Hawkeye - Never Meet Your Heroes / Enter Nikita

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3rd Person POV

A flash of purple catches in the alleyway to the side Clint Barton's attention in the night. As he looks over to the source of the purple light, he sees a dark figure drop like a brick to the ground. "Nikki?" Clint asks, rushing over to her

"Clint?" Nikita questions, springing up from the ground. "Oh, my god...I'm here right?"

"You mean alive?" Clint asks. "Cause I'm a little surprised too. You hit the ground hard." He says, grabbing her chin and looking into her eyes to make sure she was alright

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant." Nikita says, breathing out heavily and pushing Clint's hand away. "But yes, I'm fine. But I'm here right? In New York?"

"Yeah." Clint says, more of a question. "Wait...did you just warp here now?"

"Of course." Nikita says. "Did you not see the flash of purple?"

"I told Bucky Barnes I was done." Clint says. "I'm retired. I'm here with my family for Christmas. I sent him that message two weeks ago."

"Well, he sent me here." Nikita says. "Said you could help me find my sister."

"What happened to Wanda?" Clint asks

"Bucky didn't tell you?" Nikita questions to which Clint shakes his head no. "God, did he tell you anything?" She asks

"Just that you needed some help." Clint says. "I thought I was just getting you back on your feet...what happened to Wanda?"

"What didn't happen." Nikita mumbles. "Did you hear about Westview?" She asks and Clint stares at her. "Why did no one hear about what happened in Westview New Jersey?"

"Probably because it was New Jersey and no one cares." Clint says

"Hey, woah, we lived there for a little." Nikita defends. "My powers have been off since Westview." She whispers

"You still haven't told me what happened in Westview." Clint tells her

Nikita looks at Clint, her gaze locking onto his. "How much time do you have?" She asks him


"So, what you're just gonna pass me off?" Nikita questions from her seat in a motel room. Clint is standing with the landline phone to his ear as the line rings and rings with noone answering

Clint turns and looks at Nikita as the phone rings. "I'm not just passing you off." He tells her

"That's what it seems like." Nikita says. "I show up and you are already trying to call...who? The next avenger on the list of heroes I've been bouncing between." She questions as Clint dials another number. "You can't call Sam or Bucky cause I just came from them, you can't call Wanda or Vision because he's dead and she's nowhere to be found. Can't call Tony cause he's dead." She says as he dials the number again, no one answering the phone still. "Thor is god only knows where. Steve Rogers is apparently on the moon, although I'm not sure how much I really believe that. And you can't pass me off to whoever you're trying to call cause they're not answering." She says and with a sigh, Clint puts the phone down

"There are other people who can help...other Avengers." Clint tells Nikita

"None that are picking up the phone." Nikita says. "And none that I trust." She tells him honestly and he looks over at her

"What'd you say?" Clint asks in a whisper

Nikita looks down at her hands on the table. She takes a deep breath. "There's not many people left alive that I trust..." She says in a whisper. She looks at him with tears in her eyes. "I don't know where my sister is...and you're one of the last people I trust to help me find her...please." She whispers, a tear rolling down her cheek

Clint stares at Nikita. With her sad eyes, he sees a girl who is hurting and alone. But more than that, past her eyes, Clint sees a small glimmer, a small sparkle in her green eyes. A glimmer that reminds him that she's not just an Avenger, not just a lonely girl...but she's a sister. She's a sister with a missing sister. And not only that, she's a triplet to someone who died to save Clint's life...

Clint slowly walks over to the table that she's sitting at in the motel room and sits down across from her. "Okay." He says in a whisper, putting his hand on hers. And while she couldn't feel his hand – and he knew she couldn't feel it – both could see that his hand was there, supporting her. "I'm here for you."

Nikita cracks a small sad smile. "Thank you." She says in a teary whisper

"Alright, I gotta go." Clint says, clearing his throat and pulling his hand away. Nikita wipes away her tears as Clint stands up from the seat. "My kids wanna see a play." He tells her. "I'll be back when I can...and hopefully we will find some answers to where your sister is."

"Thank you." Nikita says again. Clint walks over to her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and walks out of the room


Nikita's eyes widen as she watches the news in her motel room. And then, all of a sudden, there's banging on her door. Her attention snaps to her motel door that leads directly outside. The door was bolted shut but someone was banging hard

"Nikki, open up!" Clint's voice says on the other side and Nikita breathes out in relief. Nikita stands and rushes over, unbolting the door and swinging it open to reveal Clint. "Did you see the news?"

"The news where Ronin's back?" Nikita poses. "Uh, yeah, I saw it. What the actual hell?" She says through her teeth

"I dont' know..." Clint says, looking around. "Come on, we gotta go see what's going on." He says as he grabs Nikita's jacket from the small table to the side and the two leave the room, closing the door behind them

The two rush through the streets of the city late at night in an attempt to find the street where Ronin was spotted

"Did you see anything?" Clint asks as Nikita puts her jacket on and her hood up, copying Clint's look

"No." Nikita says, looking around

"No, I mean like did you see anything futury?" Clint questions her as they cross the street

"I told you, my powers have been wonky since Westview." Nikita tells him

"So that's a no?" Clint asks

"So that's a no." Nikita confirms

By the time Clint and Nikita got to the site, there was a gang in tracksuits fighting the Ronin look-a-like. The Ronin look-a-like tosses themself into a car and hides as the tracksuit gang begins to pummel the car in an attempt to get the hooded figure out

So when Nikita and Clint round the corner, the first thing they do is go after the tracksuit gang, beating them up one by one and working together

With the tracksuit gang down, the next person on the list is the Ronin look-a-like. Clint throws open the door and pulls the Ronin look-a-like out of the car and pushes them down the alleyway. Nikita follows closely behind

Clint throws the Ronin look-a-like against a brick wall, ripping their mask and hood off, and winding up his hand for a punch. But he stops upon revealing that the Ronin look-a-like is a scared girl with dark black hair

"Come on!" Clint exclaims angrily

"You're... You're Hawkeye!" The girl exclaims excitedly and out of breath. Then, her eyes wander over to Nikita. "And you're one of the Maximoff Twins!" She exclaims

"And who the hell are you?" Nikita questions, her accent lacing her question as she crosses her arms over her chest 


Hope you all enjoyed that chapter!! Remember to vote and comment!! Next chapter up NEXT THURSDAY


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