Avengers: Infinity War - The Snap

807 27 3

Next chapter up SEPTEMBER 2, 2021


3rd Person POV

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Captain America orders the group

Hulkbuster reaches Thanos first, lunging forward fist-first -- but Thanos uses the Space Stone on him, renders him immaterial until the Hulkbuster is half-buried in the stone of the cliff behind him, and freezes Bruce in place

Captain America is sent flying by purple energy before he even gets to strike a single blow. Black Panther, armor fully charged kinetically, leaps high and with claws extended, but is grabbed by the throat and punched to the ground, easily. Falcon stoops, ready to shoot, but his wings become rubbery and he falls from the sky

With wide eyes and shaky breaths, Nikita watches Thanos completely blow through her team. Next to her, Wanda is watching the same thing with Vision kneeling behind her

Vision takes Wanda's hand from behind. "Wanda. It's time." He says, pulling her attention to him

"No." Wanda says, pulling her gaze away

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can." Vision tells her, pulling her gaze back. "Look at me." He tells her as her lip quivers. "You have the power to destroy the stone."

"Don't." Wanda whispers

"You must do it." Vision says. "Wanda, please. We...are...out of time." He says, slowly pushing her hand back

"I can't." Wanda whispers with tears in her eyes

"Yes, you can." Vision tells her. "You can. If he gets the stone, half the universe dies."

"I-" Wanda whispers, her voice dying

"Nikita." Vision says and Nikita takes her eyes off the scene in front of her of Thanos bulldozing through the Avengers. "Once this thing is out of my head...you warp her away, do you understand?"

"Vision..." Nikita whispers

"Do you understand?" Vision repeats

"Yes." Nikita whispers, nodding her head

"Vision..." Wanda whispers brokenly and desperately

"It's not fair. It shouldn't be you, but it is." Vision tells Wanda. "It's all right. You could never hurt me.... I just...feel you."

Wanda extends a trembling hand and starts beaming her energy at the Mind Stone. As red energy flows into the mind stone from Wanda, Nikita stands guard in front of the two, watching the Avengers fight. Rhodey joins the fight, firing his guns at Thanos until he uses the gauntlet to crush his armor around him and toss him aside. Bucky runs in firing, and is punched away by the Power Stone. Okoye activates the Vibranium-powered elements on her spear and flings it; Power stops it inches from Thanos, and throws her and it aside while wrapping Black Widow in inescapable bands of earth. Groot stabs his hands into the ground to wrap Thanos in cables of roots, which he breaks easily

"Wa...Wanda..." Nikita breathes, watching Thanos advance. She turns her gaze to see Wanda watching over her shoulder before her sister slowly adds her other hand to destroy the stone

Captain America slides under one blow and comes up swinging his deployed arm-shields, punching Thanos. He grabs the gauntlet, keeping Thanos' fingers un-clenched. Thanos looks very briefly impressed at Captain America's efforts as he screams before slamming a fist into his head and rendering him insensible

Wanda looks over her shoulder once again to see Nikita take a small step backwards as Thanos approaches unopposed. Wanda swings her left hand around to fend him off with a stream of scarlet energy, trying to keep him away from her younger sister. Wanda's energy pushes him back despite his blue-purple energy shield but then he starts to make slow headway

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat