10 | stalker

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hey besties, how was your week? i forgot it was saturday and have to update lmfao

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Y/n packed her backpack as the school day ended, ready to finally go home. It had been a long day - double maths was certainly not her favorite. Nevertheless, she'd survived and now, she was now on her way home, where she would once again be alone, as her parents had left for another trip for two days.

What a life she was living.

''Yo, Y/n!'' She looked up from her phone, seeing the two people she'd come to be familiar with.

Quickly pocketing her phone, she waved. ''Hey.''

Reki and Langa fell into step with her as they walked out of the school building. ''No football practice today?'' Reki asked.

Y/n shook her head. ''No, we have Fridays off,'' she said. ''So I'm just heading home now.''

''Oh, we can walk together!'' Reki exclaimed. ''Though, do we have to drop you off at that corner again?''

Langa looked at Reki with a quirked eyebrow, whilst Y/n waved him off. ''Not this time - my parents are on a business trip.''

''Oh.'' Reki nodded in understanding.

''Are you going to 'S' today?'' asked Langa, including himself in the conversation.

Y/n nodded. ''Yeah, I haven't been there in three days, I'm itching to go.''

''Me too! I hope there's no beefs today, I want to skate so bad!'' Reki exclaimed like a child, causing Y/n and Langa to chuckle.

As the three continued walking towards their homes, Y/n could hear a faint buzz behind them, as if it was getting closer. It felt like they were being watched.

She came to a stop, causing Langa and Reki to look back at her as they stopped as well. ''Y/n?''

Her eyes scanned the area, spinning in a circle to make sure the coast was clear. She gripped the strap of her backpack, turning to look back at the two boys that expected her answer. ''Nothing, it felt like . . . something's watching us.''

Langa furrowed his eyebrows. ''Watching us?''

''Maybe you're imagining things,'' Reki reassured her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and rubbing his wrist on top of her head. ''Don't be so paranoid!''

''Reki, stop!'' Y/n whined, getting his hand off her hair and fixing the mess he'd made. ''My poor hair.''

''Hey, it still looks good!'' Reki reassured her, feeling his cheeks warm up when he realized what he said. ''I mean-''

''Thanks, Reki.'' Y/n gave him a smile, causing him to nod and look down awkwardly.

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Y/n locked the door behind herself as she walked out of her house, hood over her head and skateboard in hand. She was in a good mood now - she'd done all her homework for the next week and she was free to go to 'S' for the night. How cool was that?

''Hey, Y/n!''

She screamed, her soul leaving her body. Turning around, she was ready to hit whoever was behind her with her skateaboard, only to find Reki and Langa standing there, their hands in front of their faces for protection.

''Holy shit,'' Y/n said, putting her skateboard down and punching Reki's arm. ''Don't scare me like that!''

''We didn't expect yout to get ready to attack us,'' Langa admitted. ''Reminds me of when Cherry got hit and sent to a hospital.''

Y/n's eyes widened. ''Cherry got what?'' She shook her head. There was another topic at hand right now. ''What're you two doing here, anyway?''

''We thought we can all go to 'S' together,'' said Reki as the three walked out of her garden. ''Since it's on the way and all.''

The three took off on their boards, Y/n glad that she can finally ride her skateboard in peace for the first time in a few days. ''Hey, let's have a race! Whoever arrives last is buying drinks on Monday!'' Reki yelled before taking off, getting a head-start.

''Hey! Not fair!'' Y/n called and pushed off to go quicker, Langa following along.

It was fun - skating with friends was something she hadn't done in a long time. For once, she didn't feel lonely while on her board. She got to share laughs over with people with the same hobby as her.

It was really, really fun.

''Ha! I win!'' Reki exclaimed as he crossed the entrance of 'S', smiling and pointing at himself proudly. Y/n came right after, panthing slightly and quickly putting her mask over her face before anyone could see her.

''It's only because you had a headstart!'' Y/n called him out, pointing an accusating finger at him.

''You were just slow!" Reki retorted back.

Langa came to a stop, a sigh escaping his lips, knowing that he'll be the one buying drinks on Monday.

''So, you're all buddy-buddy with Mystique now?'' The three teenagers looked towards the voice, only to see Miya standing in front of them, his hood over his head.

''We are, actually,'' Reki said as he nudged her arm. ''Yo, can we tell him who you are? He's not gonna tell anyone.''

''Not here,'' Y/n told him, keeping her voice as quiet as his had been.

There was a distant, quiet sound, getting closer and closer with each second. Y/n looked up, much like everyone else had. A helicopter was approaching, the words 'LOVE' written on the bottom of it with big, bold letters.

''Adam?'' Reki asked, causing Y/n's eyebrows to furrow. Adam? Who was that?

Langa stood closer to the three. ''What's Adam doing here?'' he asked.

One of the doors of the helicopter opened, a man jumping out of it and a parachute opening so he can land. He held a skateboard in hand, which he placed down and climbed on once he landed and discarded his parachute.

He looked around the crowd, a sinister smile on his face. It felt creepy, even if it wasn't directed towards Y/n. Everyone else, however, seemed to be in awe. Who was this man? He must be important.

''Is our newest celebrity . . . Mystique, here tonight?'' Adam asked, causing everyone turn and look towards the girl. Y/n froze in place at the sudden attention. The older man pushed his board slowly towards her, causing people to back up, creating a path towards Mystique. ''Ah . . . even prettier in real life. What a shame you're hiding your face.

He reached out to touch her face, causing Y/n to jerk back to avoid his touch. ''The hell, don't touch me!'' she spoke, trying her best to keep her voice calm, even though her body was filled with goosebumps. ''Who are you and what do you want from me?''

''My, my, you pretty little Eve, you seem fiesty,'' Adam spoke. ''You could say I'm a huge fan. I've been watching you for a while now and I just wanted to see the one I admire from up close.''

What is this guy on about? Is this why I felt like I was being followed earlier? Y/n thought to herself, backing up and moving slightly to the side so she can stand behind Reki. ''Can you, uh, back off?''

Adam dramatically put a hand over his heart. ''Oh, my Eve, you've wound me. But that's okay, it's just our first meeting,'' Adam played it off. ''I must be off now, but I'll be sure to keep in touch, my Eve. I can't wait for the day we get to have a beef together.''

Y/n watched as Adam skated away and towards the course, grabbing Reki's sleeve and holding onto it for dear life. Reki turned to look at her, worry filling his features. ''Are you alright?''

''Reki . . .'' she spoke, looking at him with wide eyes. ''What the hell just happened?''

the girl from 's' | reki kyan x fem!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now