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Bob felt really upset remembering that he started to tremble a bit as warm tears rolled down his cheeks "You two were basically making out...and at one picked him up and he rubbed his lower half against you it was awful!!.." Jimmy's eyes widened as he reached out for his lovers hand with concerns "I love you! I'm so sorry you had to see any of it! I won't let that happen again Bobby I promise" he pulled Bob into a tight hug caressing his hair as a way to calm him down, it worked but he did say another thing "I might have made him hit the edge of the table.." Jimmy flinched "WHAT?, is he okay?? You can get into trouble for that!!" Bob sighed "I was just so tired of him trying to take advantage of you that my first instinct was to beat the shit out of him" Jimmy raised an eyebrow "Woah babe, calm down, I'm here now okay?" He held his hand and put it on his face, he came closer to kiss him, Bob kissed back while Jimmy pulled him into his lap and they made deep eye contact "I promise it will be okay Bob, I'll defend myself and love you more than anything" Bob grinned and hugged his mannn. Jimmy smiled and picked his lover up surprisingly not dropping him 😭 "You can go shower and get ready and I'll make breakfast okay?" Bob nodded as he was sat back down on the bed, Jimmy gave him one last kiss as he went to the kitchen to go make breakfast

Sorry it's short I'm kind of running out of ideas 😬

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora