Divorce and Kids

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Title - Ezria in LA.

Characters - Aria and Ezra

Story Summery - Following the adventures of Ezrias life as the years passed by. Starts 10 years after Arias High School Graduation. Ezria is married and they live in a big house in Los Angeles, California. Ezra is a teacher at LAs most known private school and Aria is a singer still struggling to become famous. Can they balance their relationship and a family or will their marriage fall apart when Aria gets offered an opportunity of a lifetime? Ezria's Relationship and Family Life is tested. A mix of Ezria and Jaria. Read and Review or PM with thoughts, and story line ideas.

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(Remember the last chapter was Aria's Dream)(Also the new baby's name is Drew and Jason is the biological father)

Divorce and Kids

Aria's POV

Ezra and decided it was best to get a divorce. After all I did have an affair and I just had another baby that wasn't Ezra's. I am currently living with Jason in his apartment with our son Drew. Riley and Lucy are currently living with Ezra but they come over on the weekends and sleep over. Jason and I will be moving into a house in Anaheim, California really soon. The only bad part about the move is that Jason would have almost an hour drive to work every day instead of the 15 minutes he has right now. Riley and Lucy would also be almost an hour away from their schools. Jason and I picked Anaheim because it was out of the city but not to far. Also because Disney Land will be just a few miles away from our new house.

Our divorce was finalized but the custody of Riley and Lucy has not been worked out yet. Of course I want the kids which is why Jason and I are moving into a 4 bedroom house so we have room for both girls. Ezra also wants the kids so we are going to court since we haven't been able to work it out ourselves.

I have not gotten much sleep lately because Drew always needs me. Taking care of Drew is hard but in the end it will be worth it. Jason helps out as much as he can but there are certain things only a mother can do. Drew was born on December 28th and it is currently January 2nd

"Are we moving in to the house before or after your court date with Ezra?" Jason asked

"With Drew only being a few days old moving right now is going to be hard." I said

"The court date is January 31st so what if we move on January 27th?" Jason asked

"Sounds perfect. That way I can start preparing Riley and Lucys bedrooms." I said

"I really don't want to think about this but what if by some crazy chance you don't get the girls." Jason said

"Then I will go against court rules and find some way for Ezra and I to share custody." I said

By the end of the month we moved into the new house. It wasn't as large as the one I used to live in with Ezra in LA but it was still a nice house. The girls have not been to the new house yet and they probably won't see it until after the court date. Jason decided not to go with me so he could stay home with Drew who is now one month old.

Ezra and I have talked briefly over the last several months but only when it had to do with our divorce or the kids. I don't wear the wedding ring anymore but I am still keeping it as a reminder of all our marriage. Riley and Lucy are at school right now but Ezra told them what was happening today.

"How are you?" Ezra asked

"Good, How are the kids?" I asked

"They still think one day we can be a family again." Ezra said

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