22 | the matador of love - not.

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hey besties, how was your week? i'm a little early this time, but expect the last chapters today and on friday <3

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Langa checked the time on his phone, seeing that it was already ten minutes past the time they were supposed to be here. Cherry was tapping his foot impatiently on his right, whilst Miya was playing on his video game on his left. Adam, however, stood at the startline, a bouquet of purple roses in his hand.

This situation very much reminded him of his own first beef against Adam and it didn't exactly bring pleasant memories. 

Sounds of engines neared the area and Langa looked up, seeing two motorbikes approaching the course. He saw Reki's hair and a conflicted feeling filled him. On one hand, he was glad Y/n had decided to come, as he could see her sitting behind Reki. On the other hand, he was worried about her. Sure, he believed in her, though he couldn't help it.

And he was sure Reki was feeling the exact same way.

Y/n pulled her mask up as she got up from the motorbike and started unstrapping her board from the side. Once done, she stood up straight, looking directly at Adam, who was looking right back at her. A chill ran down her spine.

''Hey,'' Reki called her, holding his own board in hand. ''Good luck.''

Y/n nodded. ''Thanks,'' she said and started approaching Adam, determination shown on her face, even though no one could really see it.

''Ah, so our dearest Mystique decided to show up, after all,'' Adam said as he bowed down and held out the flowers, a smile on his face. ''For you, darling.''

She took the flowers and sniffed them - they didn't smell too bad, but it felt wrong accepting flowers from a grown man. ''Do you give flowers to all people you beef with?''

''Only to the ones I particularly like,'' Adam winked, causing Y/n to inaudibly gag. She turned around, handing the flowers to Reki to hold - he could throw them away for all she cared. She never wanted to see them again.

Letting one side of her board touch the ground, Y/n stood at the start line, looking up at Adam in impatience. ''Are we gonna start or what, old geezer?''

She could hear her brother and Reki snort behind her, whilst Adam scowled. ''You should watch your words, little girl.''

''Yeah, yeah, I've heard this many times already, can we just go already?'' Y/n continued to edge him on.

''What begings with arrogance often ends with shame, Mystique,'' Adam spoke calmly, though it was obvious she was starting to annoy him.

''Damn, you really must be old if you're starting to give me wisdom.''

Red . . . Red . . . Red . . . Red . . . Green.

Each of them ran a few steps before jumping on their boards and taking off, thus starting the race.

''Hey, we should go to the end of the course,'' Reki said as he tapped Langa's arm, yet directing his words to everyone. The group moved on to the vehicles, Reki climbing on the back and holding onto Langa this time, holding his phone with one hand and watching the stream.

Y/n had taken the lead at the beginning, though Adam had caught up and the two of them skating neck to neck to each other. Adam looked at her with a menacing smirk - she swore he looked like a cartoon villain at that moment.

Moving slightly to the left, she skated up an abandoned plank and flew up in the air, ollying over Adam and managing to gain some distance between them. She didn't bother checking where exactly he was, not wanting to get distracted.

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