Jimmy's mocking

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Lately things haven't been going very well for Bob Belcher. It's the middle of Summer when they're most busy, People entering and leaving the restaurant at a rapid pace that Bob couldn't wrap his head around, The kids were becoming more and more genuinely frustrated at the amount of work they weren't often used to doing, Louise would always complain about how tired she was getting, Bob rolled his eyes feeling more and more used to it. But what he COULDN'T get used to was the fact that Jimmy Pesto kept being a complete Asshole to him, the fact that before he thought he was annoying, but ever since he finally gained more customers than Jimmy made him Clearly Jealous, so Jimmy would constantly make a stupid dance making fun of Bob's muffin top, Bob looks out the window while handing over a plate to Teddy gritting his teeth feeling angry about every move he made, Jimmy started moving his hips around as his customers just stared him off weirdly, Bob slammed down the plate in front of Teddy, Teddy looks down at it seeing there was a crack or two on it, he worries and looks up at Bob saying "Are you okay Bobby?? You broke my plate in 3 pieces..I've never seen you this angry before!" Teddy turns to the window to look at whatever Bob is staring at, Jimmy Pesto switched dancing moves and straight up starts shaking that ass at Bob, Bob flushes a bit and turns away not wanting to see this, Teddy kept staring for a few more seconds before making eye contact with Bob, Bob lost his grip on the edge of the table and let's go, he sighs and explains to Teddy "it's just that...Idiot...Jimmy Pesto has been mocking me a good portion of the day, he's been doing this more frequently ever since summer started..and it's making me so mad but don't tell him that" Bob clearly must have not heard the Door open and shut along with the bell ringing as Jimmy Pesto stood there with his arms crossed grinning "Yeah, don't tell him that. Because he already knows!" Jimmy tilt his head back laughing, Bob balled up his hands making fists in response "Shut up Jimmy!! I'm so tired of you!" Jimmy didn't seem to care as this only fed his eagerness to see more of Bob's care for him "is that all you got little man? Would you rather be called that or an Oompa Loompa? Oh wait! Why ask when I can say?!" Linda interrupts being in a sour mood "Will you two be quiet!? You're making the customers run away! And Bob will you stop!? You're becoming so annoying!!" Lin snaps, Bob looks at her beginning to frown out of a slight sadness, the facial expression on Jimmy's face changes noticing the difference in his Enemy's face, Jimmy bit his lip about to mock him but he stopped and stared down at the floor not knowing what to say, Linda leaves to the kitchen and Bob follows after her saying "Linda! Wait!" Jimmy furrowed his eyebrows feeling mad for the way she was treating Bob yet angry for the way he wanted to defend him despite always saying he hates Bob, The kids watch at what went down, Gene says "well that situation was atotal!-" he interrupted his sentence by pressing a key on his keyboard making a loud fart noise, Tina looks around awkwardly meanwhile Louise noticed Jimmy deep in thought "How come you didn't mock him or anything?? That's new." Jimmy shook his head lightly and just said "Uhh- well I've never witnessed them argue..or LINDA being such a bitch to him" Mort looked at Jimmy and said "Well I have seen them do it a couple of times recently-" Teddy stayed silent nodding, Jimmy felt awkward not knowing what to respond with, he backed up and left cuffing his hands, Tina instantly notices something strange between him and Jimmy, she doesn't saying anything but quickly she reached for the pen in her pocket, she held up the notepad and wrote down 'Erotic DADfiction' before scooting away weirdly. Meanwhile back at Jimmy Pesto's restaurant he ordered Jimmy Jr, Andy and Ollie to take over as all he wants is to head back to his apartment to take the rest of the day off not believing how she treated him, the flashback of Linda and Bob arguing in the basement had him thinking as he drove there, once he opens the door to his room he layed down on the couch sighing out of breath from hurrying to the living room, he loosened his tie to let himself breathe a bit before wondering what was happening, Jimmy reached for the remote and watching some TV, he couldn't focus very well with this strange guilty feeling taking over him.

Sorry for ending Part 1 like that- I'm just not sure what else to write, it's 2:08 AM and I'm tired so I'm just going to sleep, because I feel tired, so tell me what you think! And vote if you like it!

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWhere stories live. Discover now