''Well, not personally. I don't know why she was looking, either,'' he said as he pushed off the railing, putting his hands back in his pockets. ''We should probably go if we want to make it in time for our shift.''

Langa agreed and the two bid goodbye to their classmates, who didn't look very interested. Y/n watched as they did so, following them with her eyes until they were gone from her sight. She turned to her teammate. ''Hey, Miwa, do you know those two boys? With the red and blue hairs?''

Miwa looked at her, thinking for a moment. ''I didn't see them, but I'm assuming you mean Reki and Langa. They're in my class.''

''Reki and Langa . . .'' Y/n thought out-loud. ''Thanks, Miwa.''

''L/n, Kageyama, get back in the game!"' their coach yelled, clearly not amused at their distraction.

The two girls almost jumped out of their skins. ''Sorry, coach!''

Y/n turned back to the game, following the ball with her eyes, though her mind being elsewhere. Reki and Langa, huh? Gotta be warier of them.

the girl from 's' | reki kyan x fem!reader ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ