19 | uneasy

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hey besties, how was your week? i have 4 weeks of school left i can't believe this school year is almost over

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The mood quickly disappeared once Y/n and her father left, each of the boys filled with worry - one more than the other.

Deciding to call it a day, Reki and Langa parted ways. As Reki was skating towards his house, his mind was going faster than his board was. Was she going to get grounded? Would her parents move her to a different school? To a different city? A different country? Was he ever going to see her again?

He stopped in front of his house and took a deep breath. That wasn't going to happen. She'll be there at school tomorrow and then she'll tell him what happened and he'll comfort her, and soon, everything would be okay, right? Right.

He entered the house and took his shoes off, though didn't greet anyone like he usually did, his mind too filled with worry. He didn't even realize as he passed his oldest younger sister, who greeted him, rising an eyebrow when she got no response.

''What's got you so gloomy,'' she mumbled to herself and continued on her way towards the kitchen.

Reki entered his room and closed the door, putting his skateboard down and taking his phone out of his pocket. He opened his contacts, tapping on one of the names in his favorite folder - Y/n's. Putting the phone to his ear, he listened to the beeps until it went to voicemail. Could she still be talking with her parents? Could they have taken her phone away? Was he getting her more in trouble by calling?

He pressed her contact again and put the phone to his ear, waiting - voicemail. He sighed and let himself fall down on his bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering what was going to happen now and if he was even going to see her at school tomorrow, to see if she was okay.

A buzz filled the room and his head snapped to the side, thinking Y/n had responded. Grabbing his phone, he realized it wasn't Y/n, but rather Miya, who'd sent him a link and a messege after.

You might wanna see this.

Reki quirked an eyebrow and tapped the link, it leading him to a video of someone he recognized and didn't need to see right now.

''Hey, bitches and bros and non-binary hoes!'' Adam spoke triumphantly, causing Reki to cringe slightly. What was he up to this time? ''Good to see me, isn't it? I come bearing a proposal - to my dearest Mystique.''

Reki sat up in his bed, his eyes widening as he watched the picture of Y/n being shown - it was taken during 'S' and you couldn't see her face, as it was covered with her hood and mask, the only visible feature of hers being her eyes. Reki could see his arm in the frame, too, so it must've been a more recent picture.

''Mystique, darling, what would you say about a beef with me? I think we'd be a perfect match, don't you?''

A chill ran down Reki's spine and he felt sick to his stomach. He was about to unpause the video just Langa's contact photo appeared on his sreen, startling Reki slightly. He pressed the accept button and put the phone to his ear.

''Did Miya send you the video?'' Langa asked immediately as Reki picked up.

''Yeah, I was just watching it,'' Reki said as he stood up from his bed and started pacing his room, his free hand on his hip.

''Do you think Y/n knows?''

''Most likely not,'' Reki said. ''I tried calling her a few times, but she's not answering. Her parents probably took her phone away.''

''Yeah, probably,'' Langa agreed. ''Do you think she's gonna accept?''

A moment of silence followed. ''I don't know.''

He genuenly wasn't sure if she was going to accept Adam's proposal - he didn't know her well enough to know. After all, it hadn't been that long since they became friends.

And yet he was completely infatuated with her.

Shaking his head, Reki stuffed his phone in his pocket once he'd ended his conversation with Langa and picked up his headphones, putting them around his neck and walking out of his room, rushing towards his shed and not noticing one of his younger sisters sitting on the ground, and ending up kicking her slightly in the leg.

A cry filled the hallway.

''Sh-'' Reki croched down and picked up his sister, cradling her in his arms and bouncing her slightly to get her to stop crying. ''I'm sorry, Nanaka, please don't cry, I didn't mean to.''

Koyomi walked in the hallway upon hearing the commotion. ''What happened?''

Reki looked up guiltily. ''I wasn't looking at where I was going and kicked Nanaka by mistake.''

His oldest younger sister sighed and entered in the room across, coming back out with a stuffed toy - Nanaka's stuffed toy. Nanaka grabbed the stuffed bunny and hugged it close to herself, finally starting to calm down.

''I'm sorry Nanaka, does it still hurt?'' Reki asked again, rubbing her small back. Nanaka shook her head. ''Do you forgive me?'' Nanaka nodded and Reki smiled before he set her down and let her run away.

''What's wrong with you today, you seem so out of it,'' Koyomi pointed out, causing Reki to sign.

He ran a hang through his hair. ''I'm just worried.''

''What about this time?'' Koyomi said as she sat down against the wall, indicating that she would listen if he wanted to talk - something Reki wasn't used to see from her.

Reki sat down against the wall, too, and explained about Y/n's situation - leaving the part about 'S', of course. He couldn't introduce his sister to that part of his life yet.

''Oh, man,'' Koyomi said as she looked at the ground once Reki had finished. ''That's awful, really.''

''Yeah,'' Reki agreed.

''You must really care about her if you're this worried,'' Koyomi pointed out as she stood up and faced her brother. ''I hope she's okay. Good luck.''

Reki wasn't sure who the luck was directed to, Y/n or him.

Picking himself up from the floor, Reki continued his way towards his workshop, where he closed the door and put the headphones over his ears, blaring one of his playlists on almost full volume. He walked up to the table where the board lay, still bare and with no wheels, ready to be continued.

He wasn't sure if Y/n was going to accept Adam's challenge - but if she decided to, Reki would be her support and ensure she had the best chance to win.

Which meant, he had to provide the best board he could create.

the girl from 's' | reki kyan x fem!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now