Hawkeye - Ronin

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3rd Person PO

Clint buzzes on the intercom of the apartment. "Hello?" A voice asks through the intercom

"Hey, Grills, it's Clint." Clint says. "Can I come up?"

"Oh, my God, yeah, yeah, come up." Grill says, buzzing the door open

Clint looks to the side. "Come on, Nikki." He says, opening the door and letting Nikita walk in first. The two make their way up to the apartment room

"I've been thinkin' about a name..." Grills says, opening the door and he cuts his sentence short upon seeing the injured faces of Nikita and Clint

"Hey." Clint greets. "Sorry, I should have told you I brought a friend." He says, gesturing to Nikita upon seeing Grills' shocked face

"Yeah, that's not why I'm shocked." Grills says. "Have you two seen your faces?"

"No but I've been feeling it." Nikita says. "Can we come in?" She asks and Grills immediately steps to the side, letting the two in


"Well, I really appreciate it, thank you." Clint tells Grills, ripping a piece of his pizza and handing it to Pizza Dog who chomps down on it quickly

"No problem." Grills says

"Since there was this... This guy." Clint says

"Come on, man, of course." Grills says

"You think you could, um, look after the dog just for a few more days?" Clint asks

"Sure." Grills agrees

"I, I got a hotel, and they don't have...They don't allow dogs." Clint says

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on." Grills says. "Hotel?"

"Yeah, it's just, uh..." Clint tries
"No way." Grills says. "Hawkeye and Nikita Maximoff are gonna stay in a hotel for Christmas? Man, take my couch." He looks at Nikita. "Take my bed, please." He tells her

"Thank you." Nikita whispers with a small smile, her split lip hurting from the fight

"Yeah, thank you." Clint tells Grills. "Here, bud." He says, giving Pizza Dog some more pizza

"Almost forgot." Grills says. "Missy dropped off the new outfits for you, Nikita Maximoff, and Kate. You wanna see 'em?"

"You know I do. Just...Just not right now." Clint trails off


"Please, Nik, please..." Clint whispers. "I can't...I can't do this right now."

"Do what?" Nikita asks, sitting down next to him on the couch

"I can't sit here and look into your big pleading eyes." Clint says. "I know you're missing your sister and I know life has been hell recently and you're here with me right now trying to find your sister but I...can't look into your eyes that are searching for answers. I just...I need a minute to breath." He rambles through tears

Nikita leans over, wrapping her arms around him tightly. He buries his head in his hands while she holds him, tears streaming from his eyes. "Tell me what you need." Nikita whispers to him

"I need...I need...Natasha." Clint whispers, his voice breaking on the name of his friend

"Then let's go find her." Nikita says, pulling away. Clint turns his head in confusion, looking at her. "I know I've been bouncing around a lot lately and life has been hectic but...but I heard there's a memorial." She whispers. "It's not her and it's never gonna be her but...but if you need to see her..." She trails off with a shrug. "We could go."

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora