Once he got back home

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Jimmy drove Bob back to his home, before getting out of the Car. Jimmy pulled Bob close a Kissed him "Good Night Bobby, I love you" he grinned, Bob kissed back and smiled replying "I love you too Jimmy" Jimmy and Bob let go of each other as Bob stepped out of his Car saying their Good Byes, Jimmy Drove away and Bob Walked to the Door, The taste of Jimmy's Semen was still in his mouth, Bob took a moment to wonder what would have happened if Jimmy didn't have those stitches, he shook his head trying not to think of it too much since it made him miss him in more ways than another, he took out the keys from his Pocket and opened up the Door, Suspiciously there wasn't a mess anywhere, he raised an eyebrow not believing that they could have possibly not gotten in any trouble, he walked upstairs and told everyone that he's back, Gene, Tina and Louise came down to Greet their Dad, Tina was the first to notice the amount of hickies on Bob's neck, she didn't say anything, since she stayed silent feeling like her chances with Jimmy Jr were gone, she sighed until Louise pointed it out "Holy Crap!! Dad!! Did you get Fucked by Jimmy Pesto!?" She laughed, Gene raised his eyebrows only now noticing "Woah! Dad's got a catch!!" He teased, Bob's face turned red picturing a actual intimate scenario with Jimmy, he got upset "Stop pointing it out! We didn't do that and even if we did it's none of your business!!" He said covering the love bites embarrassed, The kids still Giggled, All he could do is sigh, Bob rolled his eyes and said "Kids, just go to bed-" they agreed and went upstairs, he followed after and then just laid down on his bed, he couldn't stop thinking about Jimmy, Did he really just suck him off? His own Enemy? Bob felt flustered rubbing the hickies on his neck

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWhere stories live. Discover now