Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness - Battle of Kamar-Taj and Universe Hopping

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3rd Person POV

"Scarlet Witch." Wong whispers after Strange debriefed him in Kamar-Taj

"Wanda's gone. She's got the Darkhold and the Darkhold has her." Strange says. Nikita's jaw clenches

"Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic." Wong tells the sorceres around him. "She can rewrite reality as she chooses, and is prophesized to either rule, or annihilate the cosmos."

"She took over a whole town using her mind." Strange says

"She's my sister." Nikita speaks up

"The fact is..." Strange says, looking from Nikita to Wong. "If she gets America's power... she could enslave the entire Multiverse."

"So the person you went to ask for help, and told exactly where I am, is the person that's trying to kill me?" America asks

"Yeah." Strange whispers

"Suspend teaching at once." Wong tells a sorcerer. "And arm the students. Kamar-Taj must now become a fortress."

And with that, the sorceres in Kamar-Taj work quickly to make the place a fortress. They gather weapons, holding down the fort and ready for a fight

A few sorceres from other places walk through a magic portal. "Honored to face death again by your side." Master of Hong Kong Sanctum says in Chinese

"The honor is ours." Wong responds in Chinese

"Whatever the Sorcerer Supreme asks of us, it shall be done." Master of London Sanctum says and the masters all bow to Wong

"It's ancient custom." Wong tells Strange. A black cloud emerges in the distance, coming closer to Kamar-Taj

Nikita walks up next to Strange, stopping next to him and keeping her eyes focused on the cloud rolling towards the place. "I feel her..." Nikita whispers, her eyes still on the cloud. "This...this is going to go really bad..." She says, looking at Strange

"Did you have a vision?" Strange asks

"I don't need a vision." Nikita whispers, staring at the darkness that has taken over the place

Scarlet Witch emerges from the dark cloud

"Choose your words wisely." Wong tells Strange. "The fate of the Multiverse may depend on it."

"Got it. No pressure, then." Strange says, looking over at Nikita whose teary eyes are focused on her sister...or what used to be her sister

Strange makes his way to Scarlet Witch, flying to her and talking with her

"All this for a child you met yesterday?" Scarlet Witch comments

"Wanda, you are justifiably angry. You had to make terrible sacrifices." Strange tells her

"I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved... and it meant nothing." Scarlet Witch says with a crack in her voice. "Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange. If you give me what I want... I'll send you to a world where you can be with Christine."

"The full might of Kamar-Taj stands against you." Strange tells ehr

"Defensive positions. Now!" Wong orders and Nikita watches as the sorceres around her get into fighting positions

"Do not dare to enter these sacred grounds." Strange tells ehr

"You have... no idea just how reasonable I have been." Scarlet Witch says

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