The Court Ordered Paternity Test

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Title - Ezria in LA.

Characters - Aria and Ezra

Story Summery - Following the adventures of Ezrias life as the years passed by. Starts 10 years after Arias High School Graduation. Ezria is married and they live in a big house in Los Angeles, California. Ezra is a teacher at LAs most known private school and Aria is a singer still struggling to become famous. Can they balance their relationship and a family or will their marriage fall apart when Aria gets offered an opportunity of a lifetime?

The court ordered paternity test

Ezrias POV

A few weeks later.

Aria still won't tell me what Jason and her where fighting about the day I interrupted them. Every time I try asking Aria about it she just tells me that it was a stupid fight and there was nothing to worry about. Aria used to tell me everything so what ever she is not telling me it must be something bad enough that she thinks I would leave her over. 

Today was Rileys 11th birthday. Aria and I had promised her a day full of fun. We had even planed on skipping church since her birthday fell on a Sunday this year. Unfortunately Riley had woken up with a bad case of the flu. It is never fun to get sick on your birthday and I would know because I was sick one year on my birthday.

Aria was helping Lucy make a birthday card for Riley. Aria and I had bought a birthday card for Riley but Lucy wanted to make her own. I thought it was really cute for a five year old to want to make a homemade card for her older sister. I felt bad for Riley because no one wants to be so sick on their birthday so you can't enjoy the day.

"Daddy." Riley cried out from a different room

I knew that Riley must be feeling really sick because last year when she turned 10 she started referring to Aria and I as mom and dad instead of Mommy and Daddy. I didn't know exactly where Rileys cry's were coming from. I found her a few moments later hunched over the toilet throwing up.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Icky." Riley said

"Is your tummy any better?" I asked

"A little." Riley replied

"At least you made it into the toilet this time." I said

"Sorry about that daddy." Riley said

"No worries, sometimes your tummy doesn't give you a warning before you throw up." I said

"Why is this happening to me on my birthday?" Riley asked

"I know of all days this was the worst one for you to be sick on. Do you remember last year when your mom was sick on mothers day and we all helped to make her feel better." I said

"Yes, Well at least I wasn't sick last night at my birthday party." Riley said

"I think you might have ate something bad last night at that party. Your mom thinks those bounce house places also contain a lot of germs." I said

"Then why did you and mom let me have a party there?" Riley asked

"Well that's where you said you wanted it. Some of your friends have had parties there in the last few years and you said you had fun so we figured it would be ok." I said

"It was a lot of fun." Riley said

"You looked like you were having fun. I think Lucy was upset that you were spending more time with your friends then her but overall I think it was a great birthday party." I said

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