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The day was unexpectedly busy, Jimmy, Trev and a few other employees were working on helping out and giving the customers their food, as the day went by Jimmy thought a bit more about Bob, he just couldn't help but miss him, from his touch, warmth and overall self, he tried to shake it off and focus on his restaurant. As he was bringing a order near the window he curiously looked up to see that Bob was ALSO looking at him from across the street, he flinched and turned his back on him angrily, soon as it became dark less and less people came like usual meaning the restaurant was coming to a pause for tonight, Trev and Jimmy helped clean up the place while other employees helped the last few customers with their to go orders. Jimmy started to feel depressed again, this silence that him and Bob are causing isn't doing any good for either of them, he started wondering who's fault is who's but he kept quiet about his thoughts/opinions. Jimmy was at the register counting money when he heard the door open he said "I'm sorry we're clo-" he looked up and saw Bob standing there, he immediately became visibly upward wondering why this traitor is in his restaurant "Hey Bob, we're CLOSED" Bob came up to him and held his hand "Please Jimmy...can we talk about it?.." Jimmy pulled away and said "If that's what you want, but I need space okay?" He said a bit defeated "But can we go to a more private place Bob?" Bob replied "yeah the kids are asleep so we can go over there.." Jimmy turned to Trev and saw him all stiff seeing Bob a second time, they both stared at each other with a pissed off expression and Trev went after him first they began pulling each other's hair and punching each other when Jimmy got in the middle "BREAK IT UP GOD DAMMIT! Trev! You stop that and think about what you've done, and you Bob! Let's go!!" Bob felt intimidated by his yelling but nodded and led the way to the door and the street with Jimmy, even though Jimmy was still pissed off it didn't mean he wouldn't care enough to open the door for him, Bob thanked him and walked inside to which they sat down at a booth across from each other. Bob didn't know what to say since the tension was making it more and more awkward "Hey Jimmy...I'm really sorry..I didn't mean to hurt your feelings..I promise I'm not dating her.." Jimmy crossed his arms and asked "Why did you do it? Were you really not going to tell me?" Bob worried and said "I was!! I swear I just wasn't ready to say anything" Jimmy replied "What you should have done was tell me the moment she messaged you, you should have blocked her because look at us now! I don't want to be like this but I don't know if I can forgive lied to me.." Bob nodded and sighed "you're right but I just don't know exactly what I can do to make it up to you.." Jimmy thought about it, the more he thought he had no idea what he wanted Bob to do for him since it's a big deal to him except there's not much he can do but apologize "Well...I'm not sure what I want you to do either..I just don't want you to cheat on me or be disloyal.. do you think you can promise not to do anything like that again..?" Bob nodded excitedly hoping that everything will be okay "Yes of course I do! I'd do anything for this relationship.." Jimmy kept his still sort of upset face but he nodded in agreement and said "You better not do it again.." Bob said "I won't let you down!" He felt happy that they were in decent terms but still upset that he won't even look at him in the eyes "Jimmy.." Jimmy looked up and said "Yes Bob?" He looked at his own hands as he fidgeted "How are you feeling now..?" Jimmy shrugged and said "Not too bad anymore, I TRUST you so please don't do it again" Bob says "I won't okay?" Jimmy noticed something off about his voice, he looked him into the eyes and noticed he was beginning to cry "Bob..." Bob answered to him "Jimmy...I thought I lost you..." Jimmy shook his head and got up to give him a hug "Look, I'm still not all that happy but I have faith in you and we're still together okay?" He cuffed his face and leaned in to kiss him, Bob kissed back and wrapped his arms around his neck, after a long sweet kiss they pulled away and said "Please don't cry over me.." Bob responded "how can I not when I was worried sick...." Jimmy held his hand and said "I missed you too.." it got emotional on both sides, it was quiet until one spoke "Bob, I missed you a lot. Can we sleep together?" Bob nodded in response. Bob got up to close his restaurant and turn off the lights, the moonlight still lit up the place, Bob and Jimmy went upstairs and walked into Bob's room, Jimmy and Bob got under the blankets "I'm so glad to have you back Bob.." Bob said "I am too" Bob got on his side and Jimmy got on his facing Bob, he scoot closer to him and wrapped his arms around him in a warm loving embrace "Good night Bobby" "Good night Jimmy"


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