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As Jimmy was making breakfast Bob laid down waiting for Jimmy to call him down, he decided to check his phone and social media for anything new to show up, he saw there was a message left for him, which was strange since he only texts Jimmy, Teddy, Mort and a few others, he opened to see that it was from a familiar number, it's been awhile but who could it possibly be, there was a voicemail sent to him so he opened it, he heard "Hi Bobby this is Linda" the sound from his phone was so loud, he flinched and tried to catch his phone in panic that Jimmy would hear it and get mad at him so he turned down the volume confused of why Linda was reaching out to him she said "I've been thinking about you a lot and I realized it was really unfair the way I treated you last time we talked, I screamed and afterwards I cried, I know this is sudden but I want you back..I haven't been the same and you're a good man I just diagnosed with depression, my mood swings so much it's affected the way I feel and act so please take me back..I never meant harm and I just needed time from all that's been happening with me and I miss the children! They shouldn't go without a mother for so long.." but what she didn't know is that Bob is taken by Jimmy Pesto of all people, he loves him but if she knew she'd freak out and it would leave him on worse terms with her, he was so anxious and unsure of what to do or say, but he felt he needed to say something when Jimmy walked in with breakfast, he brought the tray, plate and drink and sat it down on the bed "Bob..I heard something, like..a female voice did you hear it??" Bob wanted to be honest but he didn't want to break his heart or anything "I...didn't hear anything.. at all!" Jimmy could tell there was something wrong but he wasn't sure "Bobby are you lying to me??" Bob shook his head "No babe! I wouldn't lie! It's seriously okay I think the kids are awake and talking you knowww" Jimmy's shoulders went down in relief that there wasn't anything wrong, he trusted his boyfriend so he nodded "Okay Bob, just know what I love you and if you need me I'm here" he lifted Bob's chin up and he bent down a bit to reach his level and softly kissed him, Bob kissed back and held Jimmy closely, Jimmy deepened the kiss and then pulled away, Bob admired this man so much, he knew he couldn't afford to hurt him in any form so this was his way of protecting the guy he loves so much "Thank you for the breakfast Jimmy I love you too" "No problem babe!" He went downstairs, Bob took a bite of the food and raised his eyebrows at how good was, besides that he picked up his phone and brought it close to him as he ate, he opened it up to reply in text since talking would be risky he started typing to Linda since she was online, he text

Bob: Look, I know that it's been difficult and I'm so sorry that you haven't been feeling okay but I can't do this...I just can't..

Linda: Why not??
Bob: I can't and I won't tell you why, so just accept it please
Linda: Fine

It hurt to get such a shitty response from Linda since she was always happy before, All he wanted to know is if she was going to be okay..

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWhere stories live. Discover now