Chapter Six

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The next day, Tommy didn't feel like even getting out of bed. He knew his bedroom, he knew that Henry was laying on the edge of his bed. He knew that his new clothes sat in his dresser, with his new shoes on said dressers side. He knew this environment, and he knew it well.

He had no idea what to expect from highschool. The last class he had ever been to in person was in sixth grade, and that was over four years ago. Who knew how different it would be? Besides the entire beast that was Highschool, he had come to the realization he was getting too comfortable within the house. He had begun to refer to the room he was living in his room. He had never felt as comfortable with people than he had from the second he met Puffy.

From across the house, Phil felt Tommy's flashlight turned on all morning. He finished tying his tie, and turned to his two sons while they all walked around the busy kitchen. "Will, don't make me regret this. I am giving you your sound back, only because I want you to make sure he doesn't get overwhelmed with the sound. He's sensitive to that, and all he needs is to have a sensory meltdown his first day of highschool. I can also assume that you two won't leave him stranded?" The two murmured a yes.

"Eret told me they were going to drive Tubbo over here this morning, so he has a friend to go to school with. Tubbo's excited to introduce him to Connor, Purpled, and Ranboo. If anyone can get Tommy out of his shell, it'll be Connor." Will says, while eating cereal.

Tubbo was the youngest of the three siblings that were one of the two neighboring houses. Sam, the eldest at 18 who was a beekeeper. His power was one Techno was jealous of, Density Control. When they would occasionally smoke, Sam would find it funny to run through the walls. The last time they did, they walked in on Will and Sally (Techno still laughs about it some days). The next sibling was Eret, Sam's twin. They had recently came out as nonbinary (which Eret joked, "I can speak any language ever, yet have no gender. I don't know, seems ironic to me"). Phil had made nonbinary flag cookies, as he did when Techno had came out two years prior (the boy did ultimately decide he prefered being refered with male pronouns). Phil loved the twins for the four years he had them as students, so he was ecstatic when Tommy was the same age as Tubbo. Tubbo could speak to animals.

When Phil found out about Tommys love for animals, he knew they would be best friends quite fast. Within Tubbos' friend group were three other boys: Connor, Ranboo, and Purpled. Connor was the loudest of the group, and his ability was to get along with anyone. Phil had nicknamed it super charisma, so he would obviously become great friends with Tommy. Ranboo was the younger brother to Fundy and Niki, two good friends of Will and Techno. Ranboo could teleport, but never used it since he would always get motion sickness. Ranboos' power was awful in the beginning, especially the day he was (attempted) to be mugged, and got scared so he teleported to another continent.

Yeah, that was awful. 

Purpled was the tamest of the bunch, his power of just being a healer. That, of course, made him extremely important in their small community, but in his eyes wasn't the coolest. All the boys together were just always around because of their older siblings, and adding Tommy in would only make them more common around the house.

God, between Technos friend group, Wilburs, and Tommys, I'm going to need to build a new floor to this fucking house. So many kids. 

Phil was knocked out of his thoughts by Tommy walking into the kitchen, Henry of course following. The boy looked tense, and sat next to Techno. He sat there, with his hands fidgeting while he held them together. The psychiatrist had prescribed Tommy adderall the previous day, and it seemed to have affected Tommy. He did still fidget, but it was more out of anxiety, not his inability to sit still.

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