Back To School Season

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Title - Ezria in LA.

Characters - Aria and Ezra

Story Summery - Following the adventures of Ezrias life as the years passed by. Starts 10 years after Arias High School Graduation. Ezria is married and they live in a big house in Los Angeles, California. Ezra is a teacher at LAs most known private school and Aria is a singer still struggling to become famous. Can they balance their relationship and a family or will their marriage fall apart when Aria gets offered an opportunity of a lifetime?

Back To School Season

Riley and Lucy always hated this time of year. It was the last weekend of summer vacation and on Tuesday school would be back in session. Riley was ready to start sixth grade. She would be at a new school this year. She went to public school for elementary school but now she would be entering a private school system. The middle school that she would be attending was right across the street from the private high school that her father worked at.

The only school that Lucy has been to was Preschool at the community recreation center. Lucy would be going to kindergarten at the public elementary school that Riley just graduated from. She was really scared to be going to a big school but Riley told her everything would be okay. Riley even was one of the student tour guides when Lucy went with her parents to orientation day. Lucy had already met her teacher and when she found out that one of her preschool teachers was going to be the assistant teacher this year she was really happy.

Rileys POV

I woke up at 6 AM but instead of getting up I just laid there and tried to go back to sleep. That only worked for 5 minutes and then my mom walked into my room and woke me up again.

"Come on Riley you need to get up." My mom said

"Why do I have to get up so early?" I asked

"Summers over Riley, You need to be ready to go to school in an hour." My mom said

"School so that's the only reason why I have to get up early?" I asked

"Yes, If you still want to have a birthday party on the 21st then you better get up and go to school." My mom said

"Fine but for the record just because I go to school nine months out of the year that doesn't mean I enjoy it." I said

With that I got out of bed and threw some clean cloths on. I ran downstairs to see my dad sitting at the table reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Someones happy to start middle school today." My dad said

"Maybe I am but maybe I am just pretending to make you happy." I said

"What class are you most looking forward to today?" My dad asked

"Lunch." I said

"Riley pick a real class, Lunch doesn't count because you aren't learning anything." My dad said

"Okay fine then does study hall count?" I asked

"If you study during study hall. Although technically study hall is a zero hour class that you take either right before or right after school." My dad said

"So I can't text my friends during study hall?" I asked

"That's not what study hall is for besides you are only allowed to use your cell phone during lunch. Your mom and I signed a contract and if you break the rules then you may not be able to attend this school anymore." My dad said

An hour later it was time for my dad to take me to school.

"Come on Riley, you don't want to be late on your first day do you?" My dad asked

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