A New Fitz is Born

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Title - Ezria in LA.

Characters - Aria and Ezra

Story Summery - Following the adventures of Ezrias life as the years passed by. Starts 10 years after Arias High School Graduation. Ezria is married and they live in a big house in Los Angeles, California. Ezra is a teacher at LAs most known private school and Aria is a singer still struggling to become famous. Can they balance their relationship and a family or will their marriage fall apart when Aria gets offered an opportunity of a lifetime? Ezria's Relationship and Family Life is tested. A mix of Ezria and Jaria. Read and Review or PM with thoughts, and story line ideas.

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A new Fitz is born

Aria's POV - 5 months later.

After my 3 shows in London, England, UK I decided to cancel most of what was left on the tour. I wanted to go home and spend some time with my family. I still played 2 shows at Staples Center LA in August, 1 show at Disney Land in Anaheim, California also in August. I also was part of a 2 night I Heart Radio music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada in September.

I was only weeks away from giving birth to our son. Ezra and I decided the perfect name for him is Ian. Ezra and I have been going to marriage counselling once a week. Also we were going to family counselling once a week. Riley and Lucy were not that happy about it but they agreed to it if we promised to work things out. The baby is due on December 28th and it is currently December 7th. I was on bed rest until the baby was born.

Riley is now in 7th grade and Lucy is in 1st grade. Jason went back to teaching and is still Riley's choir teacher. Riley is now spending every single weekend with him and so is Lucy. Ezra and I needed this just until the baby is born. Riley isn't happy about it but she understands.

Ezra converted his upstairs office space into a baby room so Riley and Lucy didn't have to share a room. I was having a lot of back pain that I didn't have with Riley and Lucy. The doctor thought it was stress so ever since I have been on bed rest the back pain has been better.

3 weeks later -Aria's POV

My water just broke and I am starting labor. His due date is today so I am ready for this baby to be born. Ezra is driving as fast as he can to the hospital with me in the passenger seat. Riley and Lucy are in the backseat of the car since we didn't want to take the time to call Jason so he could watch the kids. We got to the hospital and I was able to get into a room right away.

It took a few hours of Labor for Ian to be born. Ian was a lot easier then Riley and Lucy since I had experience giving birth before. Ezra and I were so happy to finally have a son. We let both Riley and Lucy hold baby Ian as long as they were careful. This was a special time for our family.

I was able to go home two days after Ian was born. I will always remember this day. Bringing home Ian is just as special as when we brought home Riley and Lucy.

Ezra and I decided we didn't want anymore kids after this one. Ian will be a spoiled baby but probably not as spoiled as Riley and Lucy were. Everyone was happy to have a new member of the family. Raising 3 kids and a dog is challenging. It's worth it and I keep reminding my self how fast they grow up. In less then two years Riley will be starting high school. In 5 and 1/2 years Riley will be graduating from High school.

Lucy is adjusting to not being the youngest member of the family anymore. I can't say that she likes it but I can say that she understands.

One month Later - Aria's POV

My friends and family have been around helping me with Ian. Ezra helps as much as he can when he's not at work or grading english papers. We are allowing Riley to help with Ian. She doesn't mind bottle feeding him but she hates changing his diaper. Riley and Lucy help a lot with our dog Bella who is now over a year old and full grown. We even let Riley walk Bella as long as she has her cell phone with her.

Life at the moment is good. Raising Ian is a little easier since he is our third kid. I'm glad I had 2 girls first because people always tell me that girls are easier to raise then boys. Money is a little tight right now because of Riley's medical bills, My hospital bills from giving birth to Ian, and buying a lot of baby stuff. We are ok financially but an expensive vacation is off the table for the next several years.

End of the story but not really because I will write an alternate ending and it will be what if the baby daddy was Jason. I am doing this to give Ezria fans their happy ending this chapter and Jaria fans a happy ending after that. Basically this entire chapter will mean nothing because if the alternate reality the baby will have a different name and nothing in this chapter will have happened. In case you get confused think of this chapter as a dream because in future chapters this one would not of happened.

Discussion Questions

What do you think of this chapter?

What do you think will happen next?

Thanks you so much for reading and please review. Reviewing helps me write this story. Also PM me if you would like.

As always, Thank you for reading, I hope you are loving this story.

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