Episode 1

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<a few days left of summer break>

(Lane) Lane walks causually out of her house and walked as calmly as she could to Rory's trying not to draw suspicion from her mother.

When she saw Dave waiting for her by the porch she ran towards him and jumped into his arms. He tightly wrapped his arms around her waist and spun around before finally putting her down gently. Dave leaned down and kissed her and Lane grabbed his face and kissed him back. They pulled away smiling at each other.

"I missed you." Dave said.

"I missed you, too." Lane replied

"Lane!" Rory came running out of the house and tackled Lane in a hug. She hugged back before Rory pulled away eagerly.

"How was it?" Rory asked.

Lane's mom had sent Lane to a Christian bible camp for the summer a few days after the school year ended.

"It wasn't exactly terrible but I wouldn't go back if I had a choice." Lane said then looked around. "Where's Zach?"

"He's out with Jess." Rory said as a matter of fact. Lane raised a brow.

"Jess?" Lane inquired.

"Yeah it took some time but I finally convinced him to give Jess a chance and get to know him better."

"Huh. What does Dean think about this?"

There was a short pause.

"I don't think Zach told him but I'm sure it will be fine, right?" Rory said anxiously.

"Right." Lane replied in a more reassuring tone

<intro cuts in>

(Zach) Zach and Jess were walking towards Luke's when Zach noticed Zoey with a guy he didn't recognize. He stops and Jess notices him staring and looks to see where he was looking.

"He's probably just a friend." Jess tried to reassure him. Zach wasn't entirely convinced and held his head down as they made their way into Luke's. They sat down and Zach stared helplessly out the window at the two. "Look," Jess started. Zach turned his head to look at him. "Rory has told me some things. She didn't go into detail as it's none of my business, but I know you've been hurt. But maybe what you're seeing isn't actually what it looks like."

Zach smiled for a second before quickly frowning. "It's just," He sighed. "It doesn't matter if I trust her or not, which I do...I'm always gonna overlook on things like this."

"You know jealousy is normal right?" Jess said.

"Not this jealous." Zach said. "Can we go somewhere else?"

"Yeah sure." Jess said as he stood up from his seat.

<<no pov>>

Lane was sitting on the couch with Rory and Dave was sitting in the arm chair.

"So what'd I miss?" Lane said eager to be filled in on what's happened all summer.

"Well me and Dean have become friends again." Rory said.

"So it's not weird between you guys anymore?" Lane asked.

"It's still a little weird but we're getting there."

"How does Jess feel about it?"

"He's managing. I didn't tell him right away when me and him first starting talking again, but when I did he wasn't exactly thrilled but he wasn't mad either."

"That's good." Lane replied.

Lane turned to Dave. "What about you?"

"Oh uh nothing much. The band and I worked on some songs but nothing else really."

"Well I'm back so now we can really get things going." Lane joked.

A few seconds later the front door swung open and Zach walks in. Zach had a gloomy expression on his face, but when he saw Lane his expression changed completely.

"You're back." Zach said happily as he rushes over to Lane and pulls her into a hug.

Dave was watching all of this happen.

"I should get going." Dave said as he stood up. Lane pulled away from Zach and looked at her boyfriend.

"Are you sure?" Lane asked.

"Yeah I'm sure. Band practice starts soon and I don't want to be late."

"Oh then I'm coming with you."

"No it's fine, the band can survive one more day without you. Just relax and we'll officially celebrate you being back tomorrow." He smiled.

Lane smiled and walked up to Dave and kissed him before he left. Zach and Lane then walked over to sit down on the couch.

<the next day> < 1pm >

(Zach) Zach was at Dean's house in his room.

"I have no idea what to do." Zach said as he fell backwards onto Dean's bed. Dean slouched on a bean bag near the door and faced himself to his bed.

"Have you tried I don't know talking to her?" Dean asked.

"No because what if she thinks I'm being overly paranoid or being possessive. The last thing I want to do is drive her away." Zach replied.

There was a short pause.

"You." Dean hesitated. "You could always tell her about her." Dean suggested. Zach shot up and shot a glare at Dean. "Or not." Dean said innocently. "I'm just saying that maybe if she knew that you've been hurt before, then maybe she'll understand where you're coming from if she takes whatever you say to her the wrong way. But you really gotta talk to her and clear things up soon before you start coming up with more scenarios as to why she was talking to that guy." Dean said. Zach sighed.

"Yeah," Zach looked down. "Yeah you're right." He continued then looked at Dean. "Hey you're not mad about me and Jess hanging out yesterday, right? Because I know how you feel about him and I didn't exactly tell you-" Dean cut him off and shook his head.

"No, I'm not mad. If Rory wants you to get to know her boyfriend then I respect that." Dean said. "Besides, Rory told you to get to know me and look where that got us." Dean said, sounding content with how his and Zach's friendship turned out. Zach chuckled to himself.

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