Does this count as a date?

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About a week has gone by and Jimmy Pesto started recovering quick and well, taking the pharmacy medication Bob brought him, the majority of the time he's been laying, sleeping and watching TV to pass the time, Jimmy missed teasing Bob and he remembered his promise to Bob, so he got up, he showered, brushed his teeth, and got dressed in some clothes that made him look FRESH, he combed his hair and looked himself in the mirror to make sure he didn't miss anything, he then sprayed a bit of cologne on and drove to pick up Bob
"Daaaaddddd- what are you dressing up for?" Bob was looking in the mirror to fix his hair, he answered while doing it "Well Louise, I..uh..have to meet someone.." Louise eyes widened "What!?" Gene smiles "No wonder you look like Abraham Lincoln all dressed up and depressed looking!" Tina nods staring, and Bob turns to them "Depressed!? I'm really happy! Do I really look upset??" Tina says "Yeah, but you mostly look worried" Bob crossed his arms admitting "Well..I guess I am a bit nervous.." Gene pats Bob on the back "Don't worry Dad! Everything will be alright!" Louise said "Yeah! But my only question is, Who are you seeing??" Bob blushes lightly and clears his throat "Uh..I just...have to go!" He then rushed out the door, what he didn't know is that the kids were so curious to know who he's going to go to, they opened the door and both Gene and Louise gasped and Tina was happy for them, UNTIL she remembered that if they hook up she won't be able to Date Jimmy Jr, she began groaning as every single one of them stood there stiff seeing Bob and Jimmy hug each other, both Jimmy and Bob didn't realize that the kids where standing there, Louise was the first one to break the silence "Dad!?!" Both of them flinched in response to the fact that they were unaware of the kids watching, Louise was weirded out, Gene was confused and Tina only felt upset understanding how this would affect her and Jimmy Jr's relationship, Louise screamed Tina out of focus "Dad!? You're dating Jimmy Pesto!!?" Bob and Jimmy pulled away from the hug unable to explain themselves, until bob spoke up for themselves "Louise! Calm down! You're embarrassing me! Tina! Take care of Gene and Louise! Stop the nonsense and go back inside!" Louise rolls her eyes groaning as they went back in, Bob turned to Jimmy and says "Jimmy..I'm sorry for my kids..they're..Crazy.." Jimmy smiles "It's okay- I just look forward to being with you" Jimmy led Bob to his Car and opened up the Car door for him, Bob thanked him and sat down secretly excited. Once Jimmy and Bob buckled up, Jimmy started driving, they had a nice conversation meanwhile, at one point as they were driving closer to the Coffee shop Jimmy made the second move to place his hand gently onto Bob's, his hand was warm and surprisingly soft, Bob turned to Jimmy flushed and he saw a smile appearing onto his face

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWhere stories live. Discover now