17 | decisions

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hey besties, how was your week? mine was decent lmao. i think i might start updating on friday now btw. ALSO THANK YOU FOR 35k READS OMFGFF

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Y/n groaned as the two continued to walk, as they had for the past twenty minutes. Hiro had suggested that they go to a restaurant of a friend of his, though apparently Y/n didn't know him - or so her brother assumed.

''How far is that restaurant,'' Y/n complained, keeping her hands in her pockets - she'd decided to wear her 'S' jacket, no one would know it was her and it was comfortable.

''We're almost there,'' Hiro said before pointing in front of them. ''There it is!''

It was an Italian restaurant. Hiro had made her walk all the way from their house to this restaurant for a pizza? She sighed, knowing it was too late to complain.

Hiro opened the door and let Y/n walk in first. As she did, her eyes immediately fell on the cook standing right across from her - a cook she was very familiar with.

''Kojiro!'' Hiro called, grabbing the man's attention. Joe looked at Hiro, a smile breaking on his face as the two sat right in front of the bar.

''Hiro? What're you doing here?'' Joe spoke gleefully, happy to see his old friend.

''I came to visit my little sister,'' Hiro said as he ruffled Y/n's hair, causing the girl to push his hand off before she looked at him.

''You know Joe?''

Both Joe and Hiro looked at Y/n in surprise for knowing Joe's 'S' nickname. Joe squinted his eyes, recognizing the pattern of the jacket and taking a wild guess. ''Mystique?''

Hiro looked at his sister, then at Kojiro, then back at his sister. ''You two know each other?''

''Know each other is a strong word,'' Y/n explained, sparing her brother a glance before looking back at Joe. ''But I've heard of him. Seems like he's heard of me, too.''

''Of course I've heard of you, you're the newbie who beat Shadow for the second time,'' Joe said, laughing slightly at the memory of both her and Langa putting Shadow in his place. ''Your skills are impressive, I must admit. Reki never shuts up about them.''

Y/n felt her cheeks warm up at the mention of her friend and she looked away, not wanting her brother to see her flustered state. ''Does he, now?''

Joe chuckled upon seeing her reaction, then looked at Hiro. ''I'm still at work so I can't chat as much. There's 'S' tonight, though, so how about we go? Kaoru's going, too, and I'm sure he'd like to see you, too, kid.''

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, starting to connect the dots - so they were a group back then?

''Yeah, I haven't been there in ages,'' Hiro agreed, looking down at his leg with a bittersweet expression. ''We'll go fetch Y/n's board and we'll meet you there later.''

Y/n looked at Joe, her fingers fiddling on top of the table. ''Do you know if Reki and Langa will be there?''

Joe stopped, thinking for a moment before nodding. ''Most likely. They said they wanted to perfect this new move they saw online.''

A sigh left her lips.

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Y/n stood next to her brother as the two finally arrived at 'S', her hood over her head and her mask covering half of her face, as usual. ''You look ridiculous,'' her brother commented when she pulled them up.

''Shut up!'' Y/n said, punching his arm and causing him to groan slightly from the pain.

''Y/n!'' She looked up at the call of her name, seeing Langa waving at her. Much like earlier, Reki was trailing behind him, though Miya Chinen was with them this time. If she didn't known better, Y/n could swear Langa was the usually extroverted one.

''Shush, Langa!'' Y/n said as the two neared, causing the boy to halt and take a step back in fright from the scolding. ''Don't yell my name like that.''

''You're trying to play so mysterious, is that why your nickname is 'Mystique'?'' Hiro asked, a laugh leaving his lips, which grabbed the three boys' attention.

Miya quirked an eyebrow as he looked at the unknown guy. ''Who's that? Your boyfriend?''

Y/n gagged at the guess. ''The hell? That's my dumbass brother.''

Her brother laughed. ''I'm Hiro,'' he said then looked over the three younger boys, noticing Joe waving him over, along with Cherry Blossom. ''My friends are calling me, have fun, kids.''

Y/n rolled her eyes at her brother as he walked away, not surprised he'd ditched her - she was just scared it might get awkward if Reki was avoiding her.

''You guys, do you want to go down the course?'' Reki suddenly suggested, causing Y/n to slightly widen her eyes. So, was he not avoiding her?

Reki had decided it then. There was no reason to avoid Y/n if she didn't talk about the kiss. Maybe they should forget it ever happened, maybe that's what she was aiming at by not talking about it. It hurt, sure, but if he ignored it long enough, he would hopefully forget about it.

Langa and Miya had started making their way towards the course, whilst Reki looked behind himself, noticing that Y/n wasn't moving, instead looking at the ground, as if deep in thought.

''Yo, Y/n,'' Reki said as he put his hand out for her, causing her to look up at him. He gestured towards the course with his head, a small smile on his face. ''You coming?''

There was a moment of silence before Y/n grabbed his hand. ''Yeah, sure.''

Miya and Langa chuckled as they noticed the two, remembering the conversation they had with Reki earlier. ''The slimes are so dumb,'' Miya spoke as he turned back around and continued walking, Langa silently agreeing with his younger friend.

From the distance, Hiro watched as his sister and her friends got ready to race down the course, which very much reminded him of back when he and his friends would do that, too. If only the accident hadn't happened, he could be doing that at the moment, too.

Alas, he smiled, happy that his sister hadn't given up skateboarding.

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Y/n had the biggest smile on her face when she and Hiro had returned home later that night, though Hiro hadn't commented on it, having a vague idea that it could've been because of that one friend of hers.

''Hey, Y/n,'' Hiro called and the girl turned around, quirking an eyebrow. ''You know, next time you become famous in a secret skating community, you should give your older brother a call and tell him the news, alright?''

the girl from 's' | reki kyan x fem!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now