Re-building The Village

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Why I write eco-fantasy books:

I worry one day soon we will all start to lose what we've built to something entirely dominated by the systems themselves; or for the loss of freedoms and equities that we've come to love, yet not nearly enough ... And I know you share my concerns for low-income, vulnerable groups, and number one—the environment, the whole system, Our Earth, my dear friend.

I'm not a big fan of the end runs of commerce on any large scale. [Ranting now (so feel free to skip): Sadly engineered by charter to be destructive longterm to people and planet, with little to offer in pros. We need to go slowly on purpose, be engaged, conscientious and thoughtful for better overall health in our goals—if we're going to make it. It can't be just some of us. We have to raise the whole bar in order to prosper. I find values of commerce hold just such short-term thinking and will sabotage mainly 'ourselves', which is really odd when you think.]

It's not the 'what' of commerce that sends me for a loop... it's the 'how' and excuses that almost always spin out destruction in appeasing its push and its reach.

[I know everyone here already feels in their bones what I want to say here but, trigger warning again, ranting ahead: It's the complete psychopathic lack of precautionary principle and 'all-for-oneness' applied at every micro-turn, world-wide—that's what blows my mind—and that is a 'choice': the willingness to toss aside common sense protection of life-force itself, in preference of ego needs appeased by 'having' to the degree we would rather kill all things around us than channel our 'wants' along paths that are healthy and life-'giving' instead. "Short-sighted" is not just found in corporate or government arenas or those cultivated to push agendas on such behalves. We've all been gullibly self-serving and complicit in accepting 'these' rules of the game, along with our sincerest altruistic intentions, and apathetic actions, at once. We forgot to be completely empowered co-creatives along this engineered route, not truly on purpose I think. We underestimated the game. I think, we are going too fast. We forgot to include, insist on 'well-considered' discussions / to sit down at the same table and talk / share / the importance and joys in community circles / town squares / gatherings on the porch... and give ourselves more time to weigh up all facets of our 'whole' lives, make better choices, hear from our own and collective instincts before we make life-changing moves on our mutual board. We let conquerors keep the grid lines placed on our worlds to prevent communications, and did not fight for village circles, wisdom-keeping, elder respect, loving our youth / plain folks on the ground, gardening, 'close to the earth' decision-making style—]

So that's where I'm at—re-building the 'village'. :)

What do I want to see?

I want to downright anoint the heroes who are pushing the envelope of embodied energy data analysis for sustainable building and product decisions. [This article and any related interviews with this fellow, Maywood, will tell you more than I can possibly put useful words to, myself. ~ The Walrus dot ca, "The False Promise of Green Housing".]

I want to hug and thank all those who've been walking their truth hard and for opening hearts with this Covid journey, as this time passes with more and more grace.

I want us all to collect and share widely models of what truly works—in every dimension, wherever we are. None needs to be huge—just needs to be better or best. And we do know the glorious 'zing' of a project that feels dynamic and healthy. Surely our genes will never forget what we've already learned and absorbed through the vastness of ages to bring ourselves here? [Such lifestyle examples may seem less than they actually 'are' when they're dismissed by 'Goliath' and media reps, but do they fail at large-scale influential? Our community groups, our volunteers, our best practice models—our circles have ultimate power. Don't doubt that for even a moment.]

I want to strengthen all communities at weakest links first: those hardest hit, those who have least to work with—I want us to share. Let's seek to understand the highest intelligence in a system of love and support—and do nothing else but. We know when we are letting folks down. We know it.

I want to weave a new network of unbreakable understanding around all of our kids and young people, today. Beyond all else, I believe, if we don't reach these hearts and teach, extend and breathe kindness for them, then we are all doomed. [If this year didn't prove it, I don't know what will.]

I want to stop pretending that violence is some kind of adventure. And that there's no fun without the stress of survival right in our faces; or a good cup of java. Or that the sun stops coming up if we forget to compete. Or that we don't have a choice, but to continue as is.

I'm calling us out.

I want people to feel a world that does work. And that's nature itself—and not interfered with—in a world full of stewards who lovingly act for the sake of the planet and not for themselves.

I choose.

That's why I write eco-fantasy books.

I choose to live in my world, 'til others can join me, no matter how long this joining might take.

Be in the stillness and hear what I hear.

Or in the words of the elves—

Be still and listen.

For it's in you too!

Until we shall meet—

at the Hole in the Woods,

Second tree, nearest the pond,

🍂 ≈Magicis Silvam≈ 🍃

With all my best wishes, yours,

≈ Wezley Brookz

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