Avengers: Infinity War - Battle of Wakanda

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3rd Person POV

= Wakandan Battlefield =

Carriers hover over the ground with Wakandan soldiers and Black Widow, Nikita, Captain America and Bucky on board; Rhodey and Falcon fly above the group, and Bruce is in the Hulkbuster armor

"How we looking, Bruce?" Black Widow

Bruce, in the Hulkbuster, leaps along, keeping up with the carriers. "Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it." He says, excited. "Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually--" He stumbles on a rock, and a carrier goes by, from which Okoye gives him a look. He stands up. "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." Rhodey says through the comms

The Wakanda soldiers convene in lines. Nikita joins the front lines, standing next to Bucky as a Dora Milaje shouts a command nearby as the last Wakandans join ranks

M'Baku rallies his soldiers with a war chant. He stops as King T'Challa nears him

"Thank you for standing with us." T'Challa says in Xhosa

"Of course, brother." M'Baka answers in Xhosa


Black Panther, Captain America, and Black Widow walk to the edge of the barrier, where Proxima and Obsidian stand. Proxima tests the strength of the barrier by drawing her sword across it

"Where's your other friend?" Black Widow asks

"You will pay for his life with yours." Proxima says. "Thanos will have that stone."

"That's not gonna happen." Captain America tells her

"You are in Wakanda now." Black Panther announces to the aliens. "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

"We... have blood to spare." Proxima says as she brandishes her sword with a snarl, and the ships behind her start raising their doors to allow the other aliens (the Outriders) to disembark

...the three heroes return to the massed forces...

"Did they surrender?" Bucky asks with a touch of sarcasm from next to Nikita

"Not exactly." Captain America says, positioning himself next to Bucky

Black Widow stands on the other side of Nikita before glancing at her. "Where'd you get that?" She asks Nikita, nodding at the electric spear in her hand

"One of the Wakandan soldiers." Nikita says. "I have use of my arms but an electric spear? I'll take that."

Black Widow lets out a small laugh before realizing that Nikita's face had twisted in a painful wince. "You okay?" She asks Nikita who is squinting

"It's bright." Nikita answers. "My eyes aren't fully healed yet. The light hurts."

"Here." Black Widow says, pulling a pair of sunglasses out of one of her vest pockets

"You just carry everything in that vest, huh?" Nikita asks, taking the sunglasses and putting them on, opening her eyes fully

"It's got a lot of pockets." Black Widow says with a shrug and a smirk as if reminiscing

Black Panther leads the Wakandans in the war cry of "Yibambe!" telling them to hold fast as the Outriders charge the barrier. Proxima drops her sword arm down in the signal to attack

"What the hell." Bucky says flatly as they look at the Outriders attacking the barrier

"Looks like we pissed her off." Black Widow remarks

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora