12 | camp

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hey besties, how was your week?

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She panthed as she ran down the street, her two bags hitting each of her sides at every move. One thing he hadn't expected of herself was to oversleep - yet here she was, running almost late, and still having to talk to Reki before she got on the bus.

Reki stood to the side of the school, just like Y/n had asked him to. What for, he wasn't entirely sure. Did she want him to send her off to her camp? That would be weird, right? Were they that close already? Though, if she did want him to send her off, he wouldn't mind, not one bit.

He looked up when he heard shoes hitting the pavement, noticing Y/n running towards him. She was wearing a tracksuit, probably so she can be comfortable during the ride.

Her eyes widened slightly and she let out a relieved breath as she finally came into a stop in front of Reki, quite tired from her sprinting all the way from her house. ''Good morning?'' Reki greeted her in confusion as he watched her try to regain her breath.

''Morning,'' Y/n said before straightening up and taking off the bag from her left shoulder. ''I need a favor.''

Reki cocked an eyebrow. ''What is it?''

Y/n held the bag up to him. ''My skateboard's inside. Can you keep it with you while I'm at camp? I don't want to risk my parents finding it,'' she explained with a pleading expression. ''Please?''

''Of course,'' Reki said as he took the bag and slung it over his shoulder, giving her a toothy grin in the process.

''Thank you,'' Y/n said and leaned on the wall next to Reki, letting her racing heart calm down.

A few moments of silence passed, Reki looking at the girl until he realized he'd been staring for a minute too long and looked away in embarrassment, a light blush coating his cheeks. Y/n, who hadn't noticed Reki's gaze, jumped as she felt her phone buzz in her pocket.

Quickly reading the message she'd just received, she cursed under her breath. ''I have to go, coach is asking for me. See you next week, Reki!'' Y/n called as she started to run towards the school again, waving at him as she did so. Reki waved, too, holding on the strap of the bag containing her skateboard tightly.

''You're late, L/n,'' the coach spoke as Y/n came to a stop, putting her hands over her knees and panthing.

''It's not 8 o'clock yet, coach,'' Y/n said, showing her phone screen to her coach - 7:59 a.m., it read.

Coach rolled her eyes. ''Just get in the bus already.''

Y/n saluted with a grin on her face. ''Aye, aye, coach!''

The older woman chuckled as the girl stumbled into the bus, scanning the rolls until she finally spotted a free spot. Y/n plopped down next to Miwa, letting out a sigh of relief before she stuffed her backpack under the seat.

''Can't believe you came late,'' Miwa spoke as she looked away from the window. ''I specifically texted you yesterday to remind you to set an earlier alarm.''

Y/n waved her off as she leaned back in her seat, her eyes trailing to the window, noticing a blue and a redhead rushing inside the school, holding onto their skateboards. She snorted, realizing Reki and Langa were just as late as she was.

- - -

Reki walked inside his house at last, feeling his stomach rumble. Him and Langa had skated until it got dark, and he hadn't eaten since lunch. He sniffed the air, recognizing the smell of pork curry coming from the kitchen.

''Mom!'' Reki called as he poked his head inside, noticing his mother over the stove, stirring a pot.

His mother almost jumped out of her skin at his voice. She turned around, a cheery smile on her face. ''Oh, Reki, you're home! Dinner will be ready in a bit.''

Reki fist-pumped in the air at that, heading towards his room so he can put down his backpacks. Once inside his room, he left his schoolbag fall on the ground next to his desk, whilst he placed Y/n's bag on his bed.

Staring at the bag, Reki was filled with curiosity. He's never seen her skateboard from up-close, so would it be bad to take a peak? It's not like she'll ever know, right? Unless she somehow manages to get his fingerprints off the board and scans them or something sketchy Reki had no idea how to do - but she wouldn't do that, right?

Unzipping the bag, he was met with the grip of her board, which was a simple black. He took the skateboard out of the bag and sat down on his bed, flipping it over.

The deck was a simple, deep purple color, the paint being chapped in some places, others looked like they'd been repainted many times. A few stickers were on the board, one of them being a football - the one Reki had given her. He smiled, tracing his fingers over the sticker before snapping out of his thoughts, realizing that whatever he was doing was weird.

Her wheels were the small ones, colored in a lighter shade of purple. He noticed that her wheels were very much cone-shaped. How long has she not changed her wheels for? Now that he remembered, she did mention that she's had her skateboard for a long time.

''Man, Y/n . . .'' Reki said as he started inspecting the skateboard properly. ''How do you even use it?''

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