Chapter Fifteen

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The world isn't fair.

If we can learn anything from each other, let's learn this.

The world isn't fair.



Phil believed that the following 16th, was not going to be an awful one. He believed it would have been one full of small nuances, like one of his tires being flattened or him spilling coffee on himself.

In retrospect, he would have given anything to have it be something as small as a coffee spill. Hell, even something as big as Tommy creating a hill and running away.

Not this.

He thought of how to rationalize it. How does the unlucky day vary so heavily? Can't the gods help?

He couldn't even open the box. How could someone do that?

How could someone do that to a child?


Remember when I asked you about fate?

My questions weren't just questions, they were warnings.

I tried to look out for you, to warn you.

I'm sorry.


Tommy felt good about himself, for what seemed like the first time ever. He had been going to therapy four times a week, working on coping mechanisms and talking through the issues he had. He would never discuss what he and Halo talked inside the man's office, and nobody ever asked. Mental Health isn't table talk, if he wanted it to be secret then he had every right for it to be.

He had also begun training, which was an experience in itself. Punz was the one teaching him to fight, and he was a good teacher. He never went easy on the boy, and never used the boys mental health as an excuse.

He liked Punz, he didn't play around and his ability was cool. His ability would be able to tell what move you would make next in combat. He called it his 'Spidey Senses', which got a laugh out of his friends. It had gotten him five extra laps, but it was worth it in his eyes. In the matter of three weeks, he was going out multiple times a week, would get into petty fights with the boys in the house, and laughed a lot more. Phil never believed the boy would ever be labeled as 'obnoxious', but some days he was.

Phil loved that Tommy was talking so much and loudly he could label it as obnoxious.

Tommy had also gotten a lot closer with Will, which also meant he began to get close to Sally. Tommy loved Sally. Her and Wilbur were soulmates, no doubt about it in his mind. They always flew under the radar, never wanting attention, but they were almost always with each other. From his knowledge, he knew that they had been together for some time now, and were serious. He didn't know how serious, until the boy brought home a promise ring and showed it to Techno and Tommy.

"So, boys, what do you think? It's Sapphire, it's her favorite gem. She likes blue sapphire the most so I got that one even though she was born in April so the birth stones don't match-" Techno rolled his eyes and Tommy gagged.

"Dude, you're like head over heels for her. What if she thinks you're proposing? I'm not one to judge, but we are just seniors in high school and I really think maybe waiting after college to get married." Techno was monotone as always as he examined the ring, also showing it to Tommy.

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