Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness - Trapped

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3rd Person POV

America is banging her fists on the glass wall that separates her from Strange and Nikita. Nikita is doing the same but her arms remain motionless at her sides – the only movement coming from when she slams her shoulder into the glass

Strange wakes up and looks over. "This universe sucks!" America tells him

"Tell me about it." Nikita mutters, slamming her shoulder into the glass wall again

"What's wrong with your arms?" Strange asks, his eyes stopping on Nikita's arms

"A stupid EMP!" Nikita yells, slamming her shoulder into the glass again. "I hate this place!" She grumbles, flopping to the ground and sitting with her back against the wall and her arms motionless to her sides

"Cloak?" Strange asks, looking around. He sees a woman at the computer. "Hey. Hey, Labcoat." He calls to her. "Where the hell are we? Look, I don't know who you are or what you think you're trying to do here, but... These situations don't usually work out well for a nameless scientist, so just... Christine?" He breathes when she turns around

"Hello, Stephen." Christine 2 says

"Ay, Dios." America mumbles

"Miss Chavez." Christine 2 greets. "To answer your question, you're in a highly secure research facility. The three of you, along with your sentient cloak, are here for surveillance and testing."

"Testing?" Strange asks

"Well, yes." Christine 2 says. "You're visitors from another universe. Your magnetic signatures could be radioactive. You may be carrying diseases we just don't have treatments for. Hence these amazing polycarbonate fishbowls."

"Right. So, I have you to thank for these then." Strange says, referring to his restraints

"Yes, I developed those using the Sands of Nisanti." Christine 2 says. "One of Stephen's magical relics."

"Stephen. Is that some kinda cyborg me?" Strange asks

"Our universe is 838." Christine 2 explains. "And we've designated yours 616."

"Oh. You guys sure must know a lot about the Multiverse." Strange says. "You got someone going around naming realities."

"Yes. Me." Christine 2 tells him. "My senior phoned the Baxter Foundation, and I specialize in Multiversal research."

"So, how'd you end up working here? Wherever here is." Strange says

"Oh, I volunteered. At your funeral." Christine 2 says

"Thank you for going." Strange thanks

"Your injuries, they're... They're similar, but they're not identical." Christine 2 says. "It's fascinating."

"What were we, to each other in this universe?" Strange asks

"We never quite figured that out." Christine 2 says

"Yeah. That's something we got in common." Strange whispers. "Christine... You gotta let us out of here. Everyone's in real danger. Look, I know you don't know me..."

"And I don't want to." Christine 2 tells him. "Whatever I was to you, in your universe, does not matter."

"Why not?" Strange asks

"Because you're dangerous, Stephen." Christine 2 tells him

"Someone from my universe wants that girl." Strange says, pointing over to America. "And she's gonna rip this place apart, atom by atom, until she gets what she wants. So I don't care, if you're from the Avengers, or S.H.I.E.L.D..."

"We're neither." Mordo says, walking in

"Well, what then? Hydra?" Strange asks

"The Illuminati, will see you now." Mordo says

"The Illumi-whati?" Strange asks as he is taken out of the glass containment. "Don't let anyone hurt the kid." He orders Christine 2. "It's gonna be okay." He tells America and Nikita, shooting them a quick glance


Robots are standing guard around the room. Christine 2 is typing on a computer and scanning reports. America is looking around the glass cage and Nikita is still sitting with her back against the wall and her head on her knees

Then, an alarm goes off. Nikita's head perks up and she looks around as the alarm continues to go off and lights blink

"Everybody out!" Christine 2 orders the other scientists

"What's going on?" Nikita questions, standing up with strong legs to try and see

"It's Wanda." America breathes

"Christine, you gotta get us out of here!" Nikita urges Christine 2 as the scientist rushes over to the computer and tries to override the lock on the glass cage

838 Wanda walks through smoke with blood all over her

"Hurry up, Doc, she's coming!" America says as Nikita begins to kick the glass hard. America looks at Nikita. "Why aren't you warping?" She questions

"I already tried!" Nikita exclaims. She backs away from the wall and closes her eyes, tapping into her powers to warp again. In a flash of purple, she disappears and then reappears quickly, hitting the glass wall and falling back into the cage

"What's going on?" America asks

"I don't know!" Nikita exclaims as 838 Wanda gets closer

The 838 heroes land in front of 838 Wanda, blocking her from getting to the lab where Nikita and America were trapped

"Wanda, stop." 838 Reed tells her. "You possessed an innocent woman, but you can still do the right thing. Let her go. Please. I have children of my own. I understand your pain."

"Is their mother still alive?" 838 Wanda asks

"Yes." 838 Reed answers

"Good. There will be someone left to raise them." 838 Wanda snarks, her hands glowing red

"Wanda... Black Bolt can destroy you with one whisper from his mouth." 838 Reed says, gesturing back at Black Bolt

"What mouth?" 838 Wanda snarks

And with that, the fight commences 


Hope you all enjoyed that chapter!! Remember to vote and comment!! Next chapter up NEXT THURSDAY


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