20 | comfort

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hey besties, here's an extra chapter because i managed to write two today oop. anyway, i have two full chapters of the story left it's so weird

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Y/n watched as the school came into view, looking forward to school, since it meant she could be away from home and . . . she could see Reki. She really, really wanted to talk with him, alas she couldn't, since her parents had taken her phone away.

''I'll be picking you up right after practice,'' her father said as he came to a stop. Y/n simply nodded and opened the car door, leaving without saying goodbye - she honestly didn't have the energy to.

The day seemed to drag slower than usual, which she wasn't sure if she was glad or annoyed about. Once lunch came, she took her bento out of her bag and walked out, in hopes of finding either Reki or Langa so she can explain what happened yesterday, in case they were worried about her.


She turned around, relief filling her as she heard the familiar voice. Reki was jogging towards her, his own bento in hand and a semi-worried expression on his face, though he was simply feeling relief at seeing her. After seeing her father's reaction the day before, he'd assumed he'd made her change schools overnight or something of the sort. Thankfully for him, that didn't seem the case.

''Hey . . . Reki,'' Y/n spoke quietly, worrying Reki further.

''C'mon,'' he said as he put a hand on her shoulder. ''Let's go to the roof.''

Y/n simply nodded and let Reki grab her hand and guide her towards the roof. Normally, she would've felt flustered at his touch, though now, she simply felt relief. Unconsciously, she squeezed his hand lightly, causing Reki to purse his lips - now was not the time feel like this.

The roof was mostly empty - people were sitting on the sunny side, too, enjoying the nice weather, luckily for Y/n and Reki. The latter led her towards the shady side, where he was sure no one would see them or hear them.

Both of them sat down, putting their bentos in front of each other, yet not opening them. Y/n kept her hands on her lap, fiddling with her fingers. Her head fell on Reki's shoulder and she relaxed her shoulders. It was the first time she'd managed to relax since the day before.

''I'm sorry for my dad yesterday,'' Y/n spoke, causing Reki to turn lightly to pet her hair.

''Don't be sorry, it's not your fault,'' Reki reassured her, slightly rubbing her shoulder with the hand he had around her. ''What . . . happened yesterday? After you left.''

Silence. And then, Reki felt her hiccup, indicating that she was trying her best to hold in her tears. It was embarrassing to cry at school, even more in front of your crush - she didn't want to embarass herself any further.

''My dad broke my board yesterday.''

A chill ran through Reki's spine. Her father broke her board? He'd gone that far?

That was fine, however, Reki reassured himself. She wasn't left without a board - she was going to have a change of boards soon anyway, so that was fine. Though, she didn't know that yet, so it must've hurt.

''I'm also not allowed to talk with you or Langa, or go anywhere after school - my dad's going to be picking me up from now on,'' Y/n continued explaining, her body shaking from time to time. She bit her tongue, telling herself not to cry. ''And I also got my phone taken away, so I would advice not trying to reach for me.''

Reki nodded in understanding, even though he didn't like the thought - the only time he would be seeing Y/n now was at school, during the breaks. They weren't even in the same class, which sucked even more.

He sighed. Could it have been his fault that all of this is happening right now? He was the one who pushed on to uncover her identity, something she'd tried so hard to hide. He was also the one who kept inviting her out to skate with him and Langa, which caused her to lower her guard down even more.

''I'm so stupid,'' Y/n muttered under her breath, pulling her knees closer to her chest and hugging them. She leaned closer to Reki, enjoying the comfort he provided. ''I enjoyed my time with you guys and I let my guard down. It's too late to think about the what-ifs now, though. I'm just sad I probably won't be going back to 'S' anytime soon.''

A chill ran though Reki's spine again, remembering something Y/n wasn't aware about, since her phone had been taken away. ''There's . . . something you should probably know.''

She looked up, rising an eyebrow at him. He could see that her eyes were slightly puffy and her nose was slightly red, but she hadn't actually cried. It broke his heart seeing her like that and his stomach turned when he remembered he still had to show her the video.

He reached inside his pocket and brought his phone out, unlocking it and going to the link Miya had sent him the previous night, then handed it to Y/n, along with a pair of headphones he'd fished out of his other poket and put one in each of their ears.

Y/n watched, her eyes widening as Adam called out her 'S' nickname. Once the video was over, she sighed and leaned her head back, almost hitting it on the hard wall had Reki's arm not been there. ''That was probably the last thing I needed right now.''

Reki put his phone away again and looked at her. ''Are you going to accept?''

She pursed her lips. ''I would if I still had a board, but I don't. So, I don't know,'' she said. ''Besides, it's in two days - where am I going to find a board in two days with my parents watching over me like hawks?''

''Do you want to accept?''

''. . . Yeah.''

That was enough of a confirmation for Reki. She needed the support more than anything now . . . and he was willing to be that person for her.

A loud sound was heard from inside the building - the bell. Had it been that long since they came up to the roof? They hadn't even eaten. Regardless, the two stood up, picking up their lunch boxes as well.


She was interruped when Reki pulled her to his chest, one arm around her waist and a hand on the back of her head. It took a moment, but she relaxed and wrapped her arms around him, too, letting a few tears spill on his shoulder involuntarily.

It was not the right moment, but each of them couldn't help but remember about the kiss they'd shared in Reki's room. Each of them was pretty sure they did not regret it, yet none of them dared utter a word - it wasn't the right moment for that, anyway.

''Thank you,'' Y/n managed to finish her sentence as she pulled back and wiped the stray tears with her sleeve, sniffing slightly.

''Of course,'' Reki said and reached into one of his pockets, bringing out a random piece of paper and a pen - materials he usually kept in his pocket in case he got an idea for a skateboard on-the-go. He quickly scribbled down a few digits before handing it to Y/n. ''You have a house phone, right? Just call me if you need me. Though, do remember to clear the recently called so your parents don't notice.''

Y/n looked down at his number - one she had in her phone, but didn't remember on top of her head - and nodded, a smile gracing her lips.

Reki hadn't done much, yet she couldn't help but feel better than she did before.

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