Growing Up and Graduating High School

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Title - Ezria in LA.

Characters - Aria and Ezra

Story Summery - Following the adventures of Ezrias life as the years passed by. Starts 10 years after Arias High School Graduation. Ezria is married and they live in a big house in Los Angeles, California. Ezra is a teacher at LAs most known private school and Aria is a singer still struggling to become famous. Can they balance their relationship and a family or will their marriage fall apart when Aria gets offered an opportunity of a lifetime? Ezria's Relationship and Family Life is tested. A mix of Ezria and Jaria. Read and Review or PM with thoughts, and story line ideas.

Happy reading. I'm sorry this chapter is so long but I really wanted to end the story with this chapter.

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Three and a half Years Later

Ezra 41 Years old

Jason 38 Years Old

Aria 34 Years old

Malcolm 25 Years old (23 in Flashback)

Riley 17 Years old (18 in about 3 months) (16 in Flashback)

Lucy 12 Years old (In about 2 weeks) (10 in Flashback)

Drew 5 Years old (6 in about 6 months)

Chapter takes place in June

Growing up/Graduating High School.

Riley's POV

I couldn't believe I was graduating high school in a few days. I was taking finial exams but all I could think about was Lucas. He was still my dad's english TA and yes I have had my dad as an English teacher for Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years of high school. My English grades are now higher and as long as everything goes well with my finals I will be the valedictorian of my class.

I had my own car so I drove to and from school plus I drove from my moms house to my dads house frequently. My mom and my dad still took turns driving Lucy who is still on the opposite parents schedule meaning I don't see Lucy that much. Lucas and I have been seeing each other out side of school even though my dad and mom don't like it. Jason knows nothing about it so far. We broke up and then got back together a few times. I was 15, I broke things off because of my parents and Jason was really close to finding out about us. Another time I was 16 Lucas broke up with me to get back with his high school ex girlfriend. That time really hurt and it was the worst sweet 16 ever since Lucas broke up with me on my birthday. I somehow got through it knowing that if Lucas and I were meant to be then we would get back together.

Flashback - Riley's Sweet 16 Birthday Party (September 21st) (Riley is in the fall of her Junior Year)

I couldn't believe I turned 16 today. It was Saturday and I was having a party at my dad's house tonight since I was still staying with him on the weekends.

"I will be supervising tonight but I assume you know the rules." Ezra said

"I know dad. No drinking even though you, Malcolm, and Lucas are allowed to drink since he is close to 21." I said

"Don't be mad but your mom called and she can't be here tonight because Lucy has a girl scout thing most of the day today and your mom is helping the troupe leader ." Ezra said

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