Chapter Three

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slight tw: illusions to a panic attack/sensory overload

As much as Tommy hated to admit it, he did enjoy Phil's company. He'd always had a hard time creating bonds growing up, but it just seemed easy with the man. The time following the frog conversation was filled with Tommy meeting all of the other pets and getting acquainted with the house.

"The boys will be home any minute now. Can I count on you being civil? They're good kids, and you guys are close in age. Tech doesn't even really talk, it'll probably just be Will." Tommy scrunched his eyes shut, and harshly blinked a couple of times.

"Yes, I can try. Only because of the animals, Phil. That and I would rather not get my shit messed with when I'm asleep." He knew that older kids in the homes would always mess with the new kids things, taking what was somewhat valuable and using it as leverage.

"They won't take anything of yours, I'll make sure of it." The certainty in Phil's voice almost convinced Tommy, if he hadn't had heard that same exact sentence over and over before. Before he could respond, the sound of two car doors closing were heard. "That must be them. Here, go sit on the couch next to the aquarium. I'll go give them the rundown."

Tommy would find out much later down the line that the twins already knew that he was coming, and never needed to prepare.

He sat, looking at the aquarium, and pretended that the anxiety beginning to fill his body wasn't there. All he thought of, was if they properly fed the frog, since there were snails in the aquarium. If they didn't, they would be eaten by the frog fairly quickly (or so he thought so, he remembered reading about it in a book somewhere).

Phil walked in with his two sons, who were excited, to say the least. Nick had told them a week prior that they would be getting another kid in the house. David (he preferred Techno) was excited at the idea of maybe another sparring partner, whilst William (he preferred Will or Wilbur) was excited to see his ability. When they were met with a scrawny boy who seemed to be thoroughly examining their fish tank of all things, they were slightly disappointed.

"Tommy, this is Technoblade," The boy Phil pointed to stood at 6'2, and had soft pink hair put into a small man bun. He wore a black hoodie with matching joggers, in combination with multiple rings on the man's fingers and bracelets. Tommy thought he dressed really well, but his name was fucking weird. "And this is Wilbur. Boys, this is Tommy. He's going to be staying with us until further notice." Wilbur dressed like he was an extra in Dead Poets Society. Tommy didn't mind it, he thought the man pulled it off well. Wilbur (again with the names) stood at about the same height as his twin, but he had curly brown hair that was shoved into a beanie. He wore a necklace instead of jewelry like his brother, and he held two instrument cases.

"Why are you carrying two instrument cases?" Tommy stated, bluntly. He didn't much care for introductions.

"We both play instruments. I play the guitar while Techno plays the violin. That's why we weren't home, we were at practice. You play anything?" Will responded casually. Tommy appreciated it, he hated when people would coddle him for just being a foster kid.

"I was on and off homeless for four years, you really think I had money or time to play an instrument?" He said, humorlessly. Will tensed, and Phil put his hand over his eyes. Tommy felt the air shift from slightly awkward to extremely awkward, causing his attention to start to be drawn back to the fish. But then, Techno laughed.

"Yeah, Will, seriously dude. The kid was worrying about getting dinner and you think he was talking time to learn how to play the oboe? Common sense, man." Techno playfully picked on his brother, who snorted and rolled his eyes. The tense atmosphere immediately dropped, and Phil's shoulders relaxed tenfold. Tommys eyebrows furrowed, and the previous conversation was lost.

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