What is this beating in my chest..?

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Bob wakes up in his Bed tucked in neatly with a very minor headache, he yawns feeling a little dizzy still, he remembered himself drinking but wondered how he got himself back to bed, Bob places his hand on his head out of confusion but then suddenly everything came back to him, small but vivid visions of his energy Jimmy Pesto talking to him, breaking a glass, falling into his big warm arms, being picked up before blacking out, Bob was MORTIFIED thinking it HAD to have been a dream, he didn't want to believe that he let his enemy into his home and got that close in physical contact with him, however one thing DID come to mind, if this was all a dream Linda must still love him! He looks to the side not seeing anyone there, he sorta brushed it off and went into the kitchen to see if she was there making breakfast like usual, he lost all hope seeing an empty dim kitchen, he sighed feeling sad all over again, however he sucked it up and started to make Waffles for the Children and himself, as he placed the plates onto the table he still had the curiosity of how Jimmy's rivalry relationship would be from now on because that specific experience was strange and different to him, however he went to go wake up the kids, they all went down stairs to go eat, as they ate Breakfast Gene comments "Heh Dad, Where you talking to that Jimmy Guy last night or was I hearing things? Just like that one time I hallucinated that I was farting!" Tina stood up a little and said "Yeah! I thought I heard Jimmy Pesto's voice too!" Louise joined in "I thought I was hearing things!" Bob raised his eyebrows "You kids weren't asleep!?" They all shook their heads and Bob sighed "Oh lord- well, yeah, Jimmy was checking up on me for some reason-" Tina responds "Well at least he cares" Louise looked at her Dad with wonder "I thought you two hated each other? That's new isn't it?" Gene grinned "Yeah!" Bob just looked around "Well- I agree it's strange, I'm still wondering why but oh well" meanwhile at Jimmy's apartment he just got up out of bed, he stretched still having Bob on his mind, he shrugged it off and reached for the closet taking out a white clean shirt, he put it on placing it on his body as he began buttoning it up and tied his tie, he dressed up and combed his hair ready to go to work, he brought his kids and drove off, once he got to work he sat down waiting a few more minutes to open his restaurant to the public as he stared down at his hands wanting to know exactly what he's feeling, the flashback of last night came back to him and it all clicked! The feeling of his breathing quickening, his heart beating at a faster pace, the way his cheeks flustered, it was all too much for Jimmy, he didn't want to believe his feelings for Bob, but the things he does to mock Bob are a little closer and different than a regular rivalry, the fact that he wanted to be with him instead of away from him was just too obvious, Jimmy gasped but covered his mouth with one hand as his Children were messing around at one of the tables hanging out, Jimmy then remembered something, how could he forget! He has a Doctors appointment today for surgery, he quickly gets up and turns to the kids "Oh god! How could I forget!! I have to go get surgery today! Trev can you please watch them! I have to go!!" Trev agreed "yeah! Can do!" Trev looked down at Jimmy's 'Angels' and waves Jimmy good bye as he leaves and drove away, little did that guy know what he was getting himself into, after a few hours hours Jimmy Pesto yet again can't return to work since he's in some pain and needed to stay home to recover from the surgery and stitches, what he didn't expect was to hear a buzzing sound from the door below, he called out "Who is it!" While groaning in a bit of pain, to his surprise he heard a familiar voice "It's me, Bob. Bob Belcher? I came here to give you your medication, Trev told me to" Jimmy was surprised but wanted to ask to see why he was the one to bring the pharmacy medicine "What! Why would he send you!" Bob rolled his eyes outside the door "I don't know- because no one else would do this for you??" Jimmy decided to tease Bob to make himself feel more confident, he presses the button creating another buzz sound, Bob tried to open the door but he rung it too quick so he asked again and instead of actually pressing the button he says "Buuuuzzzzzzzz" Bob actually fell for it but then noticed his laughing "Jimmy! I see what you're doing! Forget it! You know what! Bye!" Just as Bob turned around to leave, Jimmy responded to him on the mic saying "No! Wait! Fine..come in" this time he held the button long enough for Bob to push open the door, he got up and went to go receive him, one he let Bob into his home he says "I would tell you to sit down but none of these chairs would fit your fat butt!" Bob raised an eyebrow while blushing lightly "Uhm...Jimmy? Do you think my Ass is fat? Or are you saying that because I'm overweight??" Jimmy noticed that Bob made a good point, he got nervous and before he could say a word, but interrupted with "Wait- What's that?" He said interestedly staring at something he hasn't seen before, Jimmy says "That's an inversion table Bob, it helps me with my back" Bob started rambling on about many things until Jimmy gave him the cold shoulder somewhat not wanting the rivalry to change "ughh just leave I don't want to listen to your Dumb voice" Bob replies a bit annoyed "Okay fine I'll leave" Jimmy was genuinely becoming tired, he closed his eyes laying down on the couch, Bob grinned and decided to mess around in his apartment, he went immediately to the inversion table and laid down on it, his back felt so good and he closed his eyes feeling extreme comfort, after a while of him laying there he then accidentally moaned a little too loud "..Haahh....~..This feels greeaaatttt.." Jimmy opened his eyes a bit slowly to see Bob laying there upside down not being able to move very much, A shit eating smirk appeared across his face liking the view of Bob being stuck there, he gets up and walks towards Bob at a steady pace "Well, Well- What do we have here? Huh Bob?" Bob stared at Jimmy's feet and then his attention slowly went up to his face "Uh..!!..Well god dammit Jimmy! I'm stuck!!" Bob started struggling on the inversion table unable to move or free himself, Jimmy smiled "Do I have to? You look so good like this~" Jimmy took out his phone and snapped a picture while laughing at Bob's stupidity "Hahaha!"

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWhere stories live. Discover now