Paternity Test Day

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Title - Ezria in LA.

Characters - Aria and Ezra

Story Summery - Following the adventures of Ezrias life as the years passed by. Starts 10 years after Arias High School Graduation. Ezria is married and they live in a big house in Los Angeles, California. Ezra is a teacher at LAs most known private school and Aria is a singer still struggling to become famous. Can they balance their relationship and a family or will their marriage fall apart when Aria gets offered an opportunity of a lifetime?

Paternity Test Day.

Arias POV

I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock going off. It was Friday meaning I had another meeting to go to. I was not only singing at a charity Christmas concert in a two and a half months but I was also on the committee to help plan it. I decided to help out planing because I needed something to help keep my mind off other things. I woke up alone again because Ezra had slept on the couch in the family room downstairs for the past few nights. I was beginning to wonder if he would ever forgive me.

We hadn't talked to each other that much over the past few days so when Ezra walked into our room to get ready for the day I tried to talk to him.

"So when are you going to stop sleeping on the couch? Ezra, the kids are getting really confused and Riley is the only one that knows part of the what is going on." I asked

"I don't know Aria. I wish I could give you the answer that you want but you were hiding something really huge from me and I can't just forgive you for it overnight." Ezra said

"Just think about sleeping in here tonight. No matter which way that paternity test goes Riley is still going to Love You and so will I." I said

"I'll pick Riley up from school and we'll go get that test done. I already arranged for the baby sitter to pick Lucy up from Kindergarten so you can meet us there. How much have you told Riley about whats going on." Ezra said

"All she basically knows is that they do a check swab and they do a finger prick to get a little bit a blood. I told her that they take the DNA and the Blood so they can see the genetic component that the child gets from each parent. I'm just glad that we arranged for Jason to get the test done yesterday so it doesn't have to be weird for Riley when she gets her part of the test done." I said

"I am just going to take a shower and then go to work so I'll be out of your way really soon." Ezra said

"Your not in my way. I have to go get the kids up and ready for school anyway." I said

I got the kids ready for school and then I got myself ready. I dropped Riley off at school.

"Concentrate at school today please. Don't worry about your dad and I because we are going to work things out." I said as Riley got out of the car.

I was on my way to dropping Lucy off at Kindergarten when she asked me a question I didn't think a five year old would ask.

"Are you and Daddy going to get a divorce." Lucy asked

"No, we just have some things that we need to work out. How do you even know that word anyway?" I asked

"This set of twins in my class told me that their parents were getting a divorce and that their daddy was leaving town." Lucy said

"I promise that will never happen to our family." I said

I went to the meeting and then after that I went home to eat lunch. A short time after that I went to meet Ezra and Riley. The test didn't take as long as I thought it was. I was basically only their for moral support. I got my check swabbed anyway even though I knew what the my half of the results would be since I gave birth to Riley. We would found out the results of the test Monday at the latest. Riley went home with Ezra. I picked up Lucy and then went home.

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