What has Happened to Us?

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Title - Ezria in LA.

Characters - Aria and Ezra

Story Summery - Following the adventures of Ezrias life as the years passed by. Starts 10 years after Arias High School Graduation. Ezria is married and they live in a big house in Los Angeles, California. Ezra is a teacher at LAs most known private school and Aria is a singer still struggling to become famous. Can they balance their relationship and a family or will their marriage fall apart when Aria gets offered an opportunity of a lifetime? Ezria's Relationship and Family Life is tested. A mix of Ezria and Jaria. Read and Review or PM with thoughts, and story line ideas.

Author Notes: I know some readers were not happy with some of the story lines I have chosen to write. I am reminding you that this is my story and I can write it the way I want it to. Please be nice in the reviews. I don't like reading "You are ruining your story" or "I hate this story". A better review would be "I think your story would be better if you did this ..." or "I think this should happen ... instead of this ...". Please give this story more of a chance as it only can get better.

I am still fairly new at writing and I can only improve with each chapter. For those of you that wanted Riley biological father to be Ezra, I think you will be happy in the end. Like I mentioned in a previous chapter. "DNA doesn't make a family, Love does." This quote was taken from another ABC Family show "The Fosters".

I made this choice to make Jason the biological father of Riley because I wanted Jason to be a important part of this story. I still want and plan to keep Ezria together even though there will be some bumps along the road with their marriage and other things that might happen to them in the future.

Just a little clue on what might happen in upcoming chapters or later on in the story: Ezria might get into another fight that causes Aria to maybe make a decision she regrets which Ezra may find out about. Ezras mom comes into town for about a month to celebrate Christmas and the New Years holiday with her son and granddaughters that may cause another strain on Ezrias relationship. Old feelings between two characters might resurface but they won't last very long. Aria may think she is pregnant but it might just be a false alarm. Aria will get a offer for a tour but will she take it? Jason offers to manage this tour for her but Aria and Ezra have different opinions about what that means.

What has Happened to Us?

Arias POV

The next morning I woke up in Rileys twin bed. It took me a few minutes to remember why I slept in my daughters bed last night and not the room that Ezra and I share. I don't really count last night as a fight between Ezra and I. It was more like a discussion between two adults. I'm not really mad at Ezra but I just don't understand why he can be so stubborn sometimes. I got out of bed and walked out of Rileys room and down the hall where our master bedroom was. Ezra was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up. It was still fairly early in the morning so I got into our bed being careful not to wake Ezra up. The sun was just starting to rise and the sunlight was shining in through the window. Ezra woke up less then an hour later anyway.

"The sun is sure bright today" I said trying to make conversation

"When did you come back in here? I must have fallen asleep last night before you came back into our room." Ezra said

"Actually I slept in Rileys bed last night. I came in here about 30 minutes ago and noticed you were still sleeping." I said

"How mad were you at me last night? If you were mad enough to sleep in another bedroom then you must have been really upset with me." Ezra said

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