The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - One World, One People

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 Next chapter up APRIL 7, 2022

3rd Person POV

"I'm almost there." Sam's voice says over the comms as Bucky and Nikita walk over to the targeted building. There are many armed men outside, many police cars, many ambulances, everything

"What's the plan?" Bucky asks through the comms

"Karli's gotta be close." Sam's voice says. "Keep your eyes open."

"Well, it could be anybody." Bucky says

"There's a lot of soldiers." Nikita whispers, looking around as they get closer to the entrance where more and more soldiers are waiting at the doors

"We'll be okay." Bucky tells her

"Will we?" Nikita asks. "Will I?" She looks uneasily at the armed soldiers as they near the entrance. "Maybe I should just warp and meet you inside." She says

"Don't." Bucky tells her

The two get closer and Nikita swallows hard. "No." She speaks up. "I'm warping." She says and before Bucky could protest, Nikita's body disappears in a dull flash of purple – one so dull that no one other than Bucky noticed it

"Damn it." Bucky mutters, continuing toward the entrance

"Sergeant Barnes." An officer salutes Bucky as he walks through

"And by the way, I called in some backup." Sam says

"Excuse me, sir." A man says, walking over to Bucky. "Are you supposed to be here?" Bucky turns his head in confusion as the man touches a hand to his cheek and pulls off a holographic face, revealing Sharon. "It's me." She says

"Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?" Bucky asks

"Relax. No one's looking for me here." Sharon tells him

"Is that Sharon?" Sam asks over the comms

"Unfortunately." Bucky answers

"Hey, Sam." Sharon says. "I thought I'd get the band back together."

"Thank you. You're risking a lot coming here." Sam says

"I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be." Sharon tells him

"Depends on the therapist." Bucky says

"They'll move on the building soon." Sam says. "Be ready."

"And here comes the bad news." Bucky mutters under his breath

"What?" Sharon asks at the same time Sam questions, "What bad news?"

Bucky sighs, hanging his head. "Nikki." He says before pulling his head back up, looking at Sharon. "She warped into the building."

"So you found her?" Sharon questions

"That's not bad news." Sam tells Bucky. "We can use that to our advantage. Nikita, are you on comms?"

"Yes, I am." Nikita's voice crackles through the comms

"Good." Sam says. "You have 30 seconds. I need you to find the building's weakest point so I can infiltrate."

Nikita looks around the area of the building she had warped into. She is in a hallway with no one else in sight. The noise from the other side of the wall tells her that everyone is in the big room. Then, all of a sudden, the doors swing open and people start stampeding out

"Gas bombs!" Nikita exclaims, informing her team and putting her nose in the crook of her elbow to cover. "Everyone's freaking out." She informs as commotion ensues around her

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Where stories live. Discover now